Name(in alphabetical order) | |
Michael Bailou Huang, Presenter | |
Haipeng Li, Team Leader | |
Maggie Wang, Presenter | |
Karen Wei, Co-PIi from UIUC | |
Harriet Ying, Presenter | |
Liana Zhou, Presenter |
Dr. Michael Bailou Huang is Associate Librarian at the Center for Healthcare Informatics Education, Health Sciences Library, Stony Brook University. Prior to this position, he served as Acting Coordinator of Library Instruction and Reference Librarian at the State University of New York at Oswego (1997-1999). During 1990-1997, he was Reference Librarian and Head of Interlibrary Loan at Steele Memorial Library, a large public library in Elmira, New York. He received a BA in English Literature from Shanghai Normal University, an MLS from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, an MEd from Elmira College, a BPS in Health Sciences and an MS in Acupuncture from New York College of Health Professions. He has over 19 years of experience as a reference librarian at public, academic, and medical libraries. He received tenure from Stony Brook University in 2005. Dr. Huang has published 24 articles in Medical Reference Services Quarterly, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, and other highly acclaimed journals and conference proceedings. He was Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Development of Subject Librarianship and Personal Librarianship, Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2008. He has spoken at a variety of forums in China including Capital Normal University, Capital Medical University, Fudan University Medical Library, China Agricultural University, Yunnan University, and the Library Society of China annual conferences. He has presented over 30 papers, workshops, and poster sessions at national and international conferences held in 12 countries including Austria, China, England, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Portugal, and the United States. He was a Visiting Scholar at Capital Normal University in Beijing in 1998 and 2005. In addition to teaching and research at Stony Brook University, he is Doctor of Acupuncture in Rhode Island, Licensed Acupuncturist in New York, and Board Certified Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He is a recipient of the Outstanding Contribution by a New Member Award from New York-New Jersey Chapter of the Medical Library Association (2000), and Best Papers Awards from the Library Society of China Annual Conferences in both 1999 and 2000. Back to Top | ![]() |
Haipeng Li is Associate Director at the John Cotton Dana Library at Rutgers University-Newark. He is responsible for research services, needs assessment, organizational restructuring, personnel and budget areas in the library. He is former president of the Chinese American Association and has been the initiator of the CALA 21st Century Librarian Seminar Series Program. He is the winner of the CALA 2008 Distinguished Service Award. He has been a key player in shaping the grant proposal for Thank Globally, Act Globally. With his level of familiarity with the project concept, particularly his leadership and involvement with the CALA 21st Century Seminar project, he has a great deal to contribute to the project. Mr. Li is experienced in project management, leadership training and public services practice. He is also very active in library associations. Currently he is the Executive Director of the Chinese American Librarians Association, Member of the ALA International Relations Committee, Chair of the ALA Asia-Pacific Subcommittee, and Co-Chair of the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color Steering Committee. Mr. Li has written and edited several books and authored many journal articles published in high quality journals including Library Quality by the University of Chicago and College and Research Libraries by the Association of College & Research Libraries. He is also a frequent speaker at local, regional, national and international conferences. Back to Top | ![]() |
Maggie Wang obtained her B.A. degree in Chinese Language and Literature, and taught world literature course in a college in Beijing, China for six years before she came to the United States to pursue her MLIS degree. She has been working as a reference librarian at a public library and an adjunct librarian at a community college in Los Angeles for many years. Over the years, she has gained valuable hands-on experience on reference, public services, patron education/training, bibliographic instruction, community out-reach, and management. She has presented and published several papers related to her public library service experience at several California Library Association’s annual conferences and other international library forums. As a life member, Maggie has been actively involved at both local and national level since joining CALA. She served the CALA Southern California Chapter as Chapter President of 2007-2008, Co-Master of Ceremony for CLA & CALA Chinese Banquet 2007, Chapter Vice President of 2006-2007, Event Coordinator of 2004-2006, and Membership Chair of 2003-2004. At national level, she served as the CALA Treasurer from 2006-2008, a member of Sally C. Tseng’s Professional Development Grant Ad Hoc Committee for 2006, and is currently a member of both CALA Board and its Finance Committee. She was one of the recipients of the 1st JCLC National Conference Scholarship in 2006. Back to Top |
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Karen Wei, project Co-PI, is Head of the Asian Library, Coordinator of the Area Studies Division, and Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is responsible for the administration of the unit and coordination of the public and technical service activities in the Asian Library. She is a China specialist and has more than 20 years experience in collection development and management of Chinese information resources and services. She is a CALA life member and a recipient of the 2004 CALA President Recognition Award. Back to Top | ![]() |
Harriet Ying was born in China and raised in Taiwan. After graduating from college she came to the U.S. to pursue higher education. She graduated from Soochow University Law school in Taipei with a LLB degree in Comparative Law; received a MA degree in Library and Information Science from Peabody college of Vanderbilt University and later a second MA from Florida State University in Asian Studies. While still in Library School she was recruited and offered a position by Sweet Briar College in Virginia. She worked there for three years as a Cataloger; she also helped to establish department libraries and supervised them. Upon receiving a full scholarship from FSU she left SBC to pursue a second master degree in Asian Studies and Linguistics. After receiving her second MA degree she went to work for Prince George’s County Public Library System in Maryland, a reputable county public library system in the suburban Washington DC area. She worked mainly in public services and held management positions in different branches. She retired four years ago. Her last position was branch manager of Surratts Clinton library overseeing a cluster of branch libraries. Her specialty is in public library management and administration. She has lectured extensively in China and Taiwan over the past 15 years to promote public libraries. She served as CALA president and also served on ALA council. Back to Top | ![]() |
Liana Zhou is Director of Library and Archives at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. She received her MLS in Library and Information Science from Indiana University (Bloomington) and her Bachelor's in Philosophy from Sichuan University in China. She studied on the graduate level at Nanking University (Western Philosophy) in China, and at Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana. She has been working at the Kinsey Institute Library since 1990, first as the Head of Technical Services, later as Head of Library, and now serving a Director of Library and Archives. She oversees all aspects of library, films and archives including access, organization, digitization, collection development, and preservation. One of the most important aspects of her work is work with people who are donors and users and supporter of the Kinsey Institute Library. Students, faculty and researchers from around the world come to utilize the resources at the Kinsey Institute. She works with hundreds of donors whose generosity has greatly expanded and enriched the scope and depth of the Kinsey Institute's Collections. She has co-authored a Chinese book on Alfred Kinsey, introducing the American Sex scientist to the new Chinese audience. She also translated John Money's publication of Sex Error of the Body into Chinese language. She served as president for the Chinese American Librarians Association and is currently serving as a council member for the American Library Association. She received the 2008 Equality Award from the American Library Association. Back to Top | ![]() |
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