Find an Editorial

What is an Editorial?

An editorial is a written piece most often found in newspapers and magazines that typically addresses the opinion or viewpoint of senior editorial staff on a current or controversial issue.

Where Can I Find an Editorial?

Tips: Avoid using the terms “pro” and “con” in a search, unless the issue frequently uses “pro” or “con” to identify supporters of the position (e.g. pro-life and pro-choice). Also read the abstracts of the editorials (when available) for a summary of the writer’s viewpoint.


Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)

  • Enter keywords in the corresponding search boxes
  • Under “Document Type” select “Editorial”


  • Click “Advanced Search”
  • Click the “News” tab
  • Type “Opinion & Editorial,” “Editorial,” “Opinion,” or “Opinion Editorials” and select “Section” from the drop-down
  • Enter keywords in subsequent search boxes and click “Search”

Newspaper Databases

The Find Articles Guide includes a section on newspaper databases. Try searching recommended newspaper databases to find additional editorials. Remember to limit the document type to “Editorial” when possible.