This section was prepared by Barbara Bulat, a reference librarian at the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow, Poland.
Several small towns in Poland publish information about their cemeteries. These constitute a priceless resource, especially if there is no biographical dictionary available for the particular region. Moreover, biographical information contained in the cemetery guides are often not to be found in general biographical dictionaries
Many guides to cemeteries contain bibliographies, which list archival materials and printed sources that contain information about the particular town or region.
Note: Throughout the text the abbreviation OIN refers to Oddzial Informacji Naukowej of the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow.
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Cemetery Guides (arranged by town or region, based on the pre-1939 borders)
Cmentarz Rzymskokatolicki w Bialej: Ksiega zasluzonych.
Polak, Jerzy. Bielsko Biala: Muzeum Okregowe w Bielsku-Bialej, Urzad Miejski w Bielsku-Bialej, 1999. (Series: Biblioteka Bielska-Bialej ; nr. 13), 323 p., photos, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1675
The work presents the history of the cemetery (founded in 1790), its current architectural layout and the monuments of sepulchral art. The main part of the book is taken up by a biographical dictionary, which contains 153 bios of persons of merit or fame on the local or national scale, who are buried at the cemetery. Archival materials were used in preparing the bios, some of which are accompanied with bibliographies and photos.
Cmentarze bochenskie: przewodnik historyczny.
Flasza, Jan. Kesek, Janina. Bochnia: Muzeum im. St. Fischera, 1992. (Series: Biblioteka Czwartkowych Spotkan Muzealnych ; nr. 7), 190 p., photos, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1680
The first part of the book is a historical sketch of the Bochnia cemeteries (the most detailed discussion is devoted to the cemetery at Oracka St., which has been in existence since 1787). The second part of the book comprises a biographical dictionary of notable persons buried in the Bochnia cemeteries. Bios are followed by biographies.
Miejsce święta dla wszystkich żyjących czyli Rzecz o cmentarzu żydowskim w Bochni.
Zawidzka, Iwona. Bochnia: Muzeum im. St. Fischera, 1992. 104 p. photographs. (Series: Biblioteka czwartkowych Spotkan Muzealnych ; 6).
OIN Call Number: A 200472 I
The book discusses the history of the Jewish cemetery in Bochnia (est. 1872). Included are epitaphs, examples of gravestone inscriptions. The bulk of the work contains the list of people buried at the cemetery. Wherever possible the list includes the date of death and the place of birth of the deceased. Some entries include the profession and/or administrative functions of the person. The list is divided into two parts, with the first giving the names of those whose gravestones bear a last name, while the second one is composed on the basis of those who are given only by first name.
Bychawa, Bychawka
Stare cmentarze rzymskokatolickie w Bychawie i Bychawce: praca zbiorowa
Maria Debowczyk (ed.). Bychawa: Bychawskie Towarzystwo Regionalne, 1999. 168 p, photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1684
The work aims to document two old cemeteries situated in neighboring towns of Bychawa and Bychawka (Lublin region). The gravestones were selected for their artistic merit. Most of them date from mid XIX century to the beginning of the XX century, with a few exceptions in the cases of people who were particularly notable citizens. The description of each gravestone contains its location on the cemetery, a description, the text of the inscription, a photograph, and (in most cases) biographical information about the deceased. The book is accompanied with an alphabetical name index.
Przeszli przez zycie slad zostawiajac: rzecz o byczynskich cmentarzach.
Bilinski, Zbigniew. Byczyna: Zarzad Miejski, 1998. 183 p., photos, bibliography.
OIN Call Number A 1684 d
The author discusses the cemeteries of Byczyna (Opole region), discussing in varying length persons buried there. The most detailed descriptions are of the communal cemetery which includes a Protestant section, and the Roman-Catholic cemetery. The book concludes with the description of all the cemeteries in the County (‘gmina’) – totaling 15 towns, with some mention of people buried in the cemeteries of the towns. Unfortunately, no name index is provided.
Western Galicia
Polegli w Galicji Zachodniej 1914-1915 (1918): Wykazy poleglych i zmarlych pochowanych na 400 cmentarzach wojskowych w Galicji Zachodniej . Vol. 1
Drogomir, Jerzy, J.P. Tarnow: Muzeum Okregowe w Tarnowie, 1999. 684 p. Name index.
OIN Call Number: T 396
The volume contains information on 125 WW I military cemeteries in former Western Galicia. The description of each of the cemeteries contains: location, total number of soldiers buried, and number of buried from each of the armies (Austro-Hungarian, German, Russian), list of buried soldiers arranged by the gravesite number. Each soldier entry contains: name, rank, unit of service, and date of death. Where possible, plans of the cemeteries are included. The work contains an alphabetical name index of all the soldiers listed.
The book was based on the work by R. Broch and H. Hauptmann “Westgalizische Heldengraeber aus den Jahren des Weltkrieges 1914-1915.” (Krakau 1918; reprint: Tarnow [1993]; Polish edition “Zachodniogalicyjskie groby bohaterow z lat wojny swiatowej 1914-1915.” Tarnow 1996). Additional information was provided by archival materials, materials from private collections, data from sepulchral stones. Succeeding volumes are forthcoming.
Cmentarz farny w Grodnie 1792-1939.
Rozmus, Jacek. Gordziejew, Jerzy. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSP, 1999. 122 p., photographs.
OIN Call Number: A 1687
This is the first comprehensive work on the history of the parish cemetery in Grodno, which is the third most important, after the Lyczakow and Vilnius “Na Rossie” cemeteries, burial complex on the territories of the former Rzeczpospolita. The history of the cemetery presented in the book begins with its founding in 1792 until the 1930s. The work contains detailed discussion of the sepulchral art of the cemetery, as well as a list of preserved epitaphs, and the list of persons buried, accompanied by brief biographical notes based, among others, on archival searches.
Stary cmentarz w Jasle
Chomicki, Grzegorz. Cynarska, Barbara. Stanislaw Cynarski (ed.). Jaslo: Stowarzyszenie Milosnikow Jasla i regionu Jasielskiego, 1987. 56 p., photographs, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1695
The work gives the history of the cemetery founded in the early years of the XIX century, and gives a list of persons buried there. The book combines and expands the material of two previous publications:
–Cynarski, S., Cynarska, B. Stary Cmentarz w Jasle. Jaslo, 1984.
–Cynarska, B. Cynarski, S. Stary Cmentarz w Jasle. Jaslo, 1985.
Katyn: Ksiega Cmentarna Polskiego Cmentarza Wojennego .
Warszawa: Rada Ochrony Pamieci Walk i Meczenstwa, 2000. 746 p.
OIN Call Number: J 2566 g
The main part of the publication is taken up by the alphabetical list of prisoners of the Kozielsk camp, murdered in the Katyn Woods in April and May of 1940, buried at the Polish military cemetery in Katyn.
