Bylaws, The Library, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bylaws Committee


These are Bylaws of the Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


These Bylaws are a supplement to the current edition of the University of Illinois Statutes (herein after, Statutes) and are intended to provide for the internal governance of the Library, to define further the rights and responsibilities of the University Librarian and the Faculty, and to guide in the appointment and conduct of committees and other faculty groups. In case of conflict, the Statutes will prevail.



A.  The Faculty shall consist of those with academic rank or title of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor who are tenured or receiving probationary credit towards tenure (Statutes, Article II, sec. 3A(1)). They shall each have one vote and shall be eligible for membership on faculty committees.

B.  Extension of Faculty privileges to others

1)  Members of the academic staff of the library who are not included in subsection A above (i.e., neither tenured nor receiving probationary credit toward tenure), and those who hold the rank or title of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or lecturer modified by the terms “research,” “adjunct,” “clinical,” “visiting” and/or “emeritus” (e.g., “research professor,” “adjunct assistant professor,” “clinical associate professor,” “visiting professor”) and who have an appointment of at least 50 percent in the library shall each have one vote, and shall be eligible for membership on faculty committees, unless explicitly restricted in the bylaws as outlined below.

2)   The faculty may vote to extend faculty privileges to other academic staff, provided that voting on such extension is limited to those named in Section A above. Statutes, Article II, sec. 3a2

C.  The faculty of the University Library has all the rights and responsibilities of faculty as stipulated in the Statutes and in the Library bylaws.

Section 2.  OFFICERS

A.  Chairperson. The University Librarian, as chief executive officer, shall preside as the chairperson at Library Faculty meetings. (See Library Bylaws, Article IV.)

B.  Vice Chairperson. The elected members of the Executive Committee shall elect annually one of its members as Vice Chairperson of the Faculty. The duties of the Vice Chairperson shall include:

1)   Presiding at Faculty meetings in the absence of the Chairperson;

2)   Presiding at Executive Committee meetings in the absence of the Chairperson;

3)   Chairing the Executive Committee during its deliberations on the annual reappointment of the University Librarian.

4)   Chairing the Executive Committee in the development of a plan for conducting the five-year evaluation of the University Librarian in accordance with Statutes, Article VI, Part e and Article III, Section 5, Part a.

C.  Secretary. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be elected annually by the Faculty and may serve successive terms. Duties of the Secretary shall include:

1)   Oversight of recording, revising, preserving, and distributing minutes of Faculty meetings;

2)   Providing written notice of meetings and issuing a call for agenda items ten days in advance of a regular meeting of the Faculty;

3)   Providing a written agenda three days prior to a meeting of the Faculty.

D.  Parliamentarian. The University Librarian shall appoint annually, with the advice of the Executive Committee, a Parliamentarian to advise the chair on questions of procedure.

Section 3.  MEETINGS

A.  The University Librarian or the Vice Chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the Faculty.

B.  Types of Meetings.

1)   Regular Meetings. The regular meetings of the Faculty shall be held approximately at monthly intervals during the academic year with a minimum of one per semester. A call for agenda items shall be issued at least ten days prior to each regular meeting.

2)   Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Faculty may be called by the Executive Committee on the written request of ten members of the Faculty.

3)   Emergency Meetings. The University Librarian and/or the Executive Committee may call an emergency meeting without written notice. Any action taken at an emergency meeting is subject to Faculty review at its next regular or special meeting.

C.  Notice of Meeting. The Faculty shall receive written notice of each regular or special meeting at least ten days prior to the meeting. Written agenda shall be provided at least three days prior to the meeting. Notification of emergency meetings is carried out by whatever means seem feasible at the time.

D.  Minutes. The Secretary shall oversee the recording and preservation of all meetings minutes and distribute them to the Faculty.

E.  Quorum. A quorum shall consist of thirty percent of the eligible faculty as of August 16 of each year.

F.  The latest edition of Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern meetings of the Faculty when not in conflict with these Bylaws or the Statutes.

G.  Voting

1)   Voting on motions is normally accomplished by voice vote of a simple majority of those members present and voting. A show of hands is used to verify an inconclusive voice vote and to vote on motions requiring two-thirds for adoption. The faculty may also vote to have NEVP conduct a vote by special ballot at a later time.

