Guide to Sources in Sociology
Location of Materials | Call Numbers | Guides to Sociology Resources | Article & Journal Databases | Book Reviews | Directories | Research Methods & Writing Guides | Background Information: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, & Handbooks
Location of Materials
All titles listed in this selective guide are located in the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library Reference Non-circulating Collection unless otherwise noted. The location SSHEL RCC indicates the item is held in the SSHEL Reference Circulating Collection.
Call Numbers
Call numbers are groups of numbers and/or letters that classify library items by subject. Items are arranged on bookshelves by call number. The Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL) uses both the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification systems.

Note: Works on specific racial, ethnic and national groups can be found in call number area 305.803 – 305.899. Works on social life and customs can be found in the 900s.
Guides to Sociology Resources
Lists of information sources such as books, journals, websites, and databases about a specific subject, with corresponding brief descriptions.
301 Aℓ111 (Oak Street)
ALA Guide to Sociology and Psychology Reference. 2011.
Provides a comprehensive, annotated bibliography of broadly focused sociology and psychology reference sources primarily for college and university libraries in North America. The resources are organized by topic and within each topic they are divided into resource type. The Guide presents traditional resources such as encyclopedias and handbooks, but also provides information about websites, abstract journals, and databases.
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology. (online)
This online database gives extensive lists of resources for common subjects in anthropology including people and places. Each entry gives an introduction and overview. Within each entry, bibliographies are further broken down by subject. Useful for students and researchers of all levels.
016.3 So1352002 (Main Stacks and Oak Street)
Social Sciences: A Cross-Disciplinary Guide to Selected Sources. 3rd ed. 2002.
This annotated guide includes useful chapters on sociology, statistics and demographics, and general social science sources. It is divided into four sections: a general overview of reference sources, traditional scholarly literature, literature about the emerging disciplines, and literature about related disciplines. Each section begins with an introductory essay and contains brief annotations. Includes author, subject, and title indexes.
016.301 Ab99s2005 (Oak Street)
Sociology: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources. 3rd ed. 2005.
Provides descriptions of 610 major reference sources in sociology and related social sciences, including indexes, bibliographies, handbooks, databases, websites, dictionaries and encyclopedias. Though mostly current in its coverage, it also includes important items published before 1997. Entries are arranged by subject and then by type of reference source. Includes author/title and subject indexes.
016.31 St2 (Main Reference, Oak Street, online)
Statistics Sources.
This four-volume directory is a guide to current sources of quantitative information from more than 200 countries. It lists more than 50,000 subjects and incorporates more than 155,000 citations and 1,000 sources of statistical information. Arranged alphabetically by issuing organization within each subject category, entries lead readers to a wide range of materials and formats for domestic and international statistics. It is updated annually; newest editions are available online; older print editions are available in Main Reference (2011) and Oak Street (1962-2010).
Article & Journal Databases
Databases are structured sets of information, stored in print or online. Often, databases are online collections of journal article citations and full-text. Find articles about a specific topic by using keywords, subject headings, authors, and more.
Sociological Abstracts. 1952-. (online)
This core resource contains abstracts and citations of international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Identifies articles drawn from over 1,800 serial publications, conference papers, books, and dissertations in sociology and related fields. Since 2002, most entries also include a list of cited references from bibliographies of these articles, as well as links to articles that cite the paper. Includes a browsable index.
SocINDEX with Full Text. 1895-. (online)
Provides access to articles from major journals in sociology and related fields. Coverage includes more than 1,300 “core” journals dating back to 1895, and selected article coverage from over 2,900 additional journals. Books, conference papers, and other sources are also indexed. Contains “Author Profiles” which provide biographical data about important people in the field and bibliographic information about their work, and “Cited References” which allow searching by a cited author, a cited title, and a cited year. Includes full text.
Annual Review of Sociology. 1975-. (online)
New developments in the field of sociology are discussed in literature review essays covering recent sociological theory and research in specialized fields of sociology or related disciplines.
301.018 So13 (Oak Street, online)
Sociological Methodology. 1969-.
Collections of essays that summarize and evaluate recent advances in statistical and quantitative methods and introduce new results. The authors, who are sociologists, statisticians, and economists, introduce materials and suggest new paradigms for established areas.
