Welcome to the
Primary Source VILLAGE

About this website

Primary sources and archives

We’re glad you’ve come to the Primary Source VILLAGE. Here, you’ll learn to understand the value and uses of primary sources and how to find them in the UIUC Archives.

About the images

Unless indicated otherwise, all of the examples provided in the Primary Source VILLAGE are from the University of Illinois Archives. A citation is provided for each item that includes the record series number or other identifying information. The record series number is like a call number for a book – it is a unique identifier that allows the item to be located in the Archives.

For Instructors

We have written a classroom lesson plan (UIUC login required) that draws upon the concepts presented in this tutorial .


Module 1 will show you what primary sources are and how they can present unique rewards and challenges for your research project.
go to module 1

Module 2 will explain how to find primary sources in the UIUC archives.
go to module 2

Module 3 will show you how to make sense of a primary source document by considering its creator and the context and purpose of its creation.
go to module 3

University of Illinois Library | Archives | Last updated: 08/23/06 | Comments to learnlib@library.illinois.edu
© 2005-2006 The Board of Trustees at the University of Illinois