August 8, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

August 8, 20161:00 pm - 4:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   Approve minutes from July 11
2.   Question Time
3.   Agenda for AULs at 8/29 meeting
4.   UL Residency Program Steering Committee (or Working Group?) Charge
5.   Review/evaluation of committee charge
6.   Rollback request
7.   Replacement member – Marketing & Communications Strategy WG

 7/12/16 – approved addition of Vince Weathers to the Library’s System Administrator Search Committee.

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair, Mary Laskowski, secretary, MJ Han, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Lynne Rudasill, Sarah Williams


1.   Approve minutes from July 11
Minutes were approved by a motion from Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Sarah Williams.

2.   Question Time
As this was their last meeting, John thanked Sarah and Lynne for their service on the committee.

John would like to see the interim search process refined to include at least the most relevant AUL.

John met with a group including representatives from AFSCME, Public Safety, HR Legal, and the Library to discuss staff concerns regarding security guards. There were misunderstandings around the role the security guards played in the Library, the history of the decision, and the role of Public Safety in managing security. Library security needs will continue to be met by Campus Police.

Open Access Bill – Outreach and information sharing will be particularly important in the fall. There is a Libguide with good information about Open Access. The biggest challenges are likely to be compliance with federal policy and requirements for grants (rather than the campus policy).

Budget –EC touched on the matter of the impact of collection inflation. In his subsequent meeting with the dean, interim Provost Feser stated his support, pending budget flexibility, for funding collection inflation as one of the campus’s highest priorities.

John is chairing a steering committee on budget reform, appointed by the Provost, to look at process and make recommendations for budget guidelines.

Sabbatical process – It seems to go better in some divisions than others. There were concerns that all the AULs involved may not be part of the decision or ranking. Beth Namachchivaya will be asked to talk about the sabbatical process the next time AULs meet with EC.

It was suggested that new members read Communication 27, which discusses shared governance.

John and the AULs have been working on the hiring plan. The Provost has been approving positions as they come up. Our plan is due to the Provost on 8/15. This is not an approval process, but a review to understand if the positions we are hiring are in line with our strategic plans.


3.   Agenda for AULs at 8/29 meeting
Sabbaticals – Beth (process, DCs)
Next AUL to give a brief update of how they are building on the retreat and strategic actions.

4.   UL Residency Program Steering Committee (or Working Group?) Charge
EC discussed the membership for the committee. The document will be posted for comment and self-nomination.

5.   Review/evaluation of committee charge
The charge will be reviewed, edited and submitted by an EC member.

6.   Rollback request
EC approved this rollback and will send the request forward to the Provost.

7.   Replacement  member – Marketing & Communications Strategy WG

EC suggested a member.


7/12/16 – approved addition of Vince Weathers to the Library’s System Administrator Search Committee.


8/02/16 – approved charge to Bylaws Committee to update bylaws to include specialized faculty and representation for academic professionals.

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