Web of Science (Social Science Citation Index). (online)
This multidisciplinary database identifies journal articles and cited references in all social science disciplines. Allows searching for articles on a particular topic, or for articles that have cited a known article. Lists references that can be used to search for related articles with common citations.
301.15 Ad95 (SSHEL RCC, Oak Street, online)
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. 1964-.
Four or five articles in each annual volume examine in a compressed or distilled format the literature on a narrow field of research in experimental social psychology. Full citations of the numerous works discussed are given at the end of each article. Each volume has a subject index and a list of contents of earlier volumes.
The Left Index. 1982-. (online)
Indexes periodicals with a Marxist, radical or leftist perspective. Articles included provide a critical analysis on topics such as history, sociology, political science, psychology, women’s studies, art, and literature.
Book Reviews
Resources that include reviews of books, either non-fiction or fiction, where a book is evaluated based on content, style, and merit.
American Journal of Sociology. (online)
Published bimonthly by the University of Chicago Press, this source contains scholarly articles and numerous, detailed book reviews written by academics.
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews. (online)
A bimonthly publication of the American Sociological Association, the issues generally include more than a dozen review essays and around 100 shorter reviews which are divided into nearly 30 subject categories. Includes an extensive listing of recent publications.
305 SR (Oak Street, online)
Sociological Review . 1908-.
This quarterly review journal, published by Blackwell for Keele University (England), contains in-depth, scholarly reviews of new books. Also contains articles on sociological topics and notes on new research.
Directories are a list of organizations, groups, people, places, or other data systematically arranged often alphabetically or by location.
301.07058 G94 (SSHEL Reference, Main Stacks)
Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology. 1977; 1980-
This annual work published by the American Sociological Association is intended to serve as a central resource for faculty, current and prospective students, advisors, higher education administrators, and individuals interested in learning about sociology graduate departments in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Israel, and Singapore. Entries are listed alphabetically by institution and separated by country/region-specific sections. Indexes of faculty, PhDs awarded in the previous school year, and special programs follow the main text. The most current edition is in the SSHEL Reference Non-circulating Collection; older editions are in the Main Stacks.
Research Methods & Writing Guides
Research guides provide suggestions for finding and using information. Writing guides can help manage and create citations, develop a research plan, and write specific types of articles or papers. For more guides to research methods, see the online SSHEL guide: Research Methodology – Social Sciences and Health.
808.027 Am352a2014
ASA Style Guide. 5th ed. 2014.
Based on American Sociological Association journal editors’ observations on the most commonly seen style and format problems in submitted manuscripts. Its goals are to achieve uniformity of style across ASA publications and to aid sociology researchers in developing an effective writing style. Topics include clarity, bias-free and gender-neutral writing, mechanics, and manuscript preparation and submission. Included are a guide to copy editors’ notations, a list of reference sources on style and writing. The 5th edition has updates for grammar and style, updates for reference formatting with newer examples and instructions for citing social media. Includes bibliography and index.
HM585 .G78 2013 (Main Stacks)
A Guide to Writing Sociology Papers. 7th ed. 2013.
Intended as a tool for sociology students and instructors, this guide offers advice on each step of the writing process. It walks users through developing and conceptualizing an idea, time management, writing and revising, and maintaining an accurate list of citations, notes, and references to avoid plagiarism. Special features include an overview of sociological paradigms, theories and methods, advice on conducting online searches, and examples of different types of sociology papers. Bibliographical references and an index are included.
Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research. 2013. (online)
Aimed at sociology graduate students and faculty researchers, this is intended to provide an assessment of differing views of causal analysis, a contested and debated field of sociology. The 19 chapters cover topics such as: background of analysis, design and modeling choices; going beyond conventional regression models, systems of causal analysis, influence and interference, and retreat from effect identification. Chapters “include conceptual and empirical examples from sociology and from the allied social sciences whenever appropriate,” and use mathematical preparation as simple to understand as possible.
Biographical Sources
Biographical sources provide information about a single person or multiple people.
301.0922 St49b (Oak Street)
Biographical Dictionary of Sociologists. 2008.
This volume presents brief, informative profiles on sociologists and persons influential in sociology. A list of recommended works follows each entry, so that readers may become acquainted with the person’s literary works. Volume includes a chronological timeline of publication dates of major works, as well as a subject index.
301.0922 F466 (Main Stacks)
Fifty Key Sociologists: The Formative Theorists. 2007.
