Create a New Calendar in Outlook 2013

Click “Calendar” from the left navigation pane to go to Outlook Calendar view.

outlook calendar

By default, the Calendars in the “My Calendars” group are displayed, if not, click the down arrow proceeding “My Calendars” to expand the list.

File, home: my calendars, calendar

Right click “Calendar” under “My Calendars” and select “New Calendar…” from the pop-up menu.

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The “Create New Folder dialog box pops up, name your new calendar (in this example, I named it “Test” and then click “OK“.

Create new folder. Name: test. Folder contains: calendar items. Select where to place the folder:, inbox, drafts, sent items, deleted items, calendar, contacts, journal, junk e-mail, notes, outbox. Ok, cancel.

The new calendar is displayed under “My Calendar” group. Click its name to open the calendar. By default, it opens side by side with your main calendar. You can click the left pointing arrow to overlap them.

outlook test calendar

If you want them to display side by side again, you can click the right pointing arrow to separate the two calendars.

outlook test calendar 2

To delete a calendar, right click on its name and select “Delete Calendar” from the pop up menu. You can also move the calendar to a different group by selecting “Move Calendar“.

open in new window, new calendar... hide this calendar, overlay, color, rename calendar, move calendar, delete calendar, recover deleted items..., move up, move down, share, properties, convert "test" to adobe pdf, append "test" to adobe pdf.