The list contains 4406 names, 2437 of which are accompanied by photographs. The list was compiled on the basis of transport lists kept by the Soviets. The list does not contain all the names of soldiers murdered in Smolensk and the Katyn woods. The list contains the following information: name, date and place of birth, military or police rank, civilian profession (where applicable), military unit and functions held, date of birth, data regarding family, civilian career, Decorations, list of sources used.
Cmentarze i groby w Ketach .
Drozdzik, Wladyslaw. Kety: Towarzystwo Milosnikow Ket, 1996. (Series: Biblioteka Towarzystwa Milosnikow Ket ; nr. 1), 246 p. photos, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1700
The first part of the work is comprised of a historical sketch of all the burial sites in Kety, the second contains a collection of 138 bios of persons of importance buried in the Kety cemeteries, or whose epitaph is placed in local churches. In preparing the bios archival materials were used.
Groby dzialaczy PTK i PTTK na kieleckich cmentarzach.
Sabat, Teresa; Sabat, Zdzislaw. Kielce: PTTK . Oddzial Swietokrzyski. (Series: Nowa Teka Swietokrzyska ; 7, 10).
Part 1. 1988, 94 p.: cemetery plans
Part 2. 1989, 24 p.
OIN Call Number: A 1705
Authors included 22 biograms of activists of Polskie Towarzystwo Krajoznawcze and Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze, buried at Kielce cemeteries. Each entry is followed by a bibliography.
Przewodnik po cmentarzach.
Cyrankiewicz, Stanislaw. Rzeczowo spisany przez St. Cyrankiewicza. Krakow: Nakladem autora, [1908]. (Reprint, Krakow: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1986), 479 p.
OIN Call Number: 1611 I
The guide describes the following Krakow cemeteries: cmentarz krakowski (Rakowicki), cmentarz podgorski (old and new), cmentarz zwierzyniecki (old and new). Each cemetery is given a brief historical sketch, and an alphabetical list of persons buried there up to May 1908. The work includes also a plan of the Rakowicki cemetery. The guide describes also graves and sepulchral monuments of the Polish kings, cardinals,bishops and other church officials buried in the Wawel cathedral. Also described are the graves in the crypt of the Pauline church “na Skalce”, list of memorial plaques and gravestones found in Krakow churches.
Cmentarz Rakowicki w Krakowie.
Grodzinska-Ozog, Karolina. 2nd edition. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1987. 170 p. photos, plan, bibliography.
OIN Call Number: U 520
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 718.094385 G892c
The work is the first s attempt at showing the history of the Rakowicki cemetery within the context of Krakow’s history and societal customs, from the cemetery’s founding in 1803 until the beginning of the War in 1939. The work was based on archival materials, cemetery documentation and gravestone inscriptions. One part of the book is comprised of an alphabetical list of over 2600 persons buried on the Rakowicki cemetery in the years 1803-1939. Each entry contains name, dates of birth and death, profession, special activity or any achievements, number of the grave and its brief description. The book also lists more important publications on the Rakowicki cemetery (in ch. 1 and in the bibliography), as well as a list of the popular guides to Warsaw and Lviv cemeteries (przypis 3 in chapter 1).
Cmentarz Rakowicki w Krakowie.
Warszawa: Agencja Omnipress, 1988. 168p, photographs, cemetery plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1715
The book contains chapters devoted to the history of the Rakowicki cemetery in Krakow (est. 1803), the cemetery chapel, the role of the cemetery in the Polish national consciousness, the art found at the cemetery, and the guide to visiting the site The guide lists 177 points of interest, mostly graves, gravestones, sometimes monuments, of famous persons. Short bios were based on available published literature. The book contains indexes of persons buried at the cemetery, persons mentioned in the work, and artists-creators of the monuments.
Cmentarze Podgorza.
Grodzinska, Karolina. Krakow: Wydawnictwo “Secesja”, 1992. 144 p., photographs, cemetery plans
OIN Call Number: U 519 z
The work presents the history of the old and new Podgorze cemeteries, as well as a brief historical sketch of the Jewish cemeteries, and the parochial cemeteries of the villages that are now a part of the Podgorze subdivision. The work contains two lists, the first is that of persons buried in the old Podgorze cemetery. It includes 217 names, transcribed from gravestones in 1985, verified and completed on the basis of archival materials, obituaries, and published sources. The second list includes the names of 750 persons buried at the new Podgorze cemetery in the years 1900-1991. Information taken from the gravestones was supplemented by the printed sources, and information from family and friends of the deceased.
Krzemienieckie nekropolie: Cmentarz Polski oraz polskie zabytki sztuki nagrobnej w Krzemiencu.
Marcisz, Beata. Rudka, Szczepan. Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Biuro Pelnomocnika Rzadu do Spraw Polskiego Dziedzictwa Kulturalnego za Granica; Stowarzyszenie “Wspolnota Polska’. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Margrafsen, 1999. 152 p., photographs, plans, bibliography, indexes.
OIN Call Number: A 1717
The book discusses all the Krzemieniec cemeteries, with emphasis on the Polish graves. The information on each grave includes a brief description of the gravestone (type of material, inscription), and in many cases information regarding the deceased persons is included.
Plan-informator cmentarza zabytkowego w Lomzy.
Godlewska, Donata; Szymanska, Wieslawa. Lomza: Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Ziemi Lomzynskiej; Biuro Badan i Dokumentacji Zabytkow, 1989.
35 p.; photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography.
OIN Call Number: A 1724
The work is comprised of two parts: a brief history of the cemetery (est. 1801), and a list of approx. 400 gravestones. Some entries are accompanied by short biographical notes. The gravestones are listed in order of their placement on the cemetery grounds. Unfortunately, no alphabetical index is provided.
Cmentarz parafialny rzymsko-katolicki w Lublinie.
Spisal i ulozyl S.O. Warszawa, 1902. 80p., cemetery plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1731
After a brief historical sketch of the old an new Lublin cemeteries, the book presents lists of persons buried on these sites. The lists are arranged chronologically by date of death, and span the period from 1812 (old cemetery) or 1853 (new cemetery) until 28 July 1901. Included in the entries are only the name of the deceased and the date of death.
Cmentarz rzymskokatolicki przy ul. Lipowej w Lublinie.
Lublin: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1990. 132 p. photographs, plan, bibliography, index.
OIN Call Number: A 1734
The guide is comprised of four parts: a sketch of the graveyard’s history, discussion of the artistic merits of the cemetery, typology of the grave inscriptions, 212 bios of distinguished persons buried at the cemetery. The bios were prepared on the basis of existing publications, memoirs, biographical notes, lists of the dead maintained by the cemetery administration, obituaries, and gravestone inscriptions. The bios are arranged in the order of the graves within the cemetery, however an alphabetical list of names makes searching easier.