This resource contains the biographies of fifty theorists whose ideas contributed to the formation of social theory and social research at a time when sociology was becoming a distinct discipline. Entries are listed alphabetically and each includes the sociologist’s major works and suggested further readings. An index is provided.
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. 2011. (online)
This volume is a collection of essays on 25 of the leading social theorists. Divided into two sections, one section discusses classical social theorists and the other contemporary social theorists. The essays include a brief discussion of their life and work as well as place them within a greater social context with various other thinkers. Includes bibliographies of work by each theorist as well as works on them and on their theories for further reading.
Background Information: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, & Handbooks
Background information can be found in reference sources, online or in print, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks. Dictionaries contain brief definitions, usually only a sentence or two in length. Encyclopedias provide a more in-depth description, usually a few paragraphs in length. Handbooks contain descriptions that can be multiple pages and describe the development and future of a subject.
300.3 B5682003 (Main Stacks, online)
Blackwell Dictionary of Modern Social Thought. 2nd ed. 2003.
Provides users with detailed definitions for a variety of concepts related to sociology and social theory. Entries included are arranged into three overarching themes: the major concepts which figure in social thought, the principal schools and movements of thought, and those institutions and organizations which have either been important objects of social analysis, or have themselves engendered significant doctrines and ideas. This volume includes an extensive bibliography.
The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology: A User’s Guide to Sociological Language. 2000. (online)
This new edition includes 75 new entries, an updated biographical section, extensive revisions and updates, and more thorough cross-referencing. Aimed at both graduate and undergraduate students in the field of sociology, it explains the relationship of a discipline’s vocabulary to the discipline and to the portion of the world that makes up the subject matter studied in the discipline. Includes methodological and statistical terminology and 150 biographical sketches. An index is provided to help further with cross-referencing and finding embedded topics and names.
301.03 C144 (Oak Street, online)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. 2006.
This comprehensive dictionary presents over 600 entries spanning classical to modern sociology. Each entry ranges in length from succinct paragraphs to extensive essays on topics such as sociological theories and their creators, basic sociological terms, important institutions, and other topics closely related to the field. Entries are cross-referenced.
364.03 R89d2011
The Dictionary of Criminal Justice. 5th ed. 2011.
Includes 3,600 entries of major personalities, terminology, events, concepts, and legislation associated with criminal justice in the United States. A few are accompanied by charts, graphs, or illustrations. Also included: a bibliography, an index and useful appendices on doctoral programs in the U.S., a list of criminal justice journals, a new compilation of web sites in the field, and summaries of 1,000 key U.S. Supreme Court rulings of importance to the criminal justice system.
305.8003 D561 (Oak Street, online)
Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity and Culture. 2003.
This volume provides brief (1-5 page) definitions of 200 terms relevant to the study of race, ethnicity, and culture. Includes both everyday terms and specialized academic vocabulary. The volume is potentially useful to both general readers and scholars; however, the language of the entries favors an audience somewhat knowledgeable of the field. Each entry provides introductory information and a list of bibliographic references. An appendix outlining the professional affiliations of entry authors, and a name and subject indexes are also included.
HM425.D5735 2015 (Main Stacks)
A Dictionary of Sociology. 2014.
This dictionary is intended for use by those who are relatively new to the discipline of sociology. Internet links are included that relate the dictionary to its online partner. The fourth edition has reduced or eliminated a number of less used or overly technical entries from past editions to allow coverage of newer topics in sociology.
HM586.B73 2013 (Main Stacks, online)
Key Concepts in Sociology. 2013.
Provides a comprehensive, clearly-written guide to the most important concepts in the subject of sociology. It includes both “classic” sociological concepts, such as “class,” “bureaucracy,” and “community,” as well as subjects that have become increasingly prominent in recent times, such as “celebrity,” “risk,” and “the body.” Entries include definitions, history, summaries of main debates and perspectives, and suggestions for further reading. Includes bibliographic references and index.
300.321 N422006 (Oak Street)
A New Dictionary of the Social Sciences. 2nd ed. 2007.
An updated edition of 1967’s A Dictionary of Sociology, this dictionary contains biographical entries and terms used by social scientists from a variety of disciplines. Entries vary in length; some provide usages and a more detailed history of the topic. All entries are authored and many include cross-references. There is no general bibliography, but many of the individual definitions contain suggestions for further reading.
422 W67k 2005 (Oak Street)
New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society. 2005.
