Research Methodology Guides
There are many different methods of creating and doing research and it can be daunting. This list will help you understand the different types of research methodology and how to implement projects.
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Encyclopedia of Research Design. 2010. (Main Stacks and online)
This three volume encyclopedia is intended to introduce the “educated but naïve reader” to the process of planning and conducting both qualitative and quantitative empirical research. Subjects include research design, ethics, and statistical procedures, among many others. Entries are arranged in alphabetical order and contain a list of references and further reading. A Reader’s Guide at the beginning of volume one groups the entries by topic to facilitate navigation. Index in volume three.
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Introduction to Social Research : Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches. 3rd ed. (SSHEL Stacks)
This book provides an introduction to empirical research methods in the social sciences. Intended for undergrads and post grads in introductory research courses. Covers quantitative/numerical research, surveys, experimental methods, statistical tests, and qualitative/textual research (interview, ethnographic, and discourse analytic methods). A concluding section goes over method evaluation and selection. Focuses on the practical, methodological (rather than the philosophical) aspects of research. Chapters conclude with suggestions for further reading.
Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research. 2013. (online)
Aimed at sociology graduate students and faculty researchers, this volume is intended to provide an assessment of differing views of causal analysis, a contested and debated field of sociology. The 19 chapters of this volume are arranged into the following parts: Introduction; Background and Approach to Analysis; Design and Modeling Choices; Beyond Conventional Regression Models; Systems of Causal Analysis; Influence and Interference; and Retreat from Effect Identification. Chapters “include conceptual and empirical examples from sociology and from the allied social sciences whenever appropriate,” and use mathematical preparation that is as simple to understand as possible.
The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. 2018. (online)
This handbook is a comprehensive reference guide for researchers, funding agencies and organizations engaged in survey research.The Handbook is divided into four key sections: the challenges faced in conventional survey research; opportunities to expand data collection; methods of linking survey data with external sources; and, improving research transparency and data dissemination, with a focus on data curation, evaluating the usability of survey project websites, and the credibility of survey-based social science.
Digital Social Research. 2020. (online)
This book presents an overview of the many techniques that are part of the fundamental toolbox of the digital social scientist. Placing online methods within the wider tradition of social research methods, Giuseppe Veltri discusses the methodological principles and related frameworks that underlie each technique of digital research. This useful guide covers methodological issues such as different digital data types, sampling for big data, construct validity, and representativeness
Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences. 2012. (online)
Prominent researchers in the field use specific studies and examples from countries and cultures all over the world to examine issues in empirical social research. Articles are divided into five sections: theoretical reflections; methodological developments; discrimination, nationalism, and authoritarianism; identity research; and social structure. Includes list of references.
The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry. 2015. (online)
This resources provides researchers, faculty, and graduate students with a guide to multimethod and mixed methods research. Covers theories, current uses, the latest technologies, and future directions of multimethod and mixed methods research.
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The Sage Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2009. (Oak Street and online)
This glossary aspires to be a “one-volume reference library” of terms used in nine different social and behavioral science disciplines. Entries are brief, ranging from 50-425 words, and cover topics in the fields of communications, economics, education, geography, media studies, political science, psychology, public administration, and sociology. When the same term is used in multiple disciplines, separate definitions are provided for each usage. Entries are cross-referenced. A bibliography is included.
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The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 6th ed. 2024. (SSHEL RCC)
Aimed at students as well as faculty, this essential text defines qualitative research and its numerous methodologies. This sixth edition contains virtually all new essays covering such emergent topics as intersectionality; critical disability research; postcolonial and decolonized knowledge; diffraction and intra-action; social media methodologies; thematic analysis, collaborative inquiry from the borderlands; qualitative inquiry and public health science; co-production and the politics of impact; publishing qualitative research; and academic survival. Includes an author index, subject index, information about the editors, and information about the contributors.
SAGE Quantitative Research Methods. 2011. (online)
Organised thematically, this collection provides a selection of the best articles in quantitative methods, taken from SAGE journals.
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The Sage Handbook of Social Science Methodology. 2007. (Oak Street and online)
Designed to provide an overview of the critical issues in social science methodology and address the problems and disputes over these methods. Each article includes references and the volume includes an index.
Sage Research Methods Online. 2011-.
This database provides a centralized search of a wide range of SAGE materials, including “books, book chapters, dictionary and encyclopedia entries, videos, or journal articles from over 175,000 pages” on research methodology. Included is the entire series of “Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences” books. Site provides a “Methods Map” to help users choose a method as well as video tutorials to teach users ways to use the database.