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Electronic Resources

The Electronic Resources unit acquires and negotiates licenses for online databases and collections of ebooks and ejournals and also manages the renewal and cancellation process for these resources. We catalog tens of thousands of ebooks annually, work with Library and Campus IT to maintain off-campus access to resources, and troubleshoot when resources are inaccessible or do not work as expected.

  • Wendy Shelburne – Associate Professor, Electronic Resources Librarian
    Wendy has primary responsibility for licensing, new e-resources acquisitions, and renewals.
  • Amy Fry – Associate Professor, Electronic Resources Management Librarian
    Amy primarily works with troubleshooting and public access to electronic resources.
  • William Kries – E-Resources Cataloging Specialist
    Willy catalogs all of our ebooks and streaming videos.

New Resource Requests

Problem Reporting

If you click on a link to an article, database, ebook or ejournal and it doesn’t work, let us know!

  • Fill out the Library Request Form and direct it to the ERTech group, or email ertech@library.illinois.edu
  • Use the “report a problem” link in the library catalog/full text linking page (at the bottom)


The Electronic Resources Troubleshooting page and the Connecting to Library Resources from Off-Campus page are excellent places to begin troubleshooting access problems.