CAPT Repositories, Preservation, and Access

Affinity GroupsDigital ProductionCataloging and MetadataSearch, Discovery, and Delivery

Replaces: None

Responsible Library Units: Office of Research -> Digital Repository Management Team


The work group is responsible for sustainable policies, procedures, technical systems, and staffing to manage, curate, preserve, and make accessible digital library content for use by the UIUC community and partners for the long term.

This includes selecting, implementing, and managing digital preservation, repository, and access systems.


  • This group is responsible for the Medusa Repository Services suite including the Collection Registry, Digital Library, and Illinois Data Bank, and other systems that support local digital preservation and access services.
  • Secondarily, this group is also responsible for the development and maintenance of various repository and access systems related to locally owned and managed digital content, such as IDEALS, Veridian, XTF, etc. This also includes the Vireo electronic theses and dissertation system.
  • In addition, Library participation in consortial implementations of the above or similar systems would also be under the purview of this group, for example the BTAA Geospatial Data Discovery Project.
  • This group consults with the Search, Discover, and Delivery work group on end-user discoverability aspects of the various access and repository systems. This is to ensure that content is indexed and findable in appropriate systems, both locally such as Easy Search or Voyager, and externally like DPLA, WorldCat, or Google.
  • Systems related to the Library’s digital publishing efforts are included in this charge.
  • This group may also offer perspectives on our participation and relationship with systems such as LOCKSS, Portico, DuraSpace, and other collaborative repository and preservation programs.
  • This group should also influence the Library’s web archiving efforts.
  • In addition, this group is responsible for provisioning repository and access systems such that intellectual property (IP) and access rights are maintained and made visible to users.
  • Working with the Web group, this group is also responsible for the usability and accessibility of various repository, preservation, and access systems, including support for mobile devices.

Membership Details

Initially chaired by one of the three members of the Digital Repository Management Leadership Team. Initial rotation after one year. [7 members]

CAPT Repositories, Preservation, and Access Reports to:

Content Access Policy & Technology (CAPT)