Groby uczestnikow powstania styczniowego na cmentarzach Lublina.
Zdzislaw Bielen (ed.). Lublin: Wojewodzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Lublinie; Towarzystwo Milosnikow Lublina, 1985. 64 p. illustrations, plans, bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1740
The work presents 163 bios of the participants of the January Uprising. The entries contain information about the participation in the uprising, as well as on the subsequent lives of the surviving veterans. The length of the entries varies, depending on the available source materials. The bios are accompanied by the information on the location of the grave, its type, and the gravestone inscription. The biographical part is preceded by the outline of the military campaigns of the Uprising.
Cmentarz Grodecki we Lwowie.
Jaworski, Franciszek. Lwow: Nakladem Towarzystwa Milosnikow Przeszlosci Lwowa, 1908. 50 p., (Series: Biblioteka Lwowska, nr. 2).
OIN Call Number: A 1751
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 726.8 J32c
The work chronicles the history of the Grodecki cemetery, which remained in use from 1792 until the end of August, 1875. Information on the persons buried at the cemetery, based on the gravestone inscriptions and cemetery records, are scattered throughout the text. Finding particular names in the text is made possible by an alphabetical index.
Cmentarz Stryjski we Lwowie.
Bialynia-Cholodecki, Jozef. Lwow: Towarzystwo Milosnikow Przeszlosci Lwowa, 1913. 90 p., photographs, bibliography. (Series: Biblioteka Lwowska, nr. 21).
OIN Call Number: A 1775
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 726.8 B47c
The book discusses the history of the Stryjski cemetery (in use until 1893), provides a survey of the graves, gravestones and monuments, and an alphabetical list of the more prominent persons buried at the cemetery, with the dates of birth and death, and their profession.
Ilustrowany przewodnik po cmentarzu Lyczakowskim.
Medynski, Aleksander. Lwow: Drukarnia Polska, 1937. 120 p., photographs, cemetery plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1758
This guide to the Lyczakowski cemetery contains a brief historical sketch, lists of soldiers buried there from the Kosciuszko, November, and January uprisings, soldiers of the Polish Legions, defenders of Lviv from the 1918/19 and 1920 campaigns. Also included is a list of bios of prominent persons buried at the cemetery. An alphabetical name index is provided.
Cmentarz Lyczakowski we Lwowie w latach 1786-1986.
Nicieja, Stanislaw Slawomir. Wroclaw: ZniO, 1988. 447 p., photographs,. [Also: 2nd edtion, Wroclaw 1989, and 1990].
Oddzial Rekopisow Call Number: 7683
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 718.0947718 N53c
The book consists of the following parts: 1. History of the Lyczakow cemetery, 2. Sculptures, gravestones and epitaphs, 3. Family chapels, 4. Burial customs and their reflection i literature, 5 Lyczakowski cemetery as Pantheon of merit (Panteon bene merentium). The fifth chapter contains lists of participants of Polish independence efforts (arranged chronologically), and a list of prominent persons buried at the cemetery. In the first edition, the censorship deleted the description of the section of the cemetery where the Orleta Lwowskie are buried. Later, author published that information in a separate book, “Cmentarz Obroncow Lwowa” (see below).
Lyczakow: dzielnica za Styksem.
Nicieja, Stanislaw Slawomir. Wroclaw: Ossolineum, 1998. 571 p., photographs, bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1762
This new, much more impressionistic in style, version of the monograph on the Lyczakow cemetery (expanding on the version described above) contains new information gleaned from the archival materials, private collections, and correspondence. The author discusses a variety of subjects: artistic merits of gravestones and monuments, contents of inscriptions and epitaphs, famous funerals, cemetery rituals, etc. While doing so, he brings up hundreds of names of persons buried at the cemetery. The chapter dedicated to five generations of soldiers fallen in various uprisings, provides extensive lists of their names. There is also an alphabetical list of famous persons buried at Lyczakow (their selection was somewhat constrained by the available source materials). Each entry includes name, dates of birth and death, profession and field of activity, other biographical information (where possible). Searching the book is made easy by an index of names mentioned in the text and a bibliography.
Cmentarz Obroncow Lwowa.
Nicieja, Stanislaw S. Wroclaw: Ossolineum, 1990. 468 p., photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1770
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 718.0947718 N531c
The work documents the history of the Cmentarz Obroncow Lwowa, also known as Cmentarz Orlat. It includes biographical sketches and biograms of a few thousand persons buried there. The entries were compiled based on the cemetery documentation, obituaries from the Lviv press for the years 1918-1939, information from pre WWII publications, and family archives.
Przewodnik po cmentarzu zydowskim w Lodzi.
Lodz: Studio Bilbo na zlecenie Wydzialu Strategii Miasta Urzedu Miasta Lodzi, 1997. 87 p., photographs, bibliography.
OIN Call Number: A 1722
Besides information on the history of Lodz, its Jewish cemeteries, and the symbolism of Jewish sepulchral art, the book gives detailed information on the Jewish cemetery on Bracka street (founded in 1892). Discussed are some selected gravestones, which are interesting because of the biographies of people buried in the particular grave, or because their artistic value. There are also approximately 40 bios included. The text is parallel in Polish and English.
Nowy Sacz
Cmentarz komunalny w Nowym Saczu 1889-1994: rejestr zasluzonych.
Giza, Jerzy. Gizanka, Katarzyna. Nowy Sacz, 1994. 130 p. photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography.
OIN Call Number: A 1806
The bulk of the work is comprised of an alphabetical list of 1170 persons distinguished in their service of the town, region, or country, and buried at the Cmentarz komunalny in the years 1889-1994, or who have symbolic graves erected at that location. The list was compiled based on the gravestones, with added information based on archival materials and available publications. The entries include name, dates of birth and death, profession, field of activity or other reasons for distinction, medals, family ties, number of grave.
Tablice, groby i pomniki swiadczace o przeszlosci Nowego Sacza.
Smolen, Mieczyslaw. Nowy Sacz: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, 1998. 118 p., photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1807
The book documents inscriptions on the gravestones, plaques, and monuments of Nowy Sacz. The work starts witht the discussion of the plaques found in churches and monasteries, and continues to list the graves of those who died in the struggles for independence throughout Polish history, and were buried in Nowy Sacz. The graves are described in chronological history, beginning with national uprisings and ending with the victims of communist oppression. Included are graves of persons who died in combat, as a result of war activity, were murdered by the occupant, or perished in concentration camps. The final chapters of the book discuss plaques dedicated to historical events and persons, found on or inside buildings, or on monuments. Most of the information on plaques and graves has been supplemented by biographical data and a list of sources used to obtain them.
Cmentarz parafialny w Ostrolece.
Parzych, Czeslaw. Ostroleka: Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Ostroleki, 1996. 336 p., photographs, bibliography.
