Education and Training

The Preservation Services Unit offers a range of education and training opportunities for the public, Library staff and students, as well as potential volunteer opportunities and practicum supervision for ISchool graduate students.


Preservation participates in the American Library Association’s Preservation Week during the last week of April each year.  Though our program varies from year to year, we typically hold workshops and lectures for both the library and the public during this event.  Our staff also regularly present on preservation topics as part of the Library’s public outreach program.  We are also happy to speak at community organization meetings such as the scouts, service organizations, public libraries or genealogical societies.

Conservation Documentation and Terms

If you are interested in learning more about conservation treatments, we are working to make our conservation treatment documentations (written and photographic) available online – the project portal can be accessed at: This project has involved the creation of a compiled lexicon of library and archives conservation terminology including terms defining material format, damage and condition, conservation treatment, and materials and equipment. The lexicon can be accessed as a PDF here, and is a compilation of terms from the AIC Lexicon, the AIC Book and Paper Group Glossary of Terms, the Society of American Archivists Glossary Terms, and Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington’s Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology.


We regularly offer training opportunities around the Library.  Many of our Preservation Week activities are focused on our services to the Library, but we also offer regular care and handling workshops. We are also happy to speak to individual units or divisions about preservation topics of interest or give tours of our spaces.


Staff in the Preservation Unit regularly guest lecture or teach at the University’s School of Information Science.  At present, we teach or co-teach three full semester courses – IS523 Preservation of Information Resources, which is held at the ISchool; IS573PC Preservation and Conservation for Special Collections which is held in our conservation lab; and IS573CHO Introduction to Cultural Heritage Collections, which is currently taught online.  Our staff also work as site supervisors for interested practicum students looking to gain more hands-on experience for class credit.  Please review the ISchool guidelines for practica before contacting us.