- Topic: Lead regional and national efforts to shape cooperative collections and related services
- Collections, PDF
Culture of Research and Development
- Topic: Optimize discovery of, access to, and accessibility of all library resources, collections, and services
- Discovery, PDF
Strategic Planning, Education and Training
- Topic: Provide education and training programs to enhance the research library workforce
- Education and Training, PDF
Strategic Planning, Experts
- Topic: Systematize access to library experts and increase internal and external collaborations, including mechanisms for user requests for assistance and instructional support AND Expand the library liaison program strategically to include assigned liaisons for student affairs, administrative units, research units, and campus-affiliated organizations
- Experts, PDF
Strategic Planning, International
- Topic: Leverage international engagement to develop unique collections, services, and partnerships that support the University’s globalization efforts
- International, PDF
Strategic Planning, Master Plan
- Topic: Review and revise the Library Master Plan to reflect emerging technologies, new service models, changes in scholarly communications, user preferences, and to address deferred maintenance and accessibility
- Master Plan, PDF
Strategic Planning, Organizational Culture
- Topic: How can the University Library promote a vibrant and dynamic organizational culture and structure that is supportive of and benefits from diversity and inclusion?
- Organizational Culture, PDF
- Topic: Develop a consistent and integrated library-wide outreach, engagement, and marketing strategy, including a designated unit and staff to support this work
- Outreach, PDF
Research Data Services
- Topic: Expand research data services and accompanying education initiatives, focusing on data curation, use, and dissemination
- Research Data Services, PDF
Researcher Information Management Systems
- Topic: How can the Illinois Research Connections database and related service support both the Library’s and the campus’ strategic goal to develop and make available stronger infrastructure to foster scholarship, discovery and innovation?
- Researcher Information Management Systems, PDF
Strategic Planning, Scholarly Communications Life Cycle
- Topic: Develop a systematic program of services and tools that support the full life cycle of scholarly communications
- Scholarly Communications Life Cycle, PDF
Strategic Planning, Space Audit
Support Research Groups
- Topic: How can the Library form cross-functional teams of experts to support and partner with individual researchers and research groups?
- Support Research Groups, PDF
Strategic Planning, Tools of Scholarship
- Topic: Support student and faculty access to and experimentation with new and innovative tools of scholarship
- Tools of Scholarship, PDF