OIN Call Number: A 1812
This is the first attempt at giving a historical sketch of the Roman Catholic parish cemetery in Ostroleka. The work was based on gravestone inscriptions, archival materials, chronicles, family documents, memoirs, etc. The book is divided into two parts: a historical and a biographical one. The first gives the history of the cemetery since its founding in 1817 until the present. The second part has biographical notes on several hundred persons deceased up till 1990. The entries contain the name, dates of birth and death, profession, special positions held, achievements, family ties, etc. The book contains a detailed bibliography.
Ostrow Wielkopolski
Stary Cmentarz w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim.
Grzeskowiak, Henryk. Ostrow Wielkopolski: Muzeum Miasta Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego, 1996. 40 p., photographs, map, cemetery plan, bibliography.
OIN: A 1815
The book contains a brief historical sketch of the Stary cemetery (founded approx. 1784), it also includes 24 bios of distinguished citizens, as well as an alphabetical list of persons buried at the cemetery, prepared on the basis of gravestone inscriptions and author’s research.
Piaski Lubelskie
Spoczywaja w piaseckiej ziemi: cmentarze w gminie Piaski.
Swietlicki, Lucjan. Lublin: “Norbertinum”, 1998. 101 p., photographs, plan, bibliography, name index.
OIN: A 1827
The bulk of the work is comprised of bios of people who lived in the Piaski region and are now buried at the 200-year-old parish cemetery at Piaski and other cemeteries of the area. The entries include basic biographical data based on gravestones and cemetery documentation, with emphasis on service for the country and the community. The entries for persons buried at Piaski parish cemetery are arranged in thematic groups. The book contains an alphabetical index of names and a bibliograpy.
Cmentarze pinczowskie.
Sabat, Teresa. Sabat, Zdzislaw. Kielce: Zwiazek Polskich Artystow Fotografikow; Wojewodzki Konserwator Zabytkow w Kielcach; Muzeum Regionalne w Pinczowie, 1996. 184 p., photographs, bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1830
The publication names over 330 graves (and 600 persons buried in them) at the Roman Catholic cemetery in Pinczow. The graves included were selected primarily for the time period (up to 1918), the artistic value of the gravestone, or the achievements of the person buried. The biographical entries are mostly brief. The graves are described by section of cemetery, within these the arrangement is alphabetical. A cumulative alphabetical index of names is provided as well. Separate chapters treat other, non-functioning Roman Catholic cemeteries, the war cemetery (1941-1944) at “Zawiezienie”, and Jewish cemeteries.
Cmentarz Zasluzonych na Wzgorzu Swietego Wojciecha w Poznaniu.
Maria Aleksandra Smoczkiewiczowa, Renata Linette (eds.). Poznan: Wydawnictwo Miejskie, 1997. 146 p., photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography, name index. [editions 1 and 2: Warszawa: PWN, 1982].
OIN Call Number: A 1836
The main body of the work is comprised of alphabetically arranged bios of over 130 people buried at the cemetery. The persons included were chosen on the basis of their prominence in the history of Poznan. The book contains also a historical sketch of the cemetery and its description.
Na wieczna karte: czyn wojenny zolnierzy i dzialalnosc weteranow Armii Krajowej w Poznaniu: nekropolie AK na Junikowie i Milostowie: praca zbiorowa.
Ewa Staniewicz, Leszek Dubiel (eds.) Fundacja im. Plk. Henryka Kowalowki ps. Zrab, Komendanta Okregu Poznanskiego AK. Poznan: Fundacja im. H. Kowalowki, 2000. 207 p., photographs, cemetery maps.
OIN Call Number: A 1837
The first part of the work chronicles the history of Armia Krajowa (Home Army) in the Wielkopolska region and the role of former AK soldiers in the Poznan chapter of the Swiatowy Zwiazek Zolnierzy AK, for the years 1989-1999. The second part is a guide to the Poznan cemeteries of former AK soldiers. Listed are names, and in some cases biographical notes, of former AK soldiers (and in some cases their spouses) whose graves or memorial plaques are located at the special section of the Junikow and Milostow cemeteries. The names are arranged alphabetically by cemetery.
Cmentarze przemyskie: przewodnik.
Przemysl: Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne. Oddzial w Przemyslu, 1981. 95 p., photographs, plan, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1846
The guide contains a historical sketch of the Przemysl cemeteries and a typological analysis of the grave monuments of Cmentarz Glowny, dating from the origins of the cemetery (approx. 1831) until the 1930’s. There is no separate section with bios, but biographical information on persons buried at the cemetery is scattered throughout the text. Searching the book is made easy by the name index provided.
Cmentarz Rzymskokatolicki w Radomiu przy dawnym Trakcie Starokrakowskim, obecnie ul. B. Limanowskiego.
Ryszard Brykowski (ed.). Radom: Spoleczny Komitet Ochrony Zabytkowego Cmentarza Rzymskokatolickiego w Radomiu.
Part 1, 1997. 172 p., photographs, bibliography
Part 2. 1999., 118 p., photographs.
OIN Call Number: A 1851
The first part of the monograph is devoted to the history of the cemetery (founded in 1812), its plants, sepulchral art, and gravestone inscriptions. There are also bios of 160 persons regarded as distinguished on the national or local level. There are 150 bios more in Part 2. The biographical entries were based on archival material, available publications, memoirs, and gravestone inscriptions.
Stary Cmentarz w Rzeszowie.
Hoff, Jadwiga. Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Rzeszowa, [1989]. 19 p., photographs, (Series: Resoviana), bibliography.
The brochure describes the history of Rzeszow cemeteries, with particular emphasis on the Stary Cmentarz (dating back to the end of the XVIII century, and closed in 1910). 30 brief bios of persons buried at the cemetery are provided.
Cmentarz Pobicinski w Rzeszowie.
Jarosinska, Malgorzata. Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Rzeszowa, [1992].. 29 p., photographs, (Series: Resoviana), bibliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1853 a
The brochure discusses the history of the Pobicin cemetery (cmentarz na Pobitnie), founded in 1910. The text mentions several names accompanied by brief biographical information. 22 longer bios are also included. The book is accompanied by a name index.
Stary cmentarz w Skierniewicach.
Chanko, Jan. Warszawa; Lodz: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1990.
124 p., photographs, index.
OIN Call Number: A 1858
The main part of the work contains 393 inscriptions dedicated to persons, placed on 306 objects (gravestones, epitaph plaques, etc.), located at the old cemetery at Skierniewice. The work offers the list of the inscriptions accompanied by a detailed historical analysis. Also provided is the history of the cemetery and the church located on the premises, against the backdrop of the history of the town of Skierniewice. Texts of inscriptions are arranged chronologically by date of death. Index of names is provided.
Cmentarz Centralny w Szczecinie.