2)   Amendments to the Bylaws, (see Library Bylaws, Article XI) shall be approved by a ballot.

3)   The University Librarian votes only to break a tie vote.


Section 1.  SELECTION

The University Librarian shall be reappointed annually according to the provisions of Article VI, part e of the Statutes.

Section 2.  DUTIES

The University Librarian shall:

A.  be responsible, as the chief executive officer of the Library, to the Chancellor for the Library’s administration and service; (Statutes, Article VI, par. b);

B.  call meetings of the Library Faculty to consider questions of Library governance and educational policy and to report to the Library Faculty on the current work of the Library;

C.  formulate and present policies to the Library Faculty for its consideration;

D.  be responsible for the execution of University policies insofar as they affect the Library;

E.   prepare an annual report that will be submitted to the Executive Committee and be made available to the Library Faculty;

F.   prepare the budget of the Library in consultation with the Executive Committee and other appropriate committees;

G.  recommend the appointment, reappointment, non-reappointment, and promotion of members of the Library Faculty with the advice of the Library Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, or other appropriate search and selection committees, and the appointment of branch librarians with the advice of the executive officers of the units served by such libraries;

H.  call and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee;

I.    appoint members of non-elected standing committees and ad hoc committees and task forces in consultation with the Executive Committee;

J.    represent the Library, in person or by proxy, for all official business of the Library.

Section 3.  EVALUATION

The University Librarian shall be evaluated at least once every five years in accordance with the provisions of Article VI, part e of the Statutes and the Senate Document on Dean Review Guidelines.



The Statutes state that the University Library shall be governed by the same provisions as govern a college (Article VI, par. c). In Article III, Sec. 2, par. f, the Statutes require the election of an Executive Committee in each college.

Section 2.  MEMBERSHIP

A.  The Executive Committee shall be composed of eight members of the Library Faculty as specified in the criteria of Article III, Section 1A of the Library Bylaws.

B.  The University Librarian is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee, and serves as its chairperson.

C.  The Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall serve as Vice Chairperson of the Faculty.


Election to the Executive Committee shall be conducted by the Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures Committee in the spring of each year, with the term of office to begin the following August 16th. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by and from the Library Faculty by electronic or mail ballot. A nominating ballot shall contain the names of all those faculty members eligible and willing to serve. The final ballot shall contain at least two candidates for each vacancy to be filled with an indication of their divisional affiliation. For both ballots, each faculty member shall have as many votes as there are vacancies to be filled but on the final ballot may not vote for more than two candidates from the same division. The four names receiving the highest number of votes on this ballot shall be elected except that not more than two members of the Executive Committee shall be from one division of the Library.

Section 4.  TERM OF OFFICE

The term of office for Executive Committee members shall be two years, with four members elected in one year and the other four members in the succeeding year. Members may be elected for no more than two consecutive terms.

Section 5.  MEETINGS

A.  Meetings may be called by the University Librarian or by a majority of the elected members of the Committee.

B.  Normally, meetings shall be held on a bi-weekly schedule. However, meetings may be canceled by mutual agreement if insufficient business is at hand to justify a meeting; also, meetings may be held more frequently if the need exists.

C.  An agenda shall be prepared and distributed to Committee members at least one day before each meeting. The Chairperson and the elected members share the responsibility for identifying items for this agenda.

D.  Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be distributed to the Library Faculty but shall not include deliberations and advice concerning personnel matters relating to individuals, which shall be confidential.

E. When the elected members of the Executive Committee meet to discuss the annual reappointment of the University Librarian or to develop a plan for the five-year evaluation of the University Librarian, the Vice-Chairperson shall act as Chairperson of the Committee. The University Librarian shall not participate in those meetings.


A.  The Executive Committee shall be the principal advisory body to the University Librarian. It shall advise the University Librarian on the formulation and execution of Library-wide policy, including but not limited to:

1) creation and appointment of library-wide committees, and plans for implementation of committee recommendations;

2) selection of priorities to be reflected in the Library’s budget;

3) proposal of library-wide program initiatives and policy changes;

4) recruitment and selection of library faculty.

