Procedures for Book Buying Trips

Note: Book buying trips need to be preapproved. Please contact the Associate Dean for Collections for funding. 

Ways to pay for books: 

  1. The most effective way to purchase books is to work with a University Vendor and have them purchase the books, ship and invoice the books to the University Library. 
  1. If you believe a cash advance is needed, the Business Office will need 6 weeks prior to your trip to obtain approval from University Payables. Receipts are needed to be able to close out the cash advance. (Please see below for the documentation about books) 
  1. If you pay for the books yourself, the Business Office can reimburse you. Please request reimbursement through the Purchasing App as a separate request from travel. Receipts are needed to be able reimburse employee. 

Book Documentation needed for the items to be added to Alma. A form can be downloaded here for convenience. 

Please supply the following information if it is available: 

  1. Book name 
  2. Author 
  3. Publisher 
  4. Publish date 
  5. ISBN if available 

Updated 12/10/24