The updated Raymond Williams’ Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society defines 142 keywords individually and in phrases, depending on their current usage. Includes words that are important to multiple segments of society and describes the historical development of meanings of terms adopted by new users facing societal changes. This work, unlike Williams’, was devised by a team of contributors from a variety of countries, giving the definitions an international scope. A lengthy list of references is included.
KF9223.A68 F35 2010 (Oak Street)
Prentice Hall’s Dictionary of American Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Criminal Law. 2010.
This dictionary, specifically designed for students, provides a reference for the interdisciplinary study of criminal justice, criminology, and criminal law. It includes a list of major criminal appellate cases organized by major topic, brief biological sketches of all U.S. Supreme Court justices, and a list of acronyms and abbreviations.
HV 6017.S24 2013 (Oak Street)
The Sage Dictionary of Criminology. 3rd ed. 2013.
This dictionary covers key concepts, theories, and methods in criminology and criminal justice. Entries are comprehensive, definitive, international, and student-focused, helping make connections to various fields, issues, and further study in criminology, criminal justice and legal studies, and related fields of sociology, social policy, psychology, and cultural studies.
306.03 B241s (Oak Street, online)
The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies. 2004.
Cultural studies is “an interdisciplinary or post-disciplinary field of inquiry that explores the production and inculcation of culture or maps of meaning.” Arranged alphabetically, the entries are topical and biographical in nature; topical entries introduce essential terminology while biographical entries introduce important individuals in the field. Each entry includes cross-references to relevant terms.
Q. JV6465 .E53 2013 (Oak Street, online)
American Immigration: An Encyclopedia of Political, Social, and Cultural Change. 2nd ed. 4 vols. 2013.
A reference resource that covers major immigrant groups in the United States from every era, past to present. The book takes on a multidisciplinary approach, covering politics, health, labor, religion, and more. A glossary, bibliography, and index have been provided.
Q.973.0495 As4214 (SSHEL Oversize Collection, online)
Asian American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia. 2010.
This two-volume set provides information on over twenty national Asian American groups, covering such topics as the arts, culture, community, education, family, gender, marriage, occupation, and work. The encyclopedia is divided by national group, and coverage is commensurate with each group’s relative population and history in the United States. Larger groups have a narrative history and alphabetically arranged thematic essays, followed by entries on important people, events, and organizations within that group. Smaller groups are covered in a single essay that gives information on immigration history, cultural heritage, and contemporary social status. Groups are arranged alphabetically and the encyclopedia includes a topic finder as well as an index for ease of use. Bibliographies for further reading are provided after most articles and essays.
301.03 B568 (Oak Street, online)
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2007.
This eleven-volume encyclopedia contains 1,786 entries that provide information and analyses of much of contemporary sociology. Entries are arranged alphabetically and contain “see also” references and suggested readings. The set contains a timeline of sociology, a selected bibliography, a list of websites and an index.
301.03 C749 (Oak Street, online)
The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2011.
This one-volume encyclopedia is a condensed version of the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology and seeks to make the most pertinent information from the large reference work available to a broader spectrum of sociology students and researchers. International in scope, with contributors from over 25 countries, articles are divided into 22 categories such as crime and deviance, method, and science. Entries are signed, cross-referenced and contain a suggested reading list. Includes a detailed timeline of the history of sociology as well as an index.
Q. 306.09 C8996
Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, & Africa: An Encyclopedia. 4 vols. 2012.
The four volumes of this encyclopedia are separately edited, with volume one looking at the Middle East, volume two at Africa, volume three at East and Southeast Asia, and volume four at South, Central, and West Asia. Historical and contemporary cultural issues are examined through the lens of sociology. Each volume presents articles arranged alphabetically within three chronological periods, from prehistory to the present. Also included are regional maps, reader’s guides, lists of articles, chronologies, glossaries, resource guides, country statistics, and indices, with the master index in volume four. Photographs of people, events, and items, as well as woodblocks, paintings, manuscripts, and other relevant illustrations are included throughout. The intended audience for this encyclopedia is undergraduate and graduate students, scholars doing comparative regional studies, and general readers.
304.8 En192 (Oak Street, online)
Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World. 2 vols. 2004. (online)
Geared towards both undergraduate and graduate students, this encyclopedia explores the reasons for and effects of diaspora on various parts of the world, offering a broad comparative perspective. It is broken down into three parts: Diaspora Overviews, Topics, and Diaspora Communities. The essays include an in-depth narrative, tables with further explanations, and extensive bibliographies. Subject index and glossary are also included.