B.  The Executive Committee shall advise the University Librarian on the appointment, both temporary and permanent, of the Assistant/Associate University Librarians and of Staff Directors.

C.  The Executive Committee, as stipulated in Article VI, part e of the Statutes, shall advise the Chancellor on an annual basis regarding the reappointment of the University Librarian. It shall also, on the occasion of the University Librarian’s five-year evaluation, work with the Library Committee of the Campus Senate to prepare for the approval of the Library Faculty a plan for conducting this evaluation.



A.  The Library shall consist of one Faculty. This Faculty shall be governed by that portion of the Statutes relating to a College (Article III, Sections 2 and 3), the Bylaws of the Library, and the principles and practices embodied in the Statutes, Article IV, Section 3 (Department Organized with a Head).

B.  For both academic and administrative purposes, the Library shall be organized into nine divisions. These nine divisions are Area Studies, Arts and Humanities, Central Public Services, Law, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences, Special Collections, and Technical Services. The individual units making up these divisions, the organizational structure of the Library and its administrative officers shall be specified in the Library Chart of Organization.

C. Changes in the structure of the organization shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 4 and Article VIII, Section 2 of the Statutes. Changes in the structure or composition of the divisions shall be made only with the advice of the Faculty.


A.  Assistant/Associate University Librarians. One or more Assistant and/or Associate University Librarian positions may be established as needed by the University Librarian in consultation with the Executive Committee. Assistant/Associate University Librarians shall be members of the Library Faculty.

1.   Responsibilities. Assistant/Associate University Librarians shall administer activities related to planning, services, collections, and operations of library units as prescribed by their job description and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the University Librarian.

2.   Reporting. Assistant/Associate University Librarians shall report directly to the University Librarian as specified in their job descriptions.

3.   Evaluation. Assistant/Associate University Librarians shall be evaluated annually by the University Librarian. The University Librarian shall provide an opportunity for Faculty consultation as a part of the process and shall report on the outcome of the evaluation to the Executive Committee.

B.  Staff Directors. The University Librarian may appoint such staff directors in consultation with the Executive Committee as are deemed necessary for the orderly functioning of the Library. Staff directors shall be responsible for carrying out tasks assigned to them by the University Librarian to whom they shall report directly as specified in their job description. Staff directors shall be evaluated annually by the University Librarian. The evaluation shall provide an opportunity for Faculty consultation and the outcome of the evaluation shall be reported to the Executive Committee.

Section 3.  DIVISIONS 

A.  Definition and Purpose. The nine divisions of the Library are educational and administrative sub-units related by common interests and objectives. The internal structure, administration, and governance of a division shall be determined by its faculty under bylaws established by its faculty. Bylaws of the divisions shall be consistent with the Library Bylaws.

B.  Membership. The membership of the divisions includes persons of all ranks, who on the recommendation of the University Librarian, are assigned to the units comprising the Divisions as specified in Article VI, Section 1B. Faculty members in units not assigned to a Division who are not an Assistant/Associate University Librarian, or a staff director, shall be assigned to a Division by the University Librarian. Faculty members in the same unit shall always be assigned to the same Division.

C.  Divisional Coordinators.

1)   Appointment. Each division shall be headed by a coordinator appointed by the University Librarian with the advice of the divisional Faculty.

2)   Responsibilities. Divisional coordinators will be responsible for holding regular meetings of the division, seeking advice and consent from their division in matters affecting the division, coordinating the activities of their division, assuring the implementation of general library policies and procedures, and reporting regularly on the activities of the division and keeping their division fully informed of decisions made by the Administrative Council.

3)   Evaluation. Divisional coordinators shall be evaluated by their divisional advisory committees every three years. This evaluation will be forwarded to the University Librarian.

4)   Term of Office. Divisional coordinators shall serve for renewable terms of three years.

D.  Divisional Advisory Committees.

1)   Title. In the Library, each division shall have an advisory committee.

2)   Membership. The size of the advisory committee shall be determined by the Faculty of the division.