Markow, Ryszard (ed.). Komitet Pamieci o Pionierach Szczecinskiej Kultury. Szczecin: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1988. 35 p., photographs, cemetery plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1859
The book provides an alphabetical listing of 333 names of persons buried at the Cmentarz Centralny in Szczecin in years 1945-1985. Entries include: name, dates of birth and death, profession, location of grave.
Ku Sloncu 125: ksiega z miasta umarlych: praca zbiorowa.
Mariusz Czarniecki (ed.). Szczecin: “Glob”, 1987. 319 p.
OIN Call Number: A 1859 a
The work is a collection of 47 biographical sketches of persons involved in the humanities, who died between the 1950’s and 1980’s, and are buried a the Centralny cemetery in Szczecin.
Cmentarz Stary na Zablociu w Tarnowie.
Potepa, Stanislaw. Tarnow: Wydzial Kultury i Sztuki Urzedu Miejskiego w Tarnowie; Muzeum Okregowe w Tarnowie, 1986. 198 p., photographs, indexes (of names and towns).
OIN Call Number: A 1860
This historical work deals mostly with the Stary cemetery, with some attention paid to other Tarnow cemeteries. Thanks to excellent footnotes the book is helpful as a starting point in biographical research on persons connected with Tarnow.
Cmentarz Stary w Tarnowie: przewodnik.
Potepa, Stanislaw. Sypek, Antoni. Trusz, Marek. Tarnow: Tarnowskie Towarzystwo Kulturalne, Urzad Miejski, 1991.
OIN Call Number: A 1861 b
The book contains bios of persons buried at the Stary cemetery, who lived in the years 1795-1916. The work is the first part of the guide to the Stary cemetery.
Cmentarz Stary w Tarnowie: przewodnik. T. 2.
Sypek, Antoni. Tarnow: Tarnowskie Towarzystwo Kulturalne; Urzad Miejski, 1994. 246 p., photographs.
OIN Call Number: A 1861
This is the continuation of the work listed directly above. It contains biographic entries on persons who died in the years 1795-1945.
Cmentarz Stary w Tarnowie: przewodnik.
Sypek, Antoni. Tarnow: Komitet Opieki nad Starym Cmentarzem w Tarnowie; Muzeum Okregowe w Tarnowie, 1999. 261 p., photographs, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1861
This is the third part of the guide presented above. It contains biographies of approximately 250 persons buried at the cemetery during the years 1795-1945. The information was collected from church archives, interviews and correspondence with the families of the deceased, from the press, memoir literature, and historical publications. A bibliography of sources is provided at the end of each entry. The book presents also the description of the graves in Kwatera Zasluzonych.
Cmentarz parafialny w Wadowicach.
Studnicki, Gustaw. Wadowice: Grafikon, 1997. 413 p., photographs, bibliography, persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1865
The book contains two parts. The first, historical one, discusses the history of the parish cemetery , including its condition in 1997. Other Wadowice cemeteries, as well as some of the town’s history, drawn from the parish books and the cemetery gravestones, are also briefly treated. The final section of part 1 is a historical guide to the cemetery. It includes an alphabetical list of selected persons buried at the cemetery, with the accompanying biographical notes of varying length. The basic criterion for inclusion on the list was the accessibility of information about a person. The information was collected from varying sources, however the gravesite inscriptions and entries in the cemetery books were the main ones.
The second part contains the alphabetical list of all the names found on the gravestones of the cemetery (as of August 1997), accompanied by the dates of birth and death, and the location of the grave.
Cmentarz Prawoslawny w Warszawie.
Paszkiewicz, Piotr; Sandowicz, Michal. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1992. 69 p., photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography. (Series: Miniatury warszawskie).
OIN Call Number: A 1910
The book provides the history of the Cmentarz Prawoslawny na Woli (Warsaw), est. 1841. Discussed are also the style and symbolism of gravestones, other Orthodox cemeteries in Warsaw, as well as 22 biographies of persons buried at the cemetery.
Cmentarz Powazkowski pod Warszawa. Vols. 1-3.
Wojcicki K[azimierz], W[ladyslaw]. Warszawa 1855-1858 [and a reprint, Warszawa, 1974].
OIN Call Number: A 1870
The first chapter gives the history of the Powazki cemetery (founded in 1790). It is followed by biographical essays on the more important persons buried at the cemetery (mostly in vols. 1 and 2, some in vol. 3 for a total of about 500 entries). Famous people buried in other Warsaw cemeteries are also included (approximately 40 entries). Volume 1 contains the alphabetical name index for that volume, while volume 3 includes an index of persons mentioned in all three volumes arranged by profession (and alphabetically within each profession).
Cmentarz Powazkowski w Warszawie: (materialy inwentaryzacyjne).
A. Biernat (ed.) Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Czesc I: Kwatera 1. 1975. 44 p., plan, (Prace Instytutu Historycznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 3). Bibliography, persons index.
Czesc II: Kwatera 2 i 3. 1976, 66 p., plan, (Prace Instytutu Historycznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 5), persons index.
Czesc III: Kwatera 4 i 5. 1978, 72 p., plans, (Prace Instytutu HistorycznegoUniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 6), persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1885
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 718.09438 C629
The work contains inventory materials for the 5 oldest sections of the Powazki cemetery. Each grave’s location is precisely noted, so is the text of the inscriptions found on it. The book’s arrangement follows the topography of the cemetery. Each section is accompanied by an index of persons mentioned.
Cmentarz Powazkowski: zmarli i ich rodziny.
Szenic, Stanislaw. Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1979. (Biblioteka Syrenki).
OIN Call Number: A 1880
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 920.04384 Sz26c
The work contains approximately 1200 biographies of persons buried at the Powazki cemetery. The entries are in chronological order, by date of death. Each volume contains an alphabetical index of persons, which greatly aids searching. The choice of persons included in the work was based, as author describes in the foreword, on his ‘intuition of an avid researcher of Warsaw history.” The bios contain information on the family of the deceased.
Cmentarz Powazkowski w Warszawie: Materialy inwentaryzacyjne.
Barbara and Andrzej Biernatowie (eds.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
T. 1: Kwatery 1-14. 1980. 524 p., kwatery sketches, name index.
T. 2: Kwatery 15-23, 23 wprost, 24. 1992. 393 p., kwatery sketches, name index.
T. 3: Kwatery 25-32. 1994. 238 p., kwatery sketches, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1887
The publication presents inscriptions collected from the graves located on the 32 oldest sections (kwatery) of the Powazki cemetery. The inscriptions were collected in 1970s, in the 1980s they were again verified de visu. Compared to the materials from 1975-1978, this edition is much broader, describing 32 sections, and including, besides the inscriptions, information on gravesite photographs, coats of arms, artists who sculpted the gravestones. The arrangement of the work is topographic, navigation is aided by a name index at the end of each volume. There is also an index of portraits, stone mason company marks, sculptors, photographers and others, coats of arms.
