I. Collection Description
To support teaching and research in the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese to the doctoral level and beyond in the language, literature, and culture of the Spanish, Catalan and Basque-speaking peoples, exclusive of Latin America. The field is of interest also to faculty and students in the Comparative Literature Program and Jewish Studies as it relates to Sephardim Jews and the Judeo-Spaniolic (Ladino) languages as well as Western European and Latin American Studies.
History of Collection:
The development of the Spanish Collection can be traced to the end of the 19th century and, more specifically, to the establishment in 1893 of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. A Department of Spanish and Italian was authorized in 1939. By then, the Spanish language and literature collection numbered ca. 25,000 titles and practically doubled in size during the 1940’s-1960’s, due at least in part to Professor John Van Horn’s efforts in sponsoring the purchase of literally thousands of titles. In recent years, participation first in the Farmington plan (1951) and later in the European Blanket Order Program has also resulted in a significant increase in the size of the collection.
Estimate of Holdings:
195,000 volumes.
State, Regional and National Importance:
The most important state and, most likely, regional collection and among the 10 most comprehensive collections in the nation. The collection of rare materials contains titles dating back from the 1470s to 1700. Among them is the best collection of Antonio Guevara’s works and translations (some works are the only copy in the United States). Original works of Juan Boscan Almogaver and Luis de Leon, as well as a number of Spanish emblem books written by Diego de Saavedra Fajardo, Juan de Horozco y Covarrubias, and Juan de Borja are also included. The collection of ca. 14,000 Spanish drama titles of the 19th century purchased in 1962 from book dealer Garcia Rico (uncatalogued) merits mention due to its scope and coverage. The listing of all periodicals indexed in the Modern Language Association Bibliography (1921 to the present) compiled by the Modern Language and Linguistics Library Staff shows the University of Illinois Library having ca. 80% of them (although not always complete runs).
Unit Responsible for Collecting:
Modern Languages and Linguistics Library.
Location of Materials:
The majority are in the Bookstacks. Reference works and a small core collection are held in the Modern Languages and Linguistics Library. There are also materials in the Reference Library, Undergraduate Library, and the Rare Book and Special Collections Library.
Citations of Works Describing the Collection:
Downs, pp. 203, 204.
Major, p. 18.
Porqueras-Mayo, Alberto. “La colecci6n Palafox. Fondos raros en la Universidad de Illinois,” XVII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literature Iberoamericana. Madrid: Ediciones Cultural Hispanic, vol. 1, 1978.
J. L. Laurenti. “Antonio de Guevara en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois. Fondos raros bib1iograficos,” Cuadernos Bibliogrdficos 31 (1974): 41-63.
“La colecci6n de ediciones de Santa Teresa y Fray Luis de Le6n (Siglos de Oro XVI y XVII) en la Universidad de Illinois, Urbana,” Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Santa Teresa (Madrid-Pastrana, July, 1982). (Madrid: Edi-6, 1984), pp. 831-42.
“La colecci6n de Eusebio Nieremberg en la Universidad de Illinois.” (Accepted in Homenaje al Prof. Alvar, Madrid, Gredos).
“La colecci6n de Francisco de Quevedo (Impresos del siglo XVII) en la Universidad de Illinois,” Letras de Deusto 10 (1980), pp. 107-48.
“La colecci6n de fray Luis de Granada (siglos XVI y XVII) en la Universidad de Illinois” in Estudios sobre literatura y arte dedicados al profesor Emilio Orozco Diaz, Granada: Universidad, 1979, pp. 263-78.
“La colecci6n de gramaticas y diccionarios espanoles (Siglos XVI-XVII) en la Universidad de Illinois,” Boletin de La Real Academia Espanola 63 (1983), pp.305-37 (with J. L. Laurenti).
“La colecci6n de Pedro Rivadeneyra S. J. (15271611) en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois (Siglos XVI y XVII),” Gutenberg Jahrbuch (Mainz: Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1986), pp. 355-60 (with J. L. Laurenti).
“La colecci6n de traducciones hispano-clasicas de la Edad de Oro en la Universidad de Illinois,”Anuario de Letras (Mexico, 1980), pp. 292-339 (with J. L. Laurenti).
“La colecci6n gongorina en la Universidad de Illinois,” Boletin de la Real Academia Espanola 59 (1979): 157-80.
“La colecci6n hispanica (Siglo XVI) de ediciones colonienses en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois” in Homenaje al Prof. Jose Sim6n Diaz (with J. L. Laurenti). In press.
“La colecci6n hispanica (Siglo XVI) de ediciones venecianas en la Universidad de Illinois in Aureum Saeculum Hispanum: “Festschrift fur Hans Flasche zum 70. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1983. pp. 141-70.
“La colecci6n hispanica (Siglo XVII) de ediciones venecianas en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” in Homenaje al Prof. A. Zamora Vicente. (Madrid: Castalia). In press.
“La col.leccio lul.liana en la Universitat d’Illinois” in Estudis de llengua. literatura i cultura catalanes, Montserrat: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 1979.
“La colecci6n del P. Francisco Suarez (Siglos XVI y XVII) en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” Estudios romanicos dedicados al Prof. Andr6s Soria Ortega (Granada: Universidad, 1985), II, pp. 577-85.
“La colecci6n teatral (Siglo XVII) en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” Hommage to Prof. K. and R. Reichenberger. In press.
“Ediciones Valencianas (siglos XVI-XVII) en la Universidad de Illinois,” Boletin de la Biblioteca de Menendez Pelayo 58 (1982): 351-372.