3)   Method of Election. The advisory committee shall be elected annually by and from the Faculty of the division.  The election procedures shall be determined by the divisional Faculty and specified in its bylaws. Each divisional Faculty has the option of designating the entire faculty of the division as the advisory committee. This shall be accomplished by the majority vote of the divisional Faculty. The results of this vote will be communicated to the University Librarian and remain in force until changed by the divisional Faculty and the results of this vote communicated to the University Librarian.

4)   Term of Office. The Faculty of each division may choose to elect members of the advisory committee for staggered two year terms.

5)   Meetings. The advisory committee shall meet at the call of the divisional coordinator or of a majority of the elected members of the committee, but there shall be at least one meeting called each semester for consideration of divisional governance and policy.

6)   Responsibilities. The advisory committee shall:

a.   provide for the orderly voicing of suggestions for the good of the division;

b.   recommend procedures and committees that will encourage faculty participation in formulating policy;

c.   conduct an evaluation of the divisional coordinator at least once every three years;

d.   advise on the appointment of committees.

e.   Divisional Bylaws

Each division shall have bylaws that provide for the selection of members to the divisional advisory committee, evaluation of the divisional coordinator, and other matters deemed appropriate by the Faculty of that division. In cases of conflict between divisional bylaws and Library Bylaws, the Library Bylaws will prevail.


Committees with library-wide responsibilities shall report on their work at regular intervals to the Faculty. At a minimum, such committees shall report both orally and in writing at the last scheduled Faculty meeting of the academic year.


A. Elected Committees

1)   Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures

a.   Purpose. The Nominations, Elections and Voting Procedures Committee shall be responsible for the overall supervision and conduct of all nominations and elections for members of the Executive Committee, for members of elected standing committees, and for University Senators representing the Library. Its duties shall include: establishing and making available for inspection procedures for Library Faculty nominations and elections; determining which Library faculty members are eligible and willing to serve as committee members; generally insuring that nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with established procedures; certifying election results; and certifying results of special balloting.

b.   Membership. The Committee shall consist of three members, elected at large from the Library Faculty.

c.   Term of Office. Members shall serve a three year staggered term, with a new member elected annually, replacing the member whose three year term has expired.

d.   Chairperson. The person with the longest tenure on the Committee shall serve as chairperson.

2)   Executive Committee (See Library Bylaws, Article V)

3)   Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee

a. Purpose. This committee will review recommendations for tenure and promotion and will advise the University Librarian on tenure and promotion decisions.

b.   Membership. There will be seven members, all tenured associate professors or professors. No member of the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee can simultaneously serve on the Faculty Review Committee.

c.   Method of Election. Members of the PTA Committee shall be elected by and from the Library faculty by a ballot. A nominating ballot shall contain the names of all those faculty members eligible and willing to serve.  The final ballot shall contain at least two candidates for each vacancy to be filled. The names receiving the highest number of votes on the final ballot shall be elected by a plurality of those eligible and voting.

d.   Term of Office. Members will serve staggered two-year terms and may be reelected to one successive term.

e.   Chairperson. The Chairperson of the PTA Committee will be appointed annually by the University Librarian from among its elected members.

f.    Conflicts of Interest. When a member of this committee declares that he or she has a conflict of interest, or when the committee, by a majority vote, determines that a conflict of interest exists, the committee member affected shall not participate in deliberations or vote in the case where the conflict of interest is identified.

g.   Promotion to Professor. When an associate professor has been recommended for promotion to professor, a special committee of six professors will review the recommendation and advise the University Librarian on the proposed promotion. This special committee will consist of the professors elected to the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, unless a conflict of interest is declared by or identified as specified in Library Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1 A 3 f for any of the elected professors, plus as many other professors as are needed to total six, these latter to be appointed by the University Librarian with the advice of the Executive Committee. The University Librarian shall assure that members are chosen to represent as broad a constituency as possible from among the divisions. This special committee will serve for the duration of the evaluation and will dissolve upon completion of the evaluation process. The chairperson of the special subcommittee will be appointed by the University Librarian.

h.   Reporting. An annual summary report will be made to the Faculty.