Cmentarz Powazkowski w Warszawie: Praca Zbiorowa.
Wyd. 2 uzup. i popr. Warszawa: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1984. 368 p., photographs, plans, bibliography, indexes.
OIN Call Number: 1892
The work is a guide to the Powazki cemetery. The initial chapters present a historical sketch of the cemetery, discusses the cemetery monuments, offers 12 trails for sightseeing at the cemetery. The twelve trails cumulatively list 1547 graves of over 2000 persons. The trail guides include biographical, historical, and artistic information on each of the gravesites described. The publication includes a bibliography of works on the cemetery, as well as indexes: of people mentioned in the guide, the same persons listed by profession, the artists – creators of the monuments.
Aleja Zasluzonych: Cmentarz Powazkowski.
Faryna-Paszkiewicz, Hanna. Paszkiewicz, Piotr. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1992. 244 p., photographs. (Series: Miniatury warszawskie).
OIN Call Number: A 1905
The book presents bios of 106 persons buried at the Aleja Zasluzonych of the Powazkowski cemetery. It was created in 1925 and closed in 1971. The entries are arranged according to the placement of the grave. The book does not, unfortunately, contain an alphabetical index.
Przewodnik po cmentarzu na Brodnie w Warszawie.
Warszawa: Rada Prymasowska Budowy Kosciolow Warszawy, 1977. 64 p., photographs, cemetery plan.
OIN Call Number: 7685 a
The book briefly discusses the old cemetery of Praga and the history of the cemetery at Brodno (founded in 1884). Included is a description of the churches located at the Brodno cemetery, as well as a trail for sightseeing the cemetery with a description of several graves. There is also a list of approximately 500 persons buried at the cemetery, based on the gravestones. The entries include name, profession, date of death, and location of the grave.
Cmentarze ewangelickie w Warszawie: Cmentarz Ewangelicko-Augsburski, Cmentarz Ewangelicko-Reformowany.
Szulc, Eugeniusz. Warszawa: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1989. 268 p., photographs, cemetery plans, bibliography, indexes.
Oddzial Rekopisow Call Number: 7685 f
This is a guide to two parish Protestan cemeteries in Warsaw: the Ewangelicko-Augsburski (i.e. Lutheran) and the Ewangelicko-Reformowany (i.e. Calvinist). The guide offers three trails of the Lutheran cemetery and two of the Calvinist one. Biographical entries for selected persons buried along the trails are provided. Separate entries are provided for persons whose grave locations have not been precisely established. The authors chose to present persons who have distinguished themselves in their service to Poland, the city of Warsow, and the Protestant church. The initial chapters present the history and the art of the Warsaw Protestant cemeteries. The closing parts of the book contain bibliographies of work on this subject, as well as an indexes of persons mentioned in the guide: a name index and an index of professions.
Cmentarz ewangelicko-augsburski w Warszawie: zmarli i ich rodziny.
Szulc, Eugeniusz. Warszawa: PIW, 1989. 730p., photographs, name index. (Series Biblioteka Syrenki).
OIN Call Number: A 1915
The book contains bios of 644 persons who died up to 1982, and who are buried at the Ewangelicko-Augsburski cemetery in Warsaw (founded in 1792), or whose symbolic graves have been placed at that location. The selection of persons for the guide was dictated by their prominence in service to the country, city, or the parish. The alphabetically arranged bios contain: dates of birth and death, profession, parents’ names, biography, and a bibliography (including archival materials, information obtained from families, newspaper and monographic publications). Although the cemetery is nominally Protestant, it also contains graves of members of other denominations, freethinkers, and atheists.
Cmentarz Komunalny Powazki, dawny Wojskowy w Warszawie: praca zbiorowa.
Juliusz J. Malczewski (ed.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sport i Turystyka, 1989. 312p., photographs, biliography, name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1904
The guide opens with a brief sketch of the history of the cemetery (founded in 1912) and a discussion of the artistic value of the monuments. This is followed by a description of Aleja Zasluzonych with short bios of all the persons buried there, as well as of more distinguished persons buried alongside Aleja Glowna. Different sections (kwatery) of the cemetery are described and biographical notes for more prominent persons buried there are provided. In total approximately 1400 biographical entries are included in the work. The entries cover the period until 30th June, 1987. An alphabetical name index is provided.
Cmentarz zydowski w Warszawie
Kroszczor, Henryk. Zimler, Henryk. Warszawa: PWN, 1983., 55, 34 p., photographs, plan.
Oddzial Rekopisow Call Number: 7685 c
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 305.89240438 K928c
The book chronicles the history of the Jewish cemetery at Okopowa street, and provides approx. 100 bios of selected persons buried there. The text is in Polish, English, and Hebrew.
Cmentarze zydowskie w Warszawie.
Paszkiewicz, Hanna. Paszkiewicz, Piotr. Krajewska, Monika.Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1992. 68 p., photographs. (Series: Miniatury Warszawskie).
Oddzial Rekopisow Call Number: 7685 d
Short chapters of the book are devoted to: Jewish community in Warsaw up to the end of the XIX century, the history of the Warsaw Jewish cemeteries-Okopowa street cemetery (first burial in 1807), and Praski cemetery (first burial 1784). Also discussed are the Jewish burial rites and Jewish gravestones. The book includes bios of 39 persons.
Przewodnik po cmentarzu zydowskim w Warszawie przy ul. Okopowej 49/51.
Jagielski, Jan. Warszawa: Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zabytkami. Spoleczny Komitet Opieki nad Cmentarzami i Zabytkami Kultury Zydowskiej w Polsce.
Zeszyt 1: Kwatery przy Alei Glownej. 1996, 102 p, photographs, bibliography, name index.
Zeszyt 3: Kwatera 20. 1995, 48 p., photographs, bibliography, persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1921
The guide presents bios of selected persons buried at the Jewish cemetery at Okopowa street in Warsaw. The arrangement of the guide is topographical, with each volume (zeszyt) concluding with an alphabetical name index.
Zolnierska danina zycia.
Jakubik, Marian. Kolodziejczyk, Arkadiusz.Instytut Historii Akademii Podlaskiej, Ludowe Towarzystwo Naukowo-Kulturalne. Oddzial w Siedlcach. Siedlce: IH AP, 1999. 108 p, illustrations, bibliography.
The work is an attempt of documenting all the burial sites of Polish soldiers killed in Wegrow region, as well as those who hailed from that region and were killed in different wars (mostly WWII) and on different fronts, in the years 1657-1952. Territorially, the Wegrow region (powiat) is defined in the broadest terms, including areas that no longer belong to it. Each of the book’s subchapters lists the cemeteries in alphabetical order, and the soldiers are listed by military rank and alphabetically by name. The sources used in compiling the work, both archival and published ones, are listed in a bibliography.
Na wilenskiej Rossie.
