I. Collection Description
The Home Economics Library supports teaching and research in two major areas in the College of Agriculture: Food Science and Home Economics. The Department of Food Science offers the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. The term “Home Economics” refers to several programs within the School of Human Resources and Family Studies (until 1974, known as the Department of Home Economics): teaching and research through and beyond the doctoral level in Foods and Nutrition, Family and Consumer Economics, and Human Development and Family Ecology; teaching programs through the masters’ level and advanced research in Home Economics, Home Economics Education, Textile, Apparel and Interior Design; and outreach activities of those faculty in Cooperative Extension with subject interests similar to those in the School of Human Resource and Family Studies.
History of Collection:
- Food Science: The bulk of the Food Science collection was located in the Agriculture Library until 1974, when the Home Economics Library assumed total responsibility for collecting in the Food Science area.
- Home Economics: The Home Economics Library opened in 1955, although the collection did not come together until 1957 when the new Bevier Hall was completed. Before that, and during the years when the Department of Home Economics occupied the old Bevier Hall (now the English Building), the divisions of the Department acquired small collections of books, pamphlets and bound journals. Those separate collections, purchased through equipment funds, were housed in the 29 different laboratories or offices of Home Economics faculty members. In addition, all Home Economics materials in the Undergraduate Library were transferred to the Home Economics Library, as were additional material from the Bookstacks.
Estimate of Holdings:
- Food Science: 7,200 (March, 1984)
- Home Economics: 34,500 (March, 1984)
State, Regional and National Importance:
- Food Science: The collection is highly regarded by researchers on the campus and in industry in the state.
- Home Economics: The collection is significant since it is one of seven in the country which have been brought together in one physical location. Special strengths of the collection are in the areas of costume, diet manuals and cookbooks.
Unit Responsible for Collecting:
Home Economics Library. Relevant collecting activities also occur in the Agriculture, Art and Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, and Education and Social Science Libraries.
Location of Materials:
- Food Science: The Home Economics Library maintains a collection of 1,500 volumes of current interest; the Agriculture Library has 900 volumes, and the Bookstacks 4,800.
- Home Economics: The Home Economics Library maintains a collection of 15,600 volumes of current interest; Agriculture has 1,300; and the Bookstacks 16,000.
- Other libraries with relevant holdings are the Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, and the Education and Social Science Libraries.
Citations of Works Describing the Collection:
- Food Science: None known.
- Home Economics:
- Downs, 91-92.
- Council for Professional Development, American Home Economics Association. Final Report on the Accreditation of the School of Human Resources and Family Studies, 1983.
- Report by the Task Force on Accreditation of the School of Human Resources and Family Studies, 1982.
II. General Collection Guidelines
Standard statement.
Chronological Guidelines:
Emphasis on current research and development in all areas. In addition, there is special interest in historical works on textiles, apparel, interior design, and foods.
Geographical Guidelines:
Treatment of Subject:
- Food Science: Standard statement. Food Science includes food technology; food chemistry; sensory evaluation of foods; food analysis; raw materials for processing; principles of sanitation in processing and handling of foods; engineering for food processing; physical, chemical and colloidal phenomena of food products; state of metabolism of lipids food microbiology; and chemistry of lipids in foods. Food Science has many interdisciplinary aspects in the basic sciences, agriculture, and engineering, and relevant materials are selected by libraries serving these disciplines. The Home Economics Library primarily acquires works which treat the applied aspect of these fields in relationship to food.
- Home Economics: Scholarly and popular materials are acquired, including textbooks and curricular materials. There are five areas of interest: 1) home economics, including home economics education; 2) family and consumer economics, including family financial management, economics of consumption, and home equipment; 3) foods and nutrition, including food selection and preparation, experimental foods, quantity food production and service, pediatrics and nutrition, nutritional aspects of disease, physical growth and nutrition, and institution and restaurant management; 4) human development and family ecology, emphasizing infancy and pre-school ages and including child development, early childhood education, day care centers, family relationships, comparative family organization, the contemporary American family, family mediation, and child life in medical settings; and 5) textiles, apparel, and interior design, including apparel design and selection, consumer textiles, textiles for interiors, costume design and history, textile and apparel marketing and retailing, textile science, and textile history. Home Economics is also an interdisciplinary study, especially in the areas of the social sciences, biology, medicine, and art, and relevant materials are acquired by the libraries serving these disciplines.
Types of Materials:
Standard statement. In the field of food science, government publications are of special importance, and in home economics, diet manuals and cookbooks are collected heavily, as well as books on the history of costume and textiles.
Date of Publication:
Standard statement.
Place of Publication:
No restrictions.
III. Collection Responsibility by Subject Subdivisions with Qualifications, Levels of Collecting Intensity, and Assignments
Below is a table that lists specific subject subdivisions within the collection. Each row in the table lists a specific subject subdivision, followed by three columns noting: Collection Strength, Primary Assignments and Secondary Assignments. The Existing Collecting Strength column notes how well the existing collection covers that topic on a 1 to 5 scale with 5 being very strong. The Primary Assignments column lists departmental libraries that have the greatest collection intensity of subject materials, respectively. In the case of 2 or more libraries listed, the collection intensity is comparable. The Secondary Assignments column list departmental libraries where additional materials may be found.
Home Economics Collection | |||
Food chemistry | 3 | Home Economics | Chemistry |
Food technology | 3 | Home Economcis | Engineering |
Family and consumer economics | 3 | Home Economics | Commerce |
Food and nutrition | 3 | Home Economics | Agriculture |
Home economics | 4 | Home Economics | |
Human development and family ecology | 3 | Home Economics | Education / Social Work/Sociology |
Textiles, apparel, and interior design | 3 | Home Economics | Architecture & Art |
Version Date: November 2005