- Bibliography via RefShare
Via this link, you have access to a folder with bibliographic citations named “GS assessment wg” in my RefShare module (the sharing module of RefWorks). You will be able to print, export or generate a reference list from within RefShare. These options appear at the top left of the View area when you click on the link. Additionally most of these citations have links to the full text articles via our Discover link. If you have any problems with this or you have additional works you would like added to this bibliography, just let me know. - UIUC University Library Assessment Surveys
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
- Research Teaching Learning Program
- ALA Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline (June 2003)
- Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS)
- Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (Jan. 2000)
- Research Competency Guidelines for Literatures in English
- Science and Technology, Information Literacy Standards for (June 2006)