Name(in alphabetical order) | |
Robert Fernekes, Presenter | |
Mengxiong Liu, Presenter | |
Susan Schnuer, Co-Pi from UIUC | |
Sha Li Zhang, Team Leader | |
Wenwen Zhang, Presenter | |
Lisa Zhao, Presenter |
Dr. Bob Fernekes is an Information Services Librarian, Business Specialist, and Associate Professor (2007), Zach S. Henderson Library, Georgia Southern University in Statesboro. He is a graduate of the University of San Francisco with a BS in Sociology. Postgraduate degrees include an MLS and an Ed.S. in Library Science, and a PhD in Education from George Peabody College in Tennessee. After starting his library career as a Reference and Inter-Library Loan Librarian at the Aiken County Public Library, Bob became a Reference and User Education Librarian at the University of South Carolina in Aiken. National ACRL committees that Bob has served on are the College Libraries Section (CLS) Standards Committee during the time it produced the 2000 edition of the Standards for College Libraries); the University Library Section (ULS) Standards Committee, and the College and Research Libraries Standards Task Force that produced the ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education approved in June 2004. Bob and colleague Bill Nelson are co-authors of Standards and Assessment for Academic Libraries: A Workbook, 2002. Bob currently serves as chair of the Graduate Committee, and member of the Faculty Research Committee. Bob will speak on "Library Assessment and Librarian & Staff Professional Development". His email address is: Back to Top | ![]() View Presentation Abstract |
Dr. Mengxiong Liu is Professor and Engineering Librarian at San Jose State University (SJSU), San Jose, California. She received her Ph.D. in Library and Information Studies from University of Michigan, and MLS from University of Denver. She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and research in library and information science. Her teaching and research efforts have focused on science and technology resources, human information seeking behavior, reference and instructional services, and digital libraries. She has published numerous research articles in scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and book chapter, and was the editor of Journal of Library and Information Science. Her classic review paper on citing motivation has been frequently cited by the researchers. Dr. Liu is also an active speaker at the national and international professional conferences and seminars. She has been invited to lecture in many libraries and universities worldwide, including the National Library of China in Beijing, Jiaotong University and Futan University in Shanghai, and the National Taichung Library in Taiwan. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Liu has been actively involved in professional organizations, such as the American Library Association (ALA) and the ethnic librarians associations. She was a member on ALA Steering Committee of Spectrum Scholarship Initiative, and a member on the ALA Diversity Council. She was the past President and Board Member of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA). As the President of CALA, she participated in the First US-China Conference in Beijing. She was actively involved in the planning of the unique state-of-the-art joint public/academic library, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, which has won a number of library excellence awards. More recently, she received the Fulbright Senior Specialist Award and completed her Fulbright trip to Uruguay. Back to Top |
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Susan Schnuer
is the Associate Director at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She received her
M. S. in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois in 1992. She started working at the Mortenson Center in 1992. In the past 17 years she has been active in numerous training and professional development projects. Most of the projects have been grant-funded and Susan has actively pursued grants for the Mortenson Center. She has worked closely with Russian librarians on a series of training programs. She has provided training and technical assistance to a Haitian organization that built a network of community libraries in Haiti. She designed and implemented a regional training center for librarians from Central America with colleagues from the University of Costa Rica. Susan, with colleagues in South Africa, developed a successful leadership program for South African librarians. She is currently involved in an automation project with university libraries from East and West Africa. She just completed another Center IMLS grant: "Thinking Outside the Borders: Library Leadership in a World Community." Susan is active in the American Library Association; she is past-chair of ALA’s International Relations Round Table and is an ALA councillor. She is the current chair of the International Federation of Library Associations’ (IFLA) committee on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning.
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Dr. Sha Li Zhang has been Assistant Dean for Collections and Technical Services at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) since 2005. Prior to this position, Dr. Zhang was Professor and Head of Technical Services Division at the Wichita State University Libraries from 1999-2005. She also held leadership positions at University of South Carolina at Spartanburg, Ohio Wesleyan University, and the University of Kentucky/Southeast Community College. At these positions, Dr. Zhang has made significant contributions to improve the libraries services through the use of emerging technologies, effective workflow design and implementations, staff training and development, and visionary strategic planning. Dr. Zhang has an impressive record of scholarship and publications. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed articles in College & Research Libraries, Journal of Library & Information Science, Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, Journal of Academic Libraries, Journal of Library Science in China, Library and Information Science and other highly reputable scholarly journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Zhang has given workshops and presentations in the United States, China, Russia, Thailand, and Italy (in August 2009). Dr. Zhang brought numerous grants to her institutions, including the grant of $862,000 from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program in 2008 to help recruit diversity LIS students for the library profession. Dr. Zhang has passionately served library associations. She was an elected councilor to American Library Association (ALA) from 2004-2007, Chair-Elect for ALA’s International Relations Round Table (2008-2009), President of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) in 2008-2009, a member on the IFLA Standing Section Committee on Acquisitions & Collection Development, and has served on many other committee with ALA, Association for College and Research Libraries, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, ALA International Relations Round Table, Chinese American Librarians Association, and other regional and state library associations. Dr. Zhang is a recipient of the CALA Distinguished Services Award (2007) for her distinguished library career. With the Think Globally, Act Globally IMLS funded project, Dr. Zhang is a member of the Steering Committee. She will lead a five-member team to present a series of workshops in May 2009 in Nanjing, China where she will focus on the topics of public library structure, administration, funding sources, operation issues, and trends in public libraries. Back to Top |
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Wenwen Zhang
has been working for the County of Los Angeles Public Library since she received her Master's degree in Library and Information Science in 2002. Over the years, she has enjoyed doing a variety of kinds of jobs on different positions such as a Children’s Librarian, Reference Librarian, Asian Pacific Resource Center Librarian and Library Manager, and has gained much hands-on experience in the fields of customer services, reference services and library management. Currently she is the Hacienda Heights Library Manager. As a life-time CALA member, she has been actively involved serving as a President of the Southern California Chapter for 2007, Vice President for 2006, Event Coordinator for 2004 and 2005 and Membership Chair for 2003. Her other enjoyable CALA experiences include serving as a Chair of the Mentorship Program Committee for 2008/2009, a committee member of ALA CALA Annual Award Banquet Local Arrangement Committee for 2008, Publication Committee for 2006 and Sally C. Tseng’s Professional Development Grant Ad Hoc Committee for 2005, and a Co-Master of Ceremony for the ALA CALA Annual Award Banquet 2008 and CLA CALA Chinese Banquet 2006. She has a B.A. degree in English Language and Literature and had two years of working experience as a college English teacher in Shanghai, China, as her first career. Back to Top | ![]() View Presentation Abstract |
Lisa Zhao: Assistant Catalog Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago. She received her MLS degree in 1997 from Library & Information Science Graduate School at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and MA degree in 1988 from the Dept. of Communication & Theater, University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) She has been actively publishing articles in various US and Chinese journals and publications. Recent publications include
Lisa Zhao is the current chair of CALA International Relations Committee. She has served many committees in CALA and ALA at various positions. | ![]() View Presentation Abstract |
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