Want to know what’s making headlines in another country?
Browse through a newspaper published there! Browsing can provide
valuable insight into what journalists in a particular country
find important. While you can also browse headlines online,
as with Google News, you are then limited to news posted on
websites. Even in the digital age, there is lots of news still
printed with ink and paper.
With a UIUC net-id, you can browse through page-by-page or search online the past 3 months (including current day) of over 1,000 newspapers from over 80 countries -- with their original print layout, pagination, advertising, etc. -- through a service the UIUC Library subscribes to, Library Press Display. Papers are organized by country, language, and title.
Library Press Display has provided an easy-to-use demo page to help you get started. The section on title selection demonstrates how to browse through the hundreds of available titles.
In addition, the libraries on the next page all have news magazines and
newspapers from other countries. Many of these libraries specialize
in materials from a particular area of the world, as indicated
in their names. All of them are located in the Main Library
building, 1408 W. Gregory Drive.
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