for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE: continue to send books: see note 3 at end of profile.
010: Bibliography
011: Bibliographies
012: Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals
013: Bibliographies and catalogs of works by specific classes of authors
014: Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works
015: Bibliographies and catalogs or works from specific places
016: Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects or in specific disciplines
016.02 Bibliographies and catalogs of works on library and information sciences
017: General subject catalogs
018: Catalogs arranged by author, main entry, date, or register number
019: Dictionary catalogs
020: Library and information sciences
021: Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers (including role as storage centers)
022: Administration of the physical plant (including reading rooms and other special rooms,
023: Personnel administration of libraries, archives, and information centers (types of positions,
professional positions, technician positions, administrative positions, titles and job
descriptions, in-service training, elements of personnel administration)
024: (unassigned)
025: Operations of libraries, archives, information centers
026: Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects and disciplines
027: General libraries, archives, information centers
028: Reading and use of other information media
070.5: Publishing (book publishing, publishers, book clubs, comprehensive works on publishing
and printing)
090: Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials
091: Manuscripts
092: Block books
093: Incunabula
094: Printed books
095: Books notable for bindings
096: Books notable for illustrations and materials
097: Books notable for ownership or origin
098: Prohibited works, forgeries, hoaxes
099: Books notable for format
PHILOSOPHY: continue to send books (except send nothing for paranormal phenomena and arts); see note 2 at end of profile.
100: Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology
101: Theory of philosophy
102: Miscellany of philosophy
103: Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of philosophy
104: (unassigned)
105: Serial publications of philosophy
106: Organizations and management of philosophy
107: Education, research, related topics of philosophy
108: History and description of philosophy with respect to kinds of persons
109: Historical and collected persons treatment of philosophy
110: Metaphysics
111: Ontology
112: (unassigned)
113: Cosmology (philosophy of nature)
114: Space
115: Time
116: Change
117: Structure
118: Force and energy
119: Number and quantity
120: Epistemology, causation, humankind
121: Epistemology, (theory of knowledge)
122: Causation
123: Determinism and indeterminism
124: Teleology
125: (unassigned)
126: The self
127: The unconscious and the subconscious
128: Humankind
129: Origin and destiny of individual souls
140: Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
141: Idealism and related systems and doctrines
142: Critical philosophy
143: Intuitionism and Bergsonism
144: Humanism and related systems and doctrines
145: Sensationalism
146: Naturalism and related systems and doctrines
147: Pantheism and related systems and doctrines
148: Liberalism, eclecticism, syncretism, traditionalism, dogmatism
149: Other philosophical systems and doctrines
160: Logic
161: Induction
162: Deduction
163: (unassigned)
164: (unassigned)
165: Fallacies and sources of error
166: Syllogism
167: Hypotheses
168: Argument and persuasion
169: Analogy
170: Ethics (moral philosophy)
171: Systems and doctrines
172: Political ethics
173: Ethics of family relationships
174: Economic, professional, occupational ethics
175: Ethics of recreation and leisure
176: Ethics of sex and reproduction
177: Ethics of social relations
178: Ethics of consumption
179: Other ethical norms
180: Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy
181: Oriental philosophy
182: Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
183: Sophistic, Socratic and related Greek philosophies
184: Platonic philosophy
185: Aristotelian philosophy
186: Skeptic and Neoplantonic philosophies
187: Epicurean philosophy
188: Stoic philosophy
189: Medieval Western philosophy
190: Modern Western philosophy
191: United States and Canada
192: British Isles
193: Germany and Austria
194: France
195: Italy
196: Spain and Portugal
197: Soviet Union
198: Scandinavia
199: Other geographical areas
PSYCHOLOGY: continue to send books
150: Psychology
151: (unassigned)
152: Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives
153: Conscious mental processes and intelligence
154: Subconscious and altered states and processes
155: Differential and developmental psychology
156: Comparative psychology
157: (abnormal and clinical psychologies — now 616.89)
158: Applied psychology
159: (discontinued)
RELIGION: (history of the Christian Church only) continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.