Estudios bibliograficos de la Edad de Oro. Fondos raros y colecciones en la Universidad de Illinois. (with J. L. Laurenti). (Barcelona: Puvill, 1984). Preface by Jose Sim6n Diaz. 389 pp.
Albert Gier, Zeitschrift fur Romanische Philologie 101 (1985), pp. 514-15.
“Fondos raros: Ediciones sevillanas en los siglos XV, XVI, y XVII en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” Archivo Hispalense 181 (1976): 153-73.
“Impresos complutenses de la Endad de Oro en la Universidad de Illinois,” Anales del Institutode Estudios Madrileflos 16 (1979): 569-89.
“Impresos raros de la Edad de Oro en la Universidad de Illinois. Letra A,” Revista de Archivos. Bibliotecas y Museos 79 (1976): 299-335.
“Impresos raros de la Edad de Oro en la Universidad de Illinois. Parte II. Letra B,” Primeras Jornadas de Bibliografia (Madrid, 1977).
“Impresos raros de la Edad de Oro en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois. Letra F. (Parte V),” Anuario de Letras (Mexico) 14 (1976): 273-301.
“Impresos raros de la Edad de Oro en la Universidad de Illinois. Parte VI. Letra H,” Boletin de la Biblioteca de Menendez Pelayo 54 (1978): 397-420.
“Impresos raros de los siglos XVII-XIX de Juan Palafox y Mendoza (1600-1659), Obispo de Puebla, en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” Anuario de Letras 12 (1974): 241-54.
“Impresos toledanos de la Edad de Oro en la Universidad de Illinois,” Anales Toledanos 13 (1980), pp. 93-108.
“Impresos vallisoletanos en la Universidad de Illinois,” Boletin de la Biblioteca Menendez Pelayo 56 (1980), nums. 1-4, pp. 401-20.
“Mas sobre las traducciones alemanas de libros de la edad de oro (Siglo XVII) en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois.” In Josep Maria Sola-Sole homage. homenaje. homenatge. (Barcelona: Puvill, 1984), II, pp. 255-63.
“Una rara colecci6n de traducciones inglesas del Lazarillo en la Universidad de Illinois” in Actas del Congreso Internacional de la Picaresca. (Madrid: Fundaci6n Universitaria, 1979).
“Rarezas bibliograficas. La colecci6n de ediciones y traducciones del sevillano Pedro Mejia (1496-1552) en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” Archivo Hispalense 175 (1974): 241-54.
“Rarezas bibliograficas. Traducciones alemanas de libros de la Edad de Oro espanola (Siglos XVI y XVII) en la Universidad de Illinois,” Annali dell’Instituto Universitario Orientale. Sezione Romansa 20 (1978): 241-51.
The Spanish Golden Age (1472-1700). A Catalog of Rare Books Held in the Library of the University of Illinois and in Selected North American Libraries. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979.
“Traducciones hispano-francesas de los siglos XVI y XVII en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Illinois,” Bulletin Hispanique 82 (Juillet-Decembre 1980), pp. 436-83.
II. General Collection Guidelines
Spanish, Catalan, Basque, English, and Western European languages. Also any other language and regional variations of languages if the work is significant.
Chronological Guidelines:
No restrictions. Special emphasis in first half of the twentieth century.
Geographical Guidelines:
Primarily Spain, but including the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands. Also included are those parts of Africa and the United States where Spanish (and its regional variations) is spoken and literature in Spanish is written. Emigre literature, regardless of where it is written is also considered for purchase.
Treatment of Subject:
Standard statement. Materials have subject focus on some aspect of the Spanish, Catalan, and Basque languages and literatures. In addition, juvenile literature is acquired very selectively, in most cases because the author is an important literary figure.
Types of Materials:
Standard statement.
Date of Publication:
Standard statement. In addition, special efforts are made to acquire first and rare editions of the classics in the field.
Place of Publication:
Standard statement. In addition, special efforts are made to acquire first and rare editions of the classics in the field.
III. Collection Responsibility by Subject Subdivisions with Qualifications, Levels of Collecting Intensity, and Assignments
Below is a table that lists specific subject subdivisions within the collection. Each row in the table lists a specific subject subdivision, followed by three columns noting: Collection Strength, Primary Assignments and Secondary Assignments. The Existing Collecting Strength column notes how well the existing collection covers that topic on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being very strong. The Primary Assignments column lists departmental libraries that have the greatest collection intensity of subject materials, respectively. In the case of 2 or more libraries listed, the collection intensity is comparable. The Secondary Assignments column list departmental libraries where additional materials may be found.
Iberian Spanish Language & Literature Collection | |||
Spanish | 4 | Spanish | |
Spanish for science, technology, business, etc. | 3 | Spanish | |
Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) | 3 | Spanish | |
Spanish dialects | 3 | Spanish | |
CATALAN LANGUAGE | 3 | Spanish | |
BASQUE LANGUAGE | 3 | Spanish | |
History, criticism, genre studies | 4 | Spanish | |
Early to 1400 | 4 | Spanish | |
1400-1543 | 4 | Spanish | |
Golden Age/1554-1700 | 4 | Spanish | |
1700-1800 | 4 | Spanish | |
1800-present | 4 | Spanish | |
Chicano literature | 3 | Spanish | Latin America |
Juvenile literature | 3 | Spanish | Instructional materials |
into English | 3 | Undergraduate | Spanish |
into other languages | 3 | Spanish | |
Scholarly works | 4 | History | Spanish |
Popular treatments | 3 | Spanish | Undergraduate |
International cinema-Spanish | 3 | Spanish | Undergraduate |
Version Date: November 2005