Ciechanowicz, Jan. Kosman, Bogumila. Kosman, Marceli. Poznan: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1990. 184 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 718.09475 C486u
The authors present a short sketch describing the Vilnius cemeteries, and include 19 bios of persons buried at the Rossa cemetery.
Wilenska Rossa: przewodnik po cmentarzu.
Jackiewicz, Mieczyslaw. Olsztyn: Ksiaznica Polska, 1993. 240 p., photographs, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1930.
The works opens with an introduction containing a review of literature on the Rossa cemetery. The brief chapters that follow are devoted to the history of the cemetery and the small military cemetery contained within it. The main part of the monograph describes 205 graves and provides bios for the persons buried in them. The work provides also 18 bios of citizens of Vilnius, distinguished in their scientific or cultural activity, whose graves have not survived to this day, or whose graves were not located. The persons selected for inclusion in the biographical section are of Polish, Lithuanian, and Belorussian nationality.
The descriptions of graves is arranged topographically, by their locations on the cemetery. The book is supplemented by an alphabetical index.
Stary cmentarz zydowski we Wroclawiu.
Lagiewski, Maciej. Wroclaw: Muzeum Architektury, 1986. 60 p., bibliography.
OIN Call Number: A 1938
The work provides a brief historical sketch of the Jewish cemeteries in Wroclaw, with particular emphasis on the cemetery at Slezna street, and a discussion of the artistic characteristics of Jewish sepulchral art. The book includes also 85 biographical notes of persons of note buried at the cemetery at Slezna street in the years 1856-1942. The selection of persons for the biographical section was guided by the prominence within the Silesia and Wroclaw regions.
Macewy mowia.
Lagiewski, Maciej. Wroclaw: ZniO, 1991. 214 p., photographs, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1939
The work discusses the history of Jewish burial sites in Wroclaw, and the artistic features of Jewish sepulchral art. Also provided are bios of particularly distinguished or famous persons buried at the old Jewish cemetery at Slezna street (which operated 1856-1942). The biographical section is arranged into thematic groups. The contents of the bios were based on obituaries, historical literature, memoirs, and other sources. The book contains an alphabetical name index.
Cmentarz w Zabrzegu.
Wrzol, Jozef. Tyc, Wladyslaw. Czechowice-Dziedzice, Zabrzeg: Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Czechowic-Dziedzic, 1995. 290 p., photographs.
OIN Call Number: A 1942
The book opens with introductory chapters devoted to the history of the cemetery and the history of Zabrzeg under occupation (1939-1945). The bulk of the work is comprised of 112 biographies of the inhabitants of Zabrzeg buried at the local cemetery (founded in 1787). The persons selected for the biographical section have been submitted for consideration by their families. The entries were prepared based on based on historical source materials, interviews with families and friend. Photographs provided by family members were used to supplement the entries. The book includes also lists of inhabitants of Zabrzeg who were killed during WWII (134 persons); members of the Volunteer Fire Unit of Zabrzeg who died in the years 1893-1993, members of the gymnastic society “Sokol”, the folk group and sports club (Ludowy Zespol Sportowy), who died in the years 1924-1994 (263 persons).
Stary cmentarz w Zakopanem: przewodnik biograficzny.
Zdebski, Janusz. (2nd expanded edition). Warszawa; Krakow: Wydawnictwo PTTK “Kraj”, 1986. 96 p, illustrations, plan. [1st edition titled Cmentarz zasluzonych w Zakopanem: przewodnik biogaficzny. Warszawa; Krakow, 1983].
OIN Call Number: A 1946
After a brief introductory chapter on the history of the Stary Cemetery in Zakopane (the so-called cemetery “Na Peksowym Brzyzku”) is followed by biographies of selected persons buried at the cemetery. The sources used to compile the entries are listed. The bios are arranged topographically (according to the location of the grave within the cemetery). The work provides an alphabetical index of persons mentioned in the text.
Nowy Cmentarz w Zakopanem: przewodnik biograficzny.
Pinkwart, Maciej. Zdebski, Janusz. Warszawa; Krakow: Wydawnictwo PTTK “Kraj”, 1988. 139 p, illustrations, cemetery plan.
OIN Call Number: A1950
The introduction of the work provides the brief history of the Nowy Cemetery in Zakopane (founded in 1908). The bulk of the work contains the biographies of selected persons, who were buried at the cemetery up to 1987. Each entry contains a list of sources used.
Cmentarz w Zamosciu: przewodnik biograficzny.
Kedziora, Andrzej. Zamosc: Regionalna Pracownia Krajoznawcza PTTK, 1987. 103 p.
OIN Call Number: A 1960
The initial chapters of the work discuss the history of the cemetery and the artistic value of its monuments. What follows is a collection of 250 brief biographical entries. Listed are persons buried at the Zamosc cemetery, as well as those buried outside of it (e.g. killed in the concentration camps, gone missing during the war), as long as their names are symbolically placed on the family gravestones.
Foreign Interment
Information on descriptions of Polish cemeteries beyond Polish borders, as well as smaller clusters of Poles buried abroad (travelers, pilgrims, students, emigres), can be found in the introduction entitled “Zbieracze pamiatek, straznicy grobow”, to the book by Karolina Grodziska, Polskie groby na cmentarzach Londynu. Krakow, 1995, pp. 5-17.
Pomniki i mogily Polakow na cmentarzach zagranicznych.
Marylski, Eustachy Anastazy. Warszawa: Nakl. I druk S. Orgelbranda, 1860. 56 p.
OIN Call Number: A 1685
The book, intended as the first part of a multivolume work encompassing the territories of Germany, France, Switzerland, and Italy, discusses the graves and epitaphs of Poles buried in Dresden. Included are 21 substantial biographies and a list of Poles buried at the Dresden cemetery (about 120 names). Despite numerous mistakes and inaccuracies the work is of great research value.
Cmentarz ‘Polski’ w Dreznie: pomniki i groby polskie na starym cmentarzu katolickim (Alter Katholischer Friedhof) w Dreznie.
Roguski, Piotr. Katowice: “Slask”, 2000. 128 p. photographs, bibliography, persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1685 a
The book contains a list of historical Polish graves at the “Alter Katholischer Friedhof’ cemetery in Dresden. The list was prepared by physically examining the site in 1989, with updates performed in 1997 and 1999. Each entry contains: location of the grave within the cemetery, text of the inscription, description of the gravestone, biographical data of the person buried, list of sources. The work is enriched by an enclosed addendum which discusses the use of the cemetery in literary works.
“Non omnis moriar” …: Polacy na londynskim cmentarzu Brompton.
Suchcitz, Andrzej.Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza “Adiutor”, 1992. 112 p., photographs, cemetery plan, bibliography,
name index.
OIN Call Number: A 1725
The introduction provides a historical sketch of the Brompton cemetery (The West of London and Westminster Cemetery). The main part of the work includes 324 biographical entries of Poles buried at the cemetery. The biographical information was compiled, among others, on the basis of the obituaries published in the London “Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Zolnierza” since 1940.