270: Historical, geographical, persons treatment of organized Christian church (Church history)
271: Religious congregations and orders in church history
272: Persecutions in general church history
273: Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
274: Christian church in Europe
275: Christian church in Asia
276: Christian church in Africa
277: Christian church in North America
278: Christian church in South America
279: Christian church in other parts of the world
SOCIOLOGY: continue to send books
301: Sociology and anthropology
302: Social interaction
303: Social processes
304: Factors affecting social behavior
305: Social groups
306: Culture and institutions
307: Communities
308: Criminology (crime and its alleviation)
ECONOMICS: continue to send books
330: Economics
POLITICAL SCIENCE: continue to send books (except send nothing for legislation)
320: Political sciences (politics and government)
321: Systems of governments and states
322: Relation of the state to organized groups and their members
323: Civil and political rights
324: The political process
325: International migration and colonization
326: Slavery and emancipation
327: International relations
LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for English as a second language)
400: Language
401: Philosophy and theory
402: Miscellany
403: Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
404: Special topics
405: Serial publications
406: Organizations and management
407: Education, research, related topics
408: Treatment of language with respect to kinds of persons
409: Geographical and persons treatment
410: Linguistics
411: Writing systems
412: Etymology
413: Dictionaries
414: Phonology
415: Structural systems (Grammar)
416: (unassigned)
417: Dialectology and historical (diachronic) linguistics
418: Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics). Applied linguistics
419: Structured verbal language other than spoken and written
GERMAN: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for Dutch)
430: Germanic (Teutonic) languages, German
431: Writing systems and phonology of standard German
432: Etymology of standard German
433: Dictionaries of standard German
434: (unassigned)
435: Structural system (Grammar) of standard German
436: (unassigned)
437: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
438: Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
439: Other Germanic (Teutonic) languages
FRENCH: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
440: Romance languages — French
441: Writing system and phonology of standard French
442: Etymology of standard French
443: Dictionaries of standard French
444: (unassigned)
445: Structural system (Grammar) of standard French
446: (unassigned)
447: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
448: Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
449: Provencal and Catalan
ITALIAN: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
450: Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic languages
441: Writing system and phonology of standard Italian
442: Etymology of standard Italian
443: Dictionaries of standard Italian
444: (unassigned)
445: Structural system (Grammar) of standard Italian
446: (unassigned)
447: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
458: Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
459: Romania and Rhaeto-Romanic
SPANISH: send slips for specified areas (see not 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas
460: Spanish and Portuguese languages
461: Writing systems and phonology of standard Spanish
462: Etymology of standard Spanish
463: Dictionaries of standard Spanish
464: (unassigned)
465: Structural system (Grammar) of standard Spanish
466: (unassigned)
467: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
468: Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
PORTUGUESE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas
469: Portuguese
GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see not 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas
800: Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
801: Philosophy and theory
802: Miscellany
803: Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
804: (unassigned)
805: Serial publications
806: Organizations
807: Education, research, related topics
808: Rhetoric and collections of literary texts from more than one literature
809: History, description, critical appraisal of more than one literature
GERMAN LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
830: Literatures of Germanic (Teutonic) languages, German literature
831: German poetry
832: German drama
833: German fiction
834: German essays
835: German speeches
836: German letters
837: German satire and humor
838: German miscellaneous writings
SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
839: Other Germanic (Teutonic) literatures
FRENCH LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
840: Literatures of Romance languages, French literature
841: French poetry
842: French drama
843: French fiction
844: French essays
845: French speeches
846: French letters
847: French satire and humor
848: French miscellaneous writings
849: Provencal and Catalan
ITALIAN LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
850: Literatures of Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic languages
851: Italian poetry
852: Italian drama
853: Italian fiction
854: Italian essays
855: Italian speeches
856: Italian letters
857: Italian satire and humor
858: Italian miscellaneous writings
859: Romanian and Rhaeto-Romanic
SPANISH LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for Spanish American)
860: Literatures of Spanish and Portuguese languages
861: Spanish poetry
862: Spanish drama
863: Spanish fiction
864: Spanish essays
865: Spanish speeches
866: Spanish letters
867: Spanish satire and humor
868: Spanish miscellaneous writings
PORTUGUESE LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.
