Library Staff Support Committee Bylaws – October 2020

Mission Statement

The Library Staff Support Committee (LSSC) exists to act as a liaison between the Library staff and the Library Administration and librarians.

The LSSC will work with administrators, librarians, and staff, to facilitate communication within the library. The LSSC will put staff concerns and ideas before the decision-making bodies that can best address and act upon them. The Committee will endeavor to identify staff members to be added to library committees where staff input will be beneficial.

Membership and Qualifications

The LSSC consists of thirteen members; one ex-officio member elected from Administrative Services (representing staff not covered by other divisions), one member elected from each of the following divisions: Area Studies (with Mortenson Center), Arts & Humanities, Law Library, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Social Sciences, Residence Hall Libraries, Special Collections; and two members each elected from Central Public Services, and Technical Services.

To be eligible to be elected, a candidate must have been a civil service staff member of the U of I Library for at least 6 months as of May 30th of the year in which the election takes place and have at least a 50% role in the division they represent. A staff member may serve for two consecutive elected terms (or a maximum of five consecutive years), unless uncontested.

Officers: Election Procedure and Duties

Officers are elected at the first meeting of the new committee and, if necessary, offices can be shared. The election is won by a majority vote.

  1. Chair: The duties of the Chair include chairing the meetings and providing an agenda.
  2. Vice-Chair: The duties include taking the Chair’s place in the event of an absence and making the appropriate room reservations. The Vice-Chair also serves as treasurer.
  3. Secretary: This person is responsible for taking minutes and preparing them for Committee review, and submitting information to Libnews and Libstaff, and maintaining any other correspondence, and maintaining the LSSC website.
  4. Faculty Meeting Attendees: These two people will attend and report on all Faculty Meetings.
  5. Administrative Council Attendee: This person will attend and report on all Administrative Council meetings. A backup Attendee will be elected as well.
  6. Provisions for standing committees: subcommittees may be set up at any regular meeting if needed. (A quorum is needed, although there does not need to be advance notice.)
  7. If necessary, elections may be held to change officers.
  8. If more officers are needed they may be added at any time.

Provisions for an Executive Committee

An executive committee consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Administrative Council Attendee.

Number of Meetings

A minimum of one meeting per month is required of the LSSC. Regular and special meetings can be added or canceled by a majority vote. A designated Administration Representative meets with the Committee quarterly. The Committee may request meetings with others as necessary.

Amending the Bylaws

At a previous meeting, notice will be given of a vote to change a provision in the bylaws, and when the vote will occur. The vote must pass by a three-fourths majority of the Committee. If a member must be absent they may inform the Chair in writing of their vote in advance. Once passed by the Committee, the provision must be voted on by the Library Civil Service Employees (CSEs). The vote must pass by a simple majority of those responding.

Membership Duties

  1. Committee members

Members are required to attend Divisional meetings and LSSC meetings and are encouraged to send substitutes when they cannot attend. Members are encouraged to hold divisional staff meetings at least once a year and correspond with divisional staff in the best way they see fit throughout the rest of the year.

  1. Changes

The LSSC Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the LSSC, can call a meeting of divisional staff to vote on replacing that division’s liaison for due cause.


Seven of the twelve Committee members need to be present to form a quorum.

Election Provisions

  1. Elections will be held once a year, according to the LSSC Election Guidelines.
  2. The term length is two years with staggered elections.
    In odd numbered years a Committee member will be elected from: Central Public Services, Law, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Special Collections Divisions and Technical Services. In even numbered years a Committee member will be elected from: Area Studies (with Mortenson Center), Arts & Humanities, Central Public Services, Physical Science & Engineering, Residence Hall Libraries and Technical Services Divisions. The Administrative Services (staff not covered by other divisions) Committee member serves an ex officio role.
  3. The person who receives the highest number of votes is elected to the Committee. A run-off election will be held in the event of a tie.
  4. The elections are to take place in May of each year, with the first meeting of the new committee to be held in July.
  5. Special elections

If a liaison steps down within the first six months following the election, then the runner up (if willing) will assume the duties. Otherwise, a special election will be held to replace the liaison.

Votes and Disagreements

Meetings will be held in a consensus fashion. Any LSSC member can call for a vote if they feel further discussion will be unprofitable. When a vote is called the person who called for the vote has two minutes to make a statement. Others who wish to speak may do so for one minute each. The first person may make a one minute rebuttal speech, and then a vote will be taken.

CSE At-large Attendance

Staff members may attend Committee meetings as silent observers. However, they can request that items be added to the agenda by contacting a Committee member before the meeting. Attendance is not covered by release time.