The Encyclopedia of Global Change. 2005. (online)
This work provides 300 authoritative articles that investigate all types of phenomena that change life on Earth. The entries cover a range of general research categories: altered ecosystems, climate change, food and water supply, population, politics and global change, institutions and policies, biographies, and case studies. Articles provide tables, figures, and bibliography.
Q. 304.603 En192 (Main Stacks, Oak Street, online)
Encyclopedia of Population. 2 vols. 2003.
Consists of 336 articles on various topics related to the study of population. Most entries range between 500 and 1000 words, with a few that span over 3000 words. Each article also contains a short bibliography. In addition, there are roughly sixty biographical entries of “persons selected from those whose work has been important in the development of population studies.” Population tables, and a comprehensive index, are included in the second volume.
Q. 365.97303 En192 (Oak Street, online)
Encyclopedia of Prisons & Correctional Facilities. 2 vols. 2005.
Contains up-to-date statistics and academic research on historical and current penal systems in the United States. Areas of interest include prison architecture, theories of punishment, prison populations, prison reform, juvenile justice, staff, treatment programs, privatization, labor, sentencing policies and laws. Entries are cross-referenced and include sidebars and illustrations. Race and gender issues are given particular attention throughout. Includes an appendix of institutions in the federal prison system, a chronology of key legal cases, a list of publications, a list of the founding of certain penal establishments, and an index.
Q. 364.973089 En19 (Oak Street, online)
Encyclopedia of Race and Crime. 2009.
This two-volume encyclopedia provides an introduction to issues of race and crime in the United States from the nineteenth century to the present. Entries are signed, cross-referenced, and contain lists of further readings. Topics addressed include domestic violence, media portrayals, and social justice. The reader’s guide groups entries into categories such as biographies, cases, concepts and theories, police, public policy, and specific populations. List of entries, reader’s guide (Vol. 1). Two appendices on locating and evaluating relevant statistics, index (Vol. 2).
305.8003 C338e2008 (Oak Street)
Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Studies. 2008.
Short entries are designed to provide an introduction to the meaning and importance of race and ethnicity in a global context. Each article includes a list of further reading. The volume contains a list of internet resources and an index.
Q.E184.A1 E584 2013 (Main Stacks, online)
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. 4 vols. 2013.
This four-volume encyclopedia covers all aspects of race and racism, both historic and contemporary, globally. This second edition draws on many interdisciplinary fields and includes an expanded international discussion of religion and modern racial conflict. Entries are organized alphabetically and include specific ethnic groups, geographic areas, historical movements or events, influential people or organizations, and major issues or subject areas. Volume 1 includes a thematic outline of all entries, organized by major subject, to help with discovery and browsing. Volume 4 includes annotated bibliography and filmography, as well as facsimiles of primary sources and an index.
Q. 305.8003 En196 (SSHEL Reference, online)
Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. 3 vols. 2008.
This three-volume set offers comparative information on intergroup relations in the United States and a comparative examination of race and ethnicity worldwide. Describes more than 100 racial and ethnic groups and includes a statistical appendix with the latest data and historical comparisons. Entries are listed alphabetically and include sources for further reading. They address key themes ranging from community and urban issues to gender and family to public policy. Volume 3 contains index and appendices.
E184.A1 R254 2014 (Main Stacks)
Race and racism in the United States: an encyclopedia of the American mosaic. 4 vols. 2014.
This four volume set is the largest and most complete of its kind, covering every facet of race relations in the United States while providing information in a user-friendly format that allows easy cross-referencing of related topics for efficient research and learning.
Q. 361.103 En192 (Main Stacks, online)
Encyclopedia of Social Problems. 2008.
This comprehensive, interdisciplinary encyclopedia contains over 600 cross-referenced articles on many different types of social problems in a variety of contexts. Each article is signed and contains a short bibliography of further reading. In addition to the reader’s guide, which groups related entries by topic, there is an alphabetical list of entries and a subject index, all three of which link directly to the appropriate entry. Users can search the list of entries and the subject index using a single search box, and the entire text may be searched using either a basic or advanced search.
301.03 En197 (Oak Street)
Encyclopedia of Social Theory. 2006.