4)   Faculty Review Committee

a.   Purpose. The Faculty Review Committee is responsible for:

1.   initiating and insuring the timely and accurate preparation of the documentation for promotion, tenure, or promotion and tenure review;

2.   serving as the first level of review for promotion, tenure, or promotion and tenure. The documentation and the Faculty Review Committee’s recommendations are forwarded to the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee;

3.   evaluating the progress of untenured faculty toward promotion and tenure and advising the University Librarian on that progress;

4.   coordinating and monitoring an orientation program for untenured faculty;

5.   developing and conducting an annual peer review to be used in salary administration.

b.   Membership. The Faculty Review Committee shall be composed of one tenured faculty member, of the rank of associate professor or professor, from each division. No member of the Faculty Review Committee can simultaneously serve on the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee.

c.   Method of Election. Members of the Faculty Review Committee will be elected within their division, according to procedures outlined in divisional bylaws. The chair of the Nominations, Elections, and Voting Procedures Committee will issue a call for the election to occur and will be notified of its results. The election is to be held in November, and the term of office begins on December 1 and ends on November 30.

d.   Term of Office. Members will serve three-year staggered terms and may be re-elected to one successive term.

e.   Chairperson. The chairperson shall be elected by and from the members of the Faculty Review Committee for a one-year term and may be re-elected to one successive term.

f.    Conflicts of Interest. Members of the committee may not participate in decisions directly related to themselves. In addition, when a member declares that he or she has a conflict of interest, or when the committee, by a majority vote, determines that a conflict of interest exists, the committee member shall not participate in deliberations or vote in the case where the conflict of interest is identified.

g.   Promotion to Professor. When an associate professor has been recommended for promotion to professor, a special committee of four professors will review the recommendation and forward it to the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee. This special committee will consist of the professors elected to the Faculty Review Committee, plus as many other professors as are needed to total four. The additional members will be appointed by the University Librarian with the advice of the Executive Committee. Whenever possible, the selected members will come from divisions that are not already represented on the special committee. This special committee will serve for the duration of the evaluation and will dissolve upon completion of the process. The chairperson of the committee will be elected by and from the special committee.

h.   Reporting. The Faculty Review Committee will distribute minutes of those meetings to the Faculty of those matters not related directly to personnel issues and will also provide the Faculty with an annual report.

i.    Vacancies. Vacancies will be filled by the appropriate division, in accordance with divisional bylaws.

5) Divisional Advisory Committees (See Library Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4D)

6) Bylaws Committee

a.   Purpose. The Bylaws Committee shall review the language and form of proposed amendments to these bylaws and assure that substantive review of the content of such proposed amendments is made by other appropriate committees or officers. The Bylaws Committee may also regularly review these bylaws and recommend appropriate amendments to the Faculty.

b.   Membership. The Committee shall consist of three members elected at large from the Faculty.

c.   Term of Office. Members shall serve a three-year staggered term, with a new member elected annually, replacing the member whose three-year term has expired.

d.   Chairperson. The person with the longest tenure on the Committee shall serve as the chairperson.

7) Grievances and Appeals Committee (See Article IX)

B. Appointed Committees

1)   Administrative Council

a.   Purpose. The Administrative Council shall serve as an advisory body to the University Librarian with regard to the promulgation and implementation of standards, regulations and procedures that relate to the general operating policies of the Library and such other advisory functions as may be assigned or delegated to it by the University Librarian. The primary responsibility of the Administrative Council shall be the day-to-day management of the Library.

b.   Membership. The membership of the Administrative Council shall be comprised of the University Librarian, Division Coordinators, Assistant/Associate University Librarians, and Library Staff Support Committee Representative, and other persons selected by the University Librarian in close consultation with the Executive Committee.

c.   Term of Office. Membership on the Committee is contingent on functional responsibility within specific sections of the Library.

d.   Meetings. Meetings are held on a regular basis at the discretion of the University Librarian.

e.   Chairperson. The University Librarian is the Chairperson of the Council.

f.    Reporting. Minutes of the Administrative Council will appear in Library Online News.

