Nominations, Elections, and Voting Procedures Committee


The Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures Committee is responsible for the overall supervision and conduct of all nominations and elections for members of the Executive Committee, for members of elected standing committees, and for University Senators representing the Library.  Its duties include: establishing procedures for Library Faculty nominations and elections; determining which Library Faculty members are eligible and willing to serve as committee members; insuring that nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with established procedures; certifying election results; and certifying results of special balloting.

Membership Details

The Committee consists of three members elected at-large from the Faculty to serve for a three-year term.  The person with the longest tenure on the Committee shall serve as chair.

To generate an up to date list of current Library faculty voting members, you can use the Division of Management Information’s Campus Profile. On the Campus Profile home page, select Standard as the Profile Type in the top menu. Then select “University Library” from the “Select a Major Unit” drop-down menu (about 3/4 down the menu). In the resulting table, go to the “FTE Staff on All Funds” section, find the row “FTE TenSys Faculty-All$$” and click on the hyperlinked total units under the current year’s column. You should then see a list of Library faculty as of October 15th of that year.

Additional Committee Information

Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Balloting

by the Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures Committee
Updated May 4th, 2021

The following guidelines have been established by the Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures (NEVP) Committee to ensure that all elections undertaken by the University Library are fair and impartial.

I. Serving on Elected Positions

For each election to be conducted, NEVP will assemble a list of eligible candidates. Faculty will be given an opportunity to remove themselves from the election before formal voting begins. Faculty who do not wish to be elected to an office are responsible for (1) notifying NEVP that they wish to be left off of ballots for an extended period, or (2) removing themselves before a particular ballot is released. Thereafter, all election results are binding.

II. Retention of Voting Records

All election results from 2019 onward are recorded in Webtools Surveys as per the campus-level mandate to use Surveys for elections instead of Forms. In order to keep an external record of election results, NEVP shall deposit PDF reports of elections in the designated Election Results folder in, filing each report in its appropriate committee sub-folder (see Appendix A, Part IV on how to generate these reports).

III. Election Results

NEVP shall announce election winners in a timely fashion. The committee shall release vote tallies to any candidate who requests them.

VII. Calendar and Limitations for Elections


Faculty Review Committee

  • Open only to tenured faculty members
  • Send reminder to division coordinators to conduct election under procedures in division bylaws by October 1
  • Division coordinators make up the Administrative Council (minus the University Librarian, the AULs, and Representative) – find them listed at coordinators
  • Reminder only needs to be sent to coordinators of divisions whose FRC members’ terms are expiring. Check the FRC site for the list of members and terms:
  • Division Coordinators conduct elections and inform NEVP of results by Nov. 1
  • NEVP notifies faculty and current chair of FRC of election results


Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee Nominating Ballot

  • Open to tenured faculty only.
  • Current and newly elected members of the Faculty Review Committee may not serve on PTAC.
  • Ineligible after two consecutive terms.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.
  • Number of candidates to nominate = number of vacant seats.


Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee Final Ballot

  • Final ballot must contain two times the number of open seats.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.
  • Number of candidates to elect = number of vacant seats.


AP Peer Review Advisory Committee

  • Open to Academic Professionals of Senior Associate or Senior rank only.
  • Terms are for two years.
  • Academic Professionals of any rank may vote.
  • Number of candidates to elect = number of vacant seats.
  • Use the libap-l listserv ( to distribute information about this election. The listerv moderator (the LCP chair typically) must approve the message for it to go through.
  • No nomination ballot; election ballot only.


Campus Senate Ballot

  • Due to recent changes in the Senate’s electoral procedures, the directives for this election differ markedly from those internal to the University Library. Be sure to consult the Senate Election Rules for the Faculty Electorate, paying special attention to rules 6-8:
  • For a summary of these differences, consult Appendix C, Part I.
  • In the fall, the Senate Office will contact the NEVP chair to confirm the University Library electorate. You can find the Senate electorate list in the Faculty and AP List folder in Box. For more details, consult Appendix C, Part II.
  • Open to all faculty: emeritus, specialized, tenure and tenure-track with at least a one-half time appointment, visiting faculty are not eligible.
  • As with other library committee elections, the Dean and the AULs may not run and should not appear on ballots. They can vote, however.
  • Incumbents are ineligible for reelection after three consecutive terms.
  • The Senate Office will send notification to the NEVP chair when this election should be held. This notification should arrive at the end of January or beginning of February but has been arriving increasingly later every year.
  • Results of previous Senate elections can be found in NEVP’s Election Results folder, under the Campus Senate sub-folder.
  • Official Senate Membership documentation – a campus-wide list – can be found at the Senate’s Agendas and Minutes webpage ( It is typically linked from the agenda for April or May.


