Procedures for Reserving the Library Golf Cart

Location: Oak Street Library, inside loading dock

Seating Capacity: 4

To reserve the Library van, please submit your request via Outlook Calendar.

  • Create a meeting on your calendar and invite the golf cart (Library – Golf Cart <>).
  • The golf cart invitation will be approved by Library Administrators once deconflicted with the golf cart calendar.
  • If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact Library Administration.
  • Golf Cart reservations normally will not be accepted more than 5 days prior to reserve date and exceptions would need to be approved through Library Administration.
  • If you have any questions regarding your request, please contact Library Administration.

Listed below are procedures for operational use of the Library golf cart:

  • Before any person may operate the Golf Cart, a signed Campus Unlicensed Motorized Vehicle Operators Brief (Annex A) must be on file with Library Administration and driver must possess a valid US driver’s license.
  • Pick up and check out keys in Library 230, by signing Golf Cart Driver Log.
  • Pick up and return the golf cart to the Oak Street Library loading dock, unless previous
    arrangements have been made with Library Facilities. To access the Oak Street Library
    loading dock, please check-in at the front counter. After use, plug in the charger. Please
    refer to the map (Annex B) for how to access campus from Oak Street Library. The map
    shows a path to the Main Library; however, once you’ve reached campus limits by
    Abbot Power Plant, then utilizing any campus sidewalk will allow you to get to your
    destination on campus. Oak Street Hours:
  • If you require the cart before or returning the cart after hours, please make necessary
    arrangements with Library Facilities.
  • While operating the golf cart, ensure the headlights are turned on. If you park the cart
    and leave it unattended, don’t leave keys in the ignition. Ensure you always secure keys.
  • Smoking, drinking, and eating in the golf cart is strictly prohibited.
  • If the golf cart is dirty or not functioning properly after you have used it, please log a
    facilities ticket with Library Facilities and explain in detail the problem you incurred.
  • If you are in an accident or need assistance while driving the golf cart, please contact
    Public Safety at 217-333-1216 and Library Facilities at 217-333-0317
  • Return and check out keys in Library 230.

Listed below are guidelines for golf cart usage:

  • ONLY Library employees with a valid US driver’s license and signed Campus Unlicensed Motorized Vehicle Operators on file may reserve and drive the Golf Cart. Upon signing, it then needs turned into Library Facilities.  The completion of the form is required every two years.
  • The Golf Cart can only be used for Library business, no personal use whatsoever.
    • Examples of Acceptable Use of University Vehicles:
      • Providing transportation for donors, library events, and candidates during interviews
      • Library book events located within campus
      • Library support needs, such as, small material collections moves, facility and shipping/receiving needs, campus meetings
      • If you have other potential needs not listed, please check with the Assistant Dean of Facilities
    • Examples of Non-compliant Use of University Vehicles:
      • Stopping on campus for lunch or coffee runs
  • Liability and collision insurance for the vehicles will not cover costs associated with accidents that may occur during non-compliant use and would become the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle.
  • Reserving the Golf Cart on a “recurring” basis is strictly prohibited.  (i.e.: driving to monthly meetings to another Campus location, etc.)
  • If people drive to Oak Street to pickup the golf cart, the library will NOT pay for parking at Oak Street.
  • The following general rules must be observed by golf cart drivers at all times for safe operation:
    • The Library Golf Cart may drive on sidewalks when necessary to transit between areas on campus.
    • By Illinois State Law, unlicensed motorized vehicles (golf carts) may not be driven on streets, except as necessary to safely cross streets at designated crosswalks. When crossing streets, these vehicles must use designated crosswalks and observe crossing signals.
    • By Illinois State Law, vehicles on walkways must yield to pedestrians at all times in all instances. There is never an occasion when vehicles on walkways have right-of-way over pedestrians.
    • When driving on sidewalks golf carts may not exceed 10 mph
    • Golf carts may only carry as many passengers as can be safely accommodated by the vehicle design, as stated in the manufacturer’s documentation.
    • University policies related to cart usage on campus located at:
    • Drivers must adhere to all Parking Department Rules and Regulations or be subject to citations, fines, fees, vehicle immobilization and/or towing