869: Portuguese
CINEMA: continue to send books
791.4 Motion pictures, radio, television
THEATER: send slips instead of books
792: Stage presentations
GENERAL HISTORY: including Theory, Philosophy, Methodology, Diplomatics; Numismatics: send slips instead of books for DDC 737 (Numismatics); continue to send books for DDC 900-901; see note 2 at end of profile.
900: Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
901: Philosophy and theory of history
HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD: continue to send books
930: History of ancient world to ca. 499
931: China to 420
932: Egypt to 640
933: Palestine to 70
934: India to 647
935: Mesopotamia and Iranian Plateau to 637
936: Europe north and west of Italian peninsula to ca. 499
937: Italian peninsula and adjacent territories to 476
938: Greece to 323
939: Other parts of ancient world to ca. 640
GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.
940: General history of Europe, Western Europe
GREAT BRITAIN: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.
941: British Isles
942: England and Wales
CENTRAL EUROPE AND GERMANY: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.
943: Central Europe, Germany
FRANCE: continue to send books for 17th, 18th, and 20th century French history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of French history; see note 2 at end of profile.
944: France and Monaco
ITALY: continue to send books for 15th, 16th, and 20th century Italian history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Italian history; see note 2 at end of profile.
945: Italian Peninsula and adjacent islands, Italy
IBERIAN PENINSULA, SPAIN: continue to send books for any aspect of Latin American history; continue to send books for 16th and 20th century Spanish and Portuguese history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Iberian Peninsula and Spanish history; see note 2 at end of profile.
946: Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands. Spain.
EASTERN EUROPE, SOVIET UNION (including nations formerly part of the Soviet Union): continue to send books for 20th century Eastern European history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Eastern European history; see note 2 at end of profile.
947: Eastern Europe. Russia.
OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE: continue to send books for 20th century history of Other Parts of Europe; send slips instead of books for all other periods of history for Other Parts of Europe; see note 2 at end of profile.
949: Other parts of Europe
HISTORY OF ASIA: send slips instead of books; see note 2 at end of profile.
950: General history of Asia. Orient. Far East.
HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA: send slips instead of books; see note 2 at end of profile.
970: General history of North America
HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA: continue to send books
980: General history of South America
- Slips should be sent in the following areas of literature and linguistics:
- Dialect belletristic literature (primary sources as well as secondary criticism). This exclusion should not, however, include major languages which could be falsely interpreted as being dialects (e.g., Catalan).
- Secondary criticism (literature or linguistics) of the works of one language but written in another language. For example, a book on the German author Robert Musil written in French, Italian, Spanish or English; or a work about the history of the Spanish language written in French, Italian, German or English.
- Works by authors which are self-published (i.e., not issued by a standard press).
- Belletristic literature by less established authors and issued by “upstart” presses. Particularly poetry and drama, although novels and short stories also.
- Exhibition catalogs.
- Museum Publications
- Authors whose primary contributions are outside of belletristic literature (i.e., marginal authors). For example, an author who is a sociologist, such as the author Herbert Marcuse.
- Popular fiction (novels, mysteries, romances, etc.). But do not exclude novels by major, established authors.
- The first priority in selecting monographs for subject areas indicated by note 2 should be for publications of learned institutions.
- Do not send slips for works written in a language other than English or the language of the vendor. For example, we might be interested in a German/English – English/German dictionary of library science, but not a French/German – German/French dictionary of library science.
Titles over $100.00 U.S.
Serials, except number one
Full-size reproductions
Juvenile literature
Pamphlets (under fifty pages)
Telephone directories
City directories
Working Papers
University of Illinois Library Acquisitions: German Blanket Order Profile