The collection is maintained primarily by the Agriculture Library.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a land grant institution that has been collecting agricultural titles since 1867. The Agriculture collection supports teaching and research through for the Departments of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Science, Forestry, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology, and the Office of Agricultural Communications and Extension Education, Agricultural Entomology, International Soybean Program, and Vocational Agriculture. The Library also serves the needs of the on-campus and off-campus personnel of the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Services. The collection totals 200,000 volumes (70,000 volumes are in Agriculture and 130,000 volumes are in the Bookstacks). Most noteworthy are a nearly complete set of USDA publications given by Samuel Insull in 1919 and a personal collection given by the former Dean of Agriculture, Henry Perly Rusk.
Version Date: July, 2005