2)   Collection Development Committee

a.   Purpose. As the primary group for deliberation on Library collection policies, the Collection Development Committee shall advise the Associate University Librarian for Collections. All issues pertaining to the collection, including the materials budget and funding, purchasing and withdrawal procedures, preservation, and matters pertaining to the acquisition of and access to all forms of information are considered by the Collection Development Committee. As needed, CDC may form subcommittees to review and to advise on specific matters.

b.   Membership. The membership of the Collection Development Committee shall be comprised of:

1.   one tenured/tenure-track faculty representative chosen by and from within each of the following eight divisions: Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Area Studies, Special Collections, Law, and Central Public Services;

2.   a representative from the Technical Services division, who shall be the Head of Acquisitions;

3.   the following persons serving ex officio (voting): Preservation Librarian,  Electronic Resources Librarian, and Head of IRRC; and ex officio (non-voting): Library Business Manager

4.   two interns chosen from among the faculty for the purpose of broadening the knowledge base about the work of collection development. These interns shall be non-voting members. Intern positions shall be advertised annually and appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee in consultation with the Committee.

c.   Term of Office: Members chosen by and from divisions shall serve for two-year staggered terms. Intern members shall serve a one-year term.

d.   Meetings. The Collection Development Committee shall meet monthly or at the call of the Associate University Librarian for Collections.

e.   Chairperson. The Associate University Librarian for Collections shall be the chairperson of the Collection Development Committee.

f. Reporting. Minutes of the Collection Development Committee shall appear in Library Online News. The Committee shall communicate and consult at any time and in ways deemed appropriate.

3)   Other Appointed Committees

Other appointed committees may be created, altered or disbanded by the University Librarian and/or divisional coordinators in consultation with the Executive Committee, or advisory committee, as appropriate. For any committee so appointed, however, the following written information must be made available for examination by the Faculty:

a.   the charge to the committee and its reporting responsibilities;

b.   the membership of the committee and the terms of office of committee members;

c.   the chairperson of the committee.


A.  Scope. This section only pertains to ad hoc committees and task forces at the Library level of organization.

B.  Purpose. Ad hoc committees and task forces are created to investigate specific problems, to undertake specific tasks, and to recommend solutions to those problems investigated. The work of ad hoc committees and task forces usually encompasses more than one administrative entity within the Library.

C.  Appointment. Appointment to ad hoc committees and task forces will be made by the University Librarian with the advice of the Executive Committee. The appointment of these committees and task forces will be in writing and will also include the name of the committee or task force, the charge to the committee or task force, the names of the members appointed, the chairperson of the committee or task force, and the expected length of tenure. Normally such committees and task forces will exist for no longer than one year.

D.  Reporting. The chairperson of each committee or task force will submit reports of its activity to the University Librarian. These reports will also be made available to the Library Faculty unless the work of the committee or task force is confidential, the disclosure of which would violate commonly accepted standards of personal privacy or University policy or regulations.



A vacancy on the Executive Committee for an unexpired term of six months or more shall be filled by a ballot of the Faculty. Vacancies for unexpired terms of less than six months may be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee. If the Committee decides to fill the position, it will be done by a ballot of the Faculty.


On elected committees, vacancies for unexpired terms of six months or more are filled by a ballot of the Faculty. On elected committees, vacancies for unexpired terms of less than six months are filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Appointments shall be made by the University Librarian, with the advice of the Executive Committee.


On appointed committees, vacancies for unexpired terms are filled by appointment by the University Librarian, with the advice of the Executive Committee.


On division represented committees, vacancies for unexpired terms are filled by appointment by the University Librarian, with the advice of the Executive Committee.



Purpose: To insure the right of a faculty member to initiate a formal grievance concerning actions or policies of the unit or the actions of another individual(s). [1]

A.  Membership.   The Library Faculty Appeals and Grievance Committee shall be a Standing Committee elected by the Faculty consisting of five members of the faculty of the rank of Associate Professor and above. No individual who has an appointment as University Librarian, Assistant/Associate University Librarian, or Staff Director may serve on the Committee.

B.  Functions and Responsibilities:

The Committee shall:

1)   Address complaints concerning actions and policies of the Library, its officers, committees, or faculty.

2)   Consider appeals of personnel decisions in the following areas: salary, reappointment, and promotion and tenure.

3)   Consider appeals relating to administrative decisions.

4)   Report its findings in written form to the grievant and to the respondents and

5)   Advise the University Librarian of its recommendations.