Polskie groby na cmentarzach Londynu.
Grodzinska, Karolina. Krakow: Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, 1995. 517 p., photographs, cemetery plans, persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1726
The work gives detailed information on the following London cemeteries: Kensal Green, Highgate with Wzgorze Orla Bialego, St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Gunnersbury. For each of the cemeteries a historical sketch has been provided, as well as a cemetery plan, and an alphabetically arranged biographical notes on Poles buried there. The lists are based on cemetery documentation. The biographical entries were compiled using the contents of the epitaphs, archival materials, press, memoirs, published works, information provided by friends and family. 1993 is the cut off date for the material covered. The closing chapter gives brief attention to six other London cemeteries and Polish graves situated there.
Nekropolie polskie na Lotwie: (czesc pierwsza).
Jaroslaw Sozanski (ed.); Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rydze. Riga: Ambasada RP, 1996. 100 p., photographs. (Zeszyty Dokumentacyjne; 2, 3, 4, 5).
OIN Call Number: A 1729
The work describes Polish graves at the following cemeteries: St. Michael’s Cemetery in Riga, the Ielgava cemetery, the Catholic cemetery in Daugavpils (Dyneburg), the cemetery in Ezernieki (Bukmuisa). Provided historical sketches of the cemeteries and brief bios of persons buried at the cemetery.
Polskie cmentarze wojskowe (z lat 1919-1920) na Lotwie.
Jaroslaw Sozanski; Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rydze. Riga: Ambasada RP, 1995. 54 p., photographs. (Zeszyty Dokumentacyjne, 1).
OIN Call Number: T 396 ł
The publication is comprised of two parts: documentation and an addendum. The first part gives a list of Polish military cemeteries and Polish soldiers’ graves from years 1919-1920 in Latvia. Provided are photographs of graves and an alphabetical list of names of soldiers who fell in Latgale (Latgalia; Vitebskaia Guberniia) in the years 1919-1920. The addendum contains two articles and four letters connected with Polish graves in Latvia.
Cmentarz polski w Montmorency.
Jerzy Skowronek, et al. (eds.). Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1986. 303 p., photographs, cemetery plan, persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1818
The first part of the work is a brief historical sketch describing the Polish “themes” of Montmorency (beginning with the XVII-th century), the history of the cemetery and its functions. The second part of the work gives an alphabetically arranged list of 520 Poles buried at the cemetery. The authors provide quotes from the more interesting gravestone inscriptions, together with information on the grave and the persons buried in it. The book also quotes numerous commemorative plaques placed in the cemetery church and on the cemetery wall.
Inskrypcje grobow polskich na cmentarzach w Paryzu.
Warszawa: Zarzad Ochrony i Konserwacji Zespolow Palacowo-Ogrodowych.
[volume 1]. Montmartre, Saint Vincent, Batignolles./A. Biernat, S. Gorzynski, P. Ugniewski (eds.). 1986. 133 p., cemetery plans, bibliograpy, persons index.
[volume 2] Père Lachaise./ A Biernat. , S. Gorzynski, P. Ugniewski (eds.). 1991. 203 p., cemetery plan, bibliography, persons index.
[volume 3] Montparnasse/ M. Gmurczyk-Wronska, A. Wronski (eds.) A. Biernat (contributor). 1991. 106 p., cemetery plan, bibliography, persons index.
[volume 4] Neuilly, Vaugirard, Montrouge, Clichy, Gentilly, Grenelle./ M. Gmurczyk-Wronska, A. Wronski. 1992. 54 p., cemetery plans, bibliography, name index.
[volume 5]. Saint Quen./ M. Gmurczyk-Wronska, A. Wronski. 1994. 146 p. photography, plan.
OIN Call Number: A 1820, 1823, 1825.
The work contains inscriptions collected from gravestones of Polish graves in different Paris cemeteries. The inscriptions are arranged by the layout of the graves within a particular cemetery. Each volume concludes with an alphabetical name index.
Polacy pochowani na cmentarzu Montmartre oraz Saint-Vincent i Batignolles w Paryzu: praca zbiorowa.
Andrzej Biernat, Slawomir Gorzynski (eds.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 1999. 328 p., bibliography, persons index.
OIN Call Number: A 1816
The first part of the book discusses a host of issues: the history of the Polish community of Batignolles and Montmartre, the history of the cemeteries located in those parts of Paris, architectural characteristics of Polish graves, analysis of grave instriptions, Polish funerals and their function in the life of Polish émigré community, efforts towards maintaining the graves. The second part is a catalog of Polish graves (approx. 1830-1995) which comprises copied gravestone inscriptions, entries in cemetery documentation, and bios of Poles or persons of Polish origin buried at the cemetery. The biographical entries were composed on the basis of archival materials, published materials, obituaries. Each entry concludes with a list of sources used. The catalog of the graves is arranged by their placement within the cemetery, but an alphabetical name index is provided.
Groby polskie na cmentarzach Rzymu.
Kwiatkowska, Maria Irena. Warszawa: Instytut Sztuki PAN; Rada Ochrony Pamieci Walk i Meczenstwa, 1999. 237 p., photographs, name index. (Monumenta Poloniae in Italia; 2).
The book consists of two main parts: a “Catalog” and an “Addendum”. The first part lists almost 150 graves in Rome, where almost 300 Poles and persons of Polish origin are buried. Each catalog entry includes the following information: location of the grave, its description, inscriptions, biographical information on persons buried, selected bibliography, additional remarks. The “Addendum” lists only the basic data on the remaining 114 Poles buried at the Roman cemeteries, whose gravestones were discovered while the final draft of the work was being prepared. Included in the Addendum entries are: name (including religious order names), date and place of birth, date and place of death, religious order (if applicable). The list includes all the persons for whom it was difficult to find all the pertinent information. The “Catalog” is divided by cemetery, and within each one the names are arranged alphabetically. The names in the “Addendum” are arranged alphabetically. The work provides a cumulative index of names.
Przewodnik po polskich cmentarzach wojennych we Wloszech: Monte Cassino, Loreto, Bolonia, Casamassima: Przewodnik z pelnym spisem poleglych i dokladnym rozmieszczeniem grobow na 50 rocznice bitwy o Monte Cassino.
Adam Studzinski (ed.) Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Fulmen, 1994. 236 p., photographs, plans.
OIN Call Number: A 1786
The book presents lists of soldiers buried at the four Polish military cemeteries in Italy: Monte Cassino (1049 persons), Loreto (1080 persons), Bolonia (1416 persons), Casamassima (429 persons). The names are listed according to the inscriptions on the headstones. The list for each cemetery is arranged alphabetically. Included in the entries are: name, rank and unit, date and place of birth, date of death, location of the grave.
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