Responsibilities of Library PTA Committee Chair: A checklist for incoming chairs

Basic housekeeping:

  • Responsible for convening committee meetings and communicating to members agenda, date/time, and location of meetings. Typically will include:
    • Initial organizing meeting held following annual election and within 2 weeks from time Committee chair is named by the University Librarian
    • Meeting(s) to plan, schedule, and conduct Committee review of 3Y PRC reports. Due date as specified in Master Calendar.
    • Meeting(s) to plan, schedule, and write critiques of 0Y-3Y PRC reports. Due date as specified in Master Calendar.
    • Meeting(s) to review and update as necessary Committee procedures and documentation. Should be done late spring or early summer to allow ample time for revisions without overlapping fall review of P&T cases..
    • Meeting(s) to plan, schedule, and conduct formal reviews of P&T cases. Due date as specified in Master Calendar.
    • Meeting(s) to review and update documentation and Master Calendar for following year. Should be done earlier enough to allow final revisions of all documentation by 31 December each year.
    • Other meetings as necessary.

Some of these meetings may be joint with FRC. Subtasks may also be delegated to PTA or joint PTA/FRC working groups which will need to meet on their own. Meeting scheduling may be delegated to UL/AUL office, as workload permits.

  • Responsible for providing Library Systems Office with updated list of Committee members so that LSO can update permissions on Committee shared folder. This should be done as soon after appointment of PTA Chair as practical.
  • Maintain all PTA related documents on the shared drive folder. Remove any documentation no longer needed. Insure that any confidential materials from previous year cases has been removed (print copies may need to be archived).

Communication with all faculty on P&T, tenure, and FRC issues:

  • Responsible for insuring PTA related documents on the PTA/FRC website, including Master Calendar(s), are current and up to date throughout the year. May delegate page change / editing to Committee members and/or UL/AUL office staff as appropriate.
  • Chair will work with PTA Committee and with Chair of FRC to plan for and hold forums on PTA matters. Due dates as specified in Master Calendar. Regular forums include:
    • PRC Report Preparation Workshop (mandatory for PRC members and faculty being reviewed by a PRC).
    • P&T Dossier Preparation Workshop (mandatory for upcoming paper preparers and all candidates planning to go up in fall for promotion or promotion & tenure; recommended for 4Y candidates).
    • Other forums as required by Master Calendar (e.g., 3Y PRC forum, 5Y PRC forum)
  • Communicate updates from Provost’s Office on tenure process to Library faculty and update all necessary Library PTA documents in a timely fashion.

P&T related processes:

  • Chair finds a PTA member to cover each joint PTA/FRC informational sessions with candidates interviewing for tenure track appointments in the Library. PTA rep cc’s PTA Chair on any comments forwarded to Search Committee Chair. PTA Chair is responsible for insuring new PTA Committee members familiar with responsibilities and procedures for interview candidate informational sessions.
  • Chair convenes special meeting of the PTA Committee to review any recommendations for initial appointment to Library faculty at rank of associate professor with tenure or associate professor with Q contract. (Consideration of recommendations for initial appointment at rank of Full Professor require appointment of special committee per UL bylaws.)
    • Though expedited, deliberations will conform to requirements of Provost Communications 3 and 5 and in spirit will be conducted with same rigor as deliberations for other P&T cases considered by Committee.
    • Chair will forward vote and a letter describing rationale for vote to UL in a timely fashion. Letter will be signed by all members of Committee participating in deliberations.
  • Chair will coordinate Committee deliberations each fall of P&T cases submitted. (Cases for promotion to Full Professor require appointment of special committee per UL bylaws.) Due date November 15.
    • Beginning in spring, Chair should keep Committee informed as to particulars and schedule of cases expected to come before the Committee for review in the fall and update Committee on changes as they occur.
    • Chair should insure Committee members are familiar with current recusal policies and guidelines and should identify likely recusals early in the process to facilitate planning and scheduling of reviews.
    • Beginning in September, Chair will work with UL office staff to insure that all materials necessary for Committee review are made available to Committee members. This will include making available copies of all substantive publications by candidates, copies of internal and external referee letters, and copies of dossiers. According to current procedures, PTA Committee should also have available the recorded FRC vote (but not their letter) before completing deliberations.
    • Chair will insure that final vote and substance of all deliberations for each case are recorded and summarized. This information for each case will be transmitted by letter to the UL. Each Committee member participating in deliberations will sign letter. In case of split vote, additional letters representing minority opinion may be submitted in addition to letter documenting majority recommendation.

Peer Review Committee Reports:

  • PTA Chair will coordinate Committee review and assessment of 3Y PRC Reports. Due date specified in Master Calendar.
    • Beginning with appointment, PTA Chair should keep Committee informed as to particulars and schedule for all 3Y PRC Reviews to be conducted in current year. (Note, rollback 3Y cases do not require another 3Y review if a rigorous 3Y review was conducted in previous year.)
    • Chair should insure Committee members are familiar with current recusal polices and guidelines and should identify likely recusals early in the process to facilitate planning and scheduling of reviews.
    • Chair will work with UL office staff to insure all materials necessary for Committee review are available to Committee members. This will include 3Y PRC reports and all letters from external (and internal when applicable) referees.
    • Chair will insure that substance of deliberations for case are summarized. Recording of Committee vote is not required, however, letter to UL should convey consensus of Committee as to candidate progress-to-date (ranked on a scale of 1 to 4, 1=satisfactory progress, 4=may need to consider early termination) and as to readiness of 3Y PRC report for UL signature.
  • PTA Chair will coordinate Committee critique of 0Y-3Y PRC Reports. Due date specified in Master Calendar.
    • Beginning with appointment, PTA Chair should keep Committee informed as to particulars and schedule for all 3Y PRC critiques to be performed by Committee in current year. (PRC Reports for rollback cases are critiqued if PRC Reports are provided, which is normally the case.)
    • Chair should insure Committee members are familiar with current recusal policies and guidelines and should identify likely recusals early in the process to facilitate planning and scheduling of critiques.
    • Chair will work with UL office staff to insure PRC Reports are available to Committee members.
    • Chair will be responsible for transmitting critiques (constructive criticism) developed by the Committee to each PRC with cc to candidate and to UL. Critiques will address both form and substance of the PRC Report, but are not intended directly as reviews of candidate progress-to-date (though if consensus of the Committee on progress is markedly different than consensus of PRC as presented in the report, this will be made clear).
  • Chair insures that consensus of the Committee as to common problems with PRC reports reviewed is summarized and presented (in the form of constructive criticism) at subsequent PRC forums.

(Last revised 3 January 2006 , twc.)