Library Committee of Academic and Civil Service Professionals (LCP)

The Library Committee of Academic and Civil Service Professionals (LCP) represents Library Academic Professionals (AP, including Visiting AP), and Library Civil Service Professionals (CSP)*.

LCP Activities:

  • Monthly business meeting
  • Monthly office hours with constituents
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Annual Forum

Contact LCP

*Civil Service Professionals in this context are defined as people who hold positions classified in any of the classifications identified in the “01 – Professional” category in the SUCSS Occupational Areas List.


The LCP is charged with:

  • Liaising with Library administration, faculty, and staff to ensure the representation and inclusion of the AP / CSP* voice in decisions and projects that impact the University Library.
    • LCP communicates regularly with the University Librarian/Dean of Libraries.
    • LCP chairs or their designees serve as liaisons to EC to participate in discussions and to voice AP / CSP* concerns, and serve on relevant task-forces and committees as necessary.
    • LCP works closely with LSSC in their advocacy for all Library staff.
  • Supporting Library APs and CSPs through representation, regular communication about Library affairs, and advocacy for professional development opportunities; LCP stays current on activities of the Campus Council of Academic Professionals and related groups and ensures Library APs and CSPs* are informed and represented.
  • Advising Library administration on current and future promotional considerations for APs and CSPs*, including performance metrics and reviews and related matters.
  • Ensuring that Library APs and CSPs* are nominated and represented in campus-wide activities and governance opportunities.

Membership Details

The LCP shall consist of seven members elected at-large for two-year terms.  Library employees elected to the Campus Council of Academic Professionals (CAP) are ex officio members of LCP during their CAP terms.  Elected LCP members who have served two consecutive terms must take a minimum one-term hiatus before being eligible to serve again. Those eligible to vote for and serve on LCP are:

  • Academic Professionals
  • Visiting Academic Professionals
  • Library Civil Service Professionals*.

Method of Election:

  • LCP conducts its own elections following the same practices as other elected committees in the Library.
  • Elections are held in July for terms beginning August 16.
  • Candidates are given an opportunity to remove their names from the ballot before voting begins.
  • Four members are elected in even-numbered years, and three in odd-numbered years.
  • If an LCP member withdraws from the committee or separates from the Library during their term, the person with the next highest votes on the most recent ballot will fill the vacancy. If they leave in the last 6 months of their term, it is up the discretion of LCP whether to fill the vacancy at that time or wait until the next ballot.

Committee Offices:

Elections for Committee offices (including but not limited to chair or co-chairs) will be held each August. Each chair may serve two consecutive terms if elected by the committee.

Additional Committee Information

Contact LCP