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Finding the News

UIUC Libraries

The History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library provides online access to hundreds of currently-published international titles through the UIUC Library Newspaper Database. This database contains information on newspapers in all formats including original print, microfilm, and online newspapers, many of which are in English.
Location: 246 Main Library

The Africana Collections cover all African countries. A current year collection of some of the most-read general periodicals (Africa Confidential, West Africa, etc.) is housed there. Older issues of these periodicals are shelved in the Library's general stacks or in subject libraries.
Location: 321 Main Library

The Asian Library, part of the International and Area Studies (IAS) Library, collects materials in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Indic, Persian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Thai. The IAS reading room contains a selection of current periodicals on Asia in Western languages.
Location: 325 Main Library

The Government Information Services, Access, and Collections has a link to World News Connection, which is an online news service that offers extensive translated and English-language news and information. WNC is compiled from thousands of non-U.S. media, including local and regional sources, that covers significant socioeconomic, political, scientific, technical, and environmental issues and events. "Gov Docs" also has librarians who can help you understand more about what is in the news articles you find: Are the statistics misleading? Does the article use government information appropriately?
Location: 450-F Main Library

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Collection includes materials about the entire Latin American and Caribbean region and also about Hispanic American communities in the United States. The library has newspapers and magazines from over 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries. The selection of Latin American and Caribbean reference materials and periodicals are located in the stacks of the International & Area Studies Library. Other materials are housed in the Main Stacks and the Oak Street storage facility.
Location: 321 Main Library

The Literatures and Languages Library houses an extensive collection of current (up to one month old) Western European print newspapers.
Location: 425 Main Library

The Slavic, East European and Eurasian Collections deal with all parts of the former Soviet Union as well as Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia, Hungary, Romania, and Albania. The International & Area Studies Library's reading room houses current issues of about 1,000 periodicals and 110 newspapers in Western and area languages.
Location: 321 Main Library




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