The Modern Languages & Linguistics Library collects books, journals, popular magazines, electronic databases and cd-roms for Iberian studies in the areas of Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque language, literature and culture. In addition, the Library purchases a selection of materials relating to Latin America studies. These collections support the teaching and research in the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and provide reading material and language tools for the campus and local community. Moreover, the faculty and students in the Comparative Literature Program and Jewish Studies use the collection, as it relates to Sephardim Jews and the Judeo-Spaniolic (Ladino) languages as well as Western European and Latin American Studies. The Iberian Studies collection totals 195,000 volumes and is scattered throughout the Library system. The majority is kept in the main Bookstacks. Important reference works and a small core collection are in The Modern Languages & Linguistics Library. A few frequently-used works are in The Reference Library as well as The Undergraduate Library. A gathering of rare materials, dating from 1470 to 1700, are kept in The Rare Book and Special Collections Library. Noteworthy for their rarity are works by Antonio Guevara, Juan Boscan Almogaver, and Luis de Leon as well as a number of Spanish emblem books by Diego de Saavedra Fajardo, Juan de Horozco y Covarrubias, and Juan de Borja.
Version Date: August, 2006