Secretary of the Faculty

  • Open to all tenured and tenure-track faculty.
  • The secretary-elect can stand for election to Executive Committee (EC).
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.


At-Large Designee for the Faculty Agenda Committee

  • Automatically remove the winner of the Secretary election from this ballot (Can start the call for removal of names before the Secretary election has concluded, but do not run this ballot until the results of the Secretary election are tallied).
  • Open to all tenured and tenure-track faculty.
  • Current members of the EC are ineligible.
  • The At-Large Designee-elect can stand for election to EC.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.


Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures Committee

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.


AP Peer Review Advisory Committee (APPRPAC)

  • Academic Professional (AP) Peer Review Promotion Advisory Committee comprises three Library APs elected at-large by Library APs, and two AULs and/or Directors appointed by the University Librarian.  Committee members serve 3-year, staggered terms.
  • Each year one AP will be elected.
  • All permanent Library APs are eligible to vote
  • Visiting APs are not eligible to vote for committee members or serve on the committee.


Executive Committee Nominating Ballot

  • Open to all tenured and tenure-track faculty.
  • Ineligible after two consecutive terms.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.
  • Number of candidates to nominate = number of vacant seats.


Executive Committee Final Ballot

  • Final ballot must contain at least two-times the number of open seats.
  • No more than two representatives from each division may serve on EC.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.
  • Number of candidates to elect = number of vacant seats.


Bylaws Committee

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty.
  • Appointment is three years in staggered terms, with one new member elected annually.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.


Grievance Committee

  • Open to tenured faculty only.
  • AULs and Staff Directors are ineligible. Staff directors was a term used for the Budget Officer, Personnel/HR, Facilities. Please note that these positions only pertain to this election if a tenure-track faculty holds them.
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote.


Vacancies in Committees

Executive Committee: A vacancy for an unexpired term of six (6) months or more is filled by a ballot to the faculty following the guidelines, above. If the vacancy is for less than six months, the position will be filled at the discretion of the EC, which must call for a ballot if the position is to be filled.

Other elected committees: A vacancy for an unexpired term of six (6) months or more is filled by a ballot to the faculty following the guidelines for the committee, above. If the vacancy is for less than six months, the position will be filled at the discretion of the EC, and appointed by the University Librarian.


  • Open only to tenured faculty members
  • Reminder sent to division coordinators to conduct election under procedures in division bylaws
  • Coordinators conduct election and inform NEVP of results by Nov. 1
  • NEVP notifies faculty and current chair of FRC of election results


Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee Nominating Ballot

  • Open only to tenured faculty members
  • Current members of FRC may not serve on PTA
  • Ineligible after two consecutive terms
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote
  • Number of candidates to nominate = number of vacant seats

Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee Final Ballot

  • Final ballot must contain two times the number of open seats
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote
  • Number of candidates to elect = number of vacant seats


Faculty Senate Nominating Ballot

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty but not deans
  • Ineligible after three consecutive terms
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote
  • Number of candidates to nominate = number of vacant seats


Faculty Senate Final Ballot

  • Final ballot must contain at least two-times the number of open seats
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote
  • Number of candidates to elect = number of vacant seats


Secretary of the Faculty

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote

At-Large Designee for the Faculty Agenda Committee

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty
  • Current members of the EC and the newly voted Secretary of the Faculty are ineligible
  • Tenure-track, tenured and visiting faculty may vote


Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures Committee

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote


Executive Committee Nominating Ballot

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty
  • Ineligible after two consecutive terms
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote
  • Number of candidates to nominate = number of vacant seats

Executive Committee Final Ballot

  • Final ballot must contain at least two-times the number of open seats
  • No more than two representatives from each division may serve on EC
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote
  • Number of candidates to elect = number of vacant seats


Bylaws Committee

  • Open to all tenure and tenure-track faculty
  • Appointment is three years in staggered terms, with one new member elected annually
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote

Grievance Committee

  • Open to tenured faculty only
  • The University Librarian, AULs and Staff Directors are ineligible
  • Tenure-track, tenured, and visiting faculty may vote

Vacancies in Committees

Executive Committee

A vacancy for an unexpired term of six (6) months or more is filled by a ballot to the faculty following the guidelines above.  If the vacancy is for less than six months, the position will be filled at the discretion of the EC, which must call for a ballot if the position is to be filled.

Other elected committees

A vacancy for an unexpired term of six (6) months or more is filled by a ballot to the faculty following the guidelines for the committee, above.  If the vacancy is for less than six months, the position will be filled at the discretion of the EC, and appointed by the University Librarian.