Government Documents Collection

The collection is maintained by the Government Documents Library.

The University of Illinois Library has been a United Nations depository library since 1946, a United States Government depository library since 1907, and an Illinois Government depository library since the early 1950s, when the state depository program was formalized. It is also a Canada Government depository library. The collection supports the research and teaching needs, and the service mission of the University in a wide variety of disciplines. It is the government depository libraries of record for the State of Illinois’ land grant institution. It also functions as the oldest and largest academic depository library for residents in the surrounding congressional and legislative districts, and in the state. Specialized reference and instructional services, bibliographic control of the collections and web site development (see, and the acquisition of government publications and related resources, largely by means of depository arrangements and also through paid subscriptions, form the basis of support. The publications of government agencies and intergovernmental organizations cover a broad range of subjects with particular emphasis on current affairs and public policy, government operations, legislation, regulation, the environment, science, technology, economics and trade, and socioeconomic subjects, as well as statistical data. The library also collects government-produced materials on general and popular topics, including consumer information. The holdings include over 200,000 monographs, 25,000 pamphlets, 1,500,000 microfiche, 4,000 CD-ROMs, and 15,000 serial titles. In addition, access is provided to over 200,000 electronic depository titles via the online catalog and the library web site. The Government Documents Library’s reference collection and select major series, the microfiche, and CD-ROMs are housed in the department’s public services area, Room 200 South, Main Library; most of the circulating print collection is housed in the Bookstacks – Government Documents, Main Library.

Version Date: April, 2005