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The US News Media in Global Context
But do Americans want better international news coverage?

Most Americans are interested in world events. A 2002 survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 65% of Americans followed international news somewhat closely or very closely.

However, in the survey, respondents were asked why they sometimes do not follow international news. They were given the first four choices below.

Is any of these a reason you sometimes don't follow international news?

Events in other parts of the world often don't affect me.

It seems like the same news all the time, nothing ever really changes.

I sometimes don't have enough background information to follow international news stories.

There is too much reporting of wars and violence.

None of these responses applies to me.

Click on one of the responses to get to the next page and see how your answer compares with the results of the survey.


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