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Finding the News

Other websites that have international news

We chose to feature Google News because it is frequently updated, includes a lot of websites, has a good search engine, usually indicates the country in which each website is published in search results, and is likely to be around for a while. But there are many other good places on the Web you can go to find international news. Here are a few of them:

ABYZ News Links describes itself as "a portal to online news sources from around the world. It is primarily composed of newspapers but also includes many broadcast stations, Internet services, magazines, and press agencies."

Internet Public Library compiles online newspapers from around the world.

Keesing's World News Archive describes itself as a concise, accurate and unbiased account of important developments in each of the world’s countries, major international organisations and within selected thematic topics. (Free to UIUC affiliates.)

Newspaperindex.com is compiled by a journalist who researches news websites from around the world.

Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is part of a global network of collectively run international news media outlets. Their home page has links to independent/non-corporate news websites in many countries.

Worldpress.org has news from around the world, and describes itself as "a nonpartisan magazine whose mission is to foster the international exchange of perspectives and information."


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