The collection is maintained by the Education & Social Science Library.
The Instructional Materials Collection supports the subject discipline methods courses for teacher preparation as well as the instructional programs and research needs of the faculty and students in the College of Education and Graduate School of Library and Information Science. These materials include children’s and young adult literature, curriculum guides, textbooks, and selected audiovisual items and software, and comprise two separate collections, the Curriculum Collection and the School Collection. Both collections contain materials from 1800 to the present. The Curriculum Collection is composed of 56,500 volumes, of which 26,100 are cataloged. The School Collection contains 128,500 volumes, with 85,000 cataloged. Of statewide importance is the School (S) Collection’s extensive collection of historical children’s books as well as its comprehensive collection of juvenile biographies of Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. Most of the materials are located in the Education & Social Science Library, however, the Historical S-Collection (1800-1920) and pop-up books are located in the Rare Book & Special Collections Library. Some non-English children’s books are in the Modern Languages & Linguistics Library, the Asian Library, and the Slavic & East European Library.
Version Date: January, 2007