C.  Nomination and Election. The Committee shall consist of five members elected by the Faculty for two-year staggered terms. Elections will be conducted by the NEVP each Spring. The Committee will convene in late August each year to elect a chair.

D.  Procedure

1)   Individuals are encouraged to pursue avenues of informal resolution of problems before the filing of a formal grievance.

2)   All grievances must be submitted in writing by the individual holding the grievance within 30 days from the date of grievant receiving notification of the adverse decision or event giving rise to the grievance. The grievance statement must include the facts relating to the matter, including any attempts at informal resolution, and the resolution sought by the grievant.

3)   Grievances may be received by any member of the Committee.

4)   The grievant has the right to be accompanied by an advisor of his/her choice at any and all stages of the grievance process.

5)   The Committee will inform, in writing, the individual(s) against whom the grievance is made of the matter under dispute, including the identity of the grievant.

6)   In the event more than one member of the Committee is a grievant or respondent on the same issue, the University Librarian, in consultation with the Executive Committee, may appoint an ad hoc committee of three of the rank of Associate Professor or above to make a recommendation on an appeal process. Committee members determined to have a conflict of interest, or who were a participant(s) in the decision on which the grievance is based, must recuse themselves from the proceedings.

7)   All committee deliberations shall be kept in the strictest confidence.

8)   The process will be considered completed when one or more of the following conditions is met:

a.   An informal settlement between grievant(s) and respondent(s) is communicated in writing to the Committee.

b.   The grievant drops the grievance, at any point in the process, by a written statement to the Committee.

c.   The grievant agrees to a settlement recommended by the Committee prior to the completion of these procedures.

d.   The procedures outlined in these By-Laws have been accomplished and the Committee has reported to the University Librarian.

e.   An appeal is made to the Campus Faculty Advisory Committee or the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure.

f.    Legal action has been commenced.  



Intermediate units may be established within a college. As provided in the Statutes, Article III, section 4, part d (6), such units shall be governed by the bylaws of the college.


The Mortenson Center and the Mortenson Professorship (see below, Section 4) are privately endowed units within the University Library.  


The goal of the Center is to foster international tolerance and peace by strengthening the ties among the world’s libraries and librarians in an effort to ensure access to knowledge throughout the world. Mortenson programs focus on the establishment of institutional and personal links with libraries and librarians in foreign countries.


The Director of the Mortenson Center shall be the person holding the C. Walter Mortenson and Gerda B. Mortenson Distinguished Professorship. The Director of the Mortenson Center is a member of the Library Faculty and shall be appointed for renewable three year terms in conformance with Library Faculty appointment procedures.


Any faculty member appointed to the Mortenson Center shall be a member of the Library Faculty providing the criteria of Article III, Section 1A of the Library Bylaws are met.


An Advisory Committee of nine faculty members, the majority of whom shall be drawn from the Library Faculty, shall be appointed to the Mortenson Advisory Committee by the University Librarian, in consultation with the Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the Director of the Mortenson Center. The appointed members will serve two year staggered terms and may be reappointed to successive terms, not to exceed four years. The Advisory Committee shall advise the Director on Center policy and procedures.   

Section 7.  REPORTING

The Mortenson Professor will report directly to the University Librarian on the activities and expenditure of funds provided by the Mortenson endowment.


Amendments to the Bylaws are made by ballot after due notice and discussion, as provided in this Article. A proposition to amend the Bylaws must be submitted to the Faculty in writing at least ten days before a regular or special meeting called for discussion of the proposed amendment(s). Final action on a proposed amendment may be taken at the next regular or special meeting following the one at which it was introduced. By resolution of the Faculty, an amendment introduced at a regular or special meeting may be submitted to the Faculty for final action by electronic or mail ballot. Amendments to the Bylaws are adopted by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a properly called meeting or by electronic or mail ballot.

Adopted by the Faculty April 30, 1993

Amended 25 May 25 1995

Amended 16 May 1997

Amended 14 July 1998

Amended 26 July 1999

Amended 7 May 2002

Amended 31 March 2005

Amended 1 September 2005

Amended 21 December 2006

Amended 16 February 2024

[1] Grievances related to discrimination by reason of race, sex, national origin, religion, age, handicap, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era should be made to the University’s Affirmative Action Office.