This encyclopedia covers topics in social theory, focusing on schools, current debates and important theorists. Each of the 479 entries highlights sources for further reading. The work includes lists of entries and contributors as well as an index.
Q. 301.03 En199 2000 (Main Stacks, Oak Street, online)
Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2nd ed. 5 vols. 2000.
This revised and updated five-volume set contains information pertinent to the field of sociology. Arranged alphabetically by subject, the articles provide a good starting point for research in the field. Each article is followed by a short listing of references to further works about the topic. The final volume contains a comprehensive index.
361.108694203 En198 (Oak Street, online)
Encyclopedia of World Poverty. 3 vols. 2006.
This extensive three-volume work contains over 800 articles on poverty, including entries on history, definitions and measurement techniques, individuals and organizations, causes and effects, political and economic issues, and relief initiatives. Includes entries for 191 countries affected by poverty. The first volume includes a chronology of poverty, and each article includes cross-references and a bibliography. The third volume contains a glossary, an index, and two appendices: one of U.S. state economic data and one of statistical profiles of selected countries.
Q.H41 .G56 2013 (Main Stacks, online)
Global Social Issues: An Encyclopedia. 3 vols. 2013.
This reference book covers social issues in a global context that affect contemporary societies. It focuses on social ramifications of these issues in addition to covering technical and conceptual aspects and historical and contemporary discussions. Entries cover topics like health, economics, environmental and agricultural concerns, crime, family, government, and technology. Volumes are arranged alphabetically by entry name. Volume 1 includes an introduction and “Topic Finder” by broad subject, and volume 3 includes a selected bibliography and index.
JV6450.I5563 2013 (Oak Street, online)
Immigrants in American History: Arrival, Adaptation, and Integration. 4 vols. 2013.
This four-volume work gives in-depth, scholarly treatment to the experiences of ethnic and immigrant groups coming to and living in Colonial America and the United States from the 1600s to the present. Also gives extensive treatment to issues related to US immigration, such as religious practices and the role of education, for example. The work is divided into four parts. The first three are organized by time period: 1600 to 1870, 1870 to 1940, and 1940 to the present day. Part four explores pertinent issues related to US immigration across the breadth of its history, from the early colonial era to the 21st century. A select bibliography, a biographical information section about the editors and contributors to the series, and a comprehensive index are also included in the final volume.
304.873003 Im61 (Oak Street, online)
Immigration in America Today . 2006.
This encyclopedia is a comprehensive thematic guide that provides an overview of major contemporary immigration topics along with suggestions for further readings. The 81 entries cover a range of migration concepts and processes, policy, legislation, social issues and aspects of cultural integration. The encyclopedia contains a list of entries, a guide to related topics, an index and bibliographical references.
306.3 In8 (Main Stacks, Oak Street)
International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. 2006.
This work provides an overview of the expanding field of economic sociology. 250 articles written by more than 160 experts define terms, concepts, and people in the field. Also included are entries on terms, concepts, and people from adjacent discipline like economics and anthropology. Articles include a definition of the topic, and its relevance to the discipline, historical background, core debates, schools, concepts and developments of the topic, a conclusion and outlook. Cross-references and a bibliography can be found at the end of each article.
Q. 306.803 In821 2003 (Oak Street, online)
International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family. 2nd ed. 4 vols. 2003.
This updated four-volume encyclopedia “is a compendium surveying the shared patterns and amazing variation in marriage and family life in a rapidly changing multicultural world” and is designed for use by general readers as well as scholars and students seeking information on global family lifestyles. Users can look for information by subject (e.g. adoption, later life families, stress) or by country name (though not every country is included). A complete list of articles and contributors is included at the front of volume 1 and an extensive index is located in volume 4.
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015. (online)
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, first published in 2001, offers a source of social and behavioral sciences reference material that is broader and deeper than any other. Available in both print and online editions, it comprises over 3,900 articles, commissioned by 71 Section Editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.
305.800973 M91922 (Oak Street)
Multicultural America: An Encyclopedia of the Newest Americans. 4 vols. 2011.
This four volume set aims to provide quick and detailed facts about new Americans who have immigrated to America after the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Information is arranged alphabetically by national origin. Each entry is organized into main categories: background, causes, waves of immigration, demographic profile, adjustment and adaptation, integration and impact on U.S. society and culture, second and later generations, and issues between the United States and the country of origin. A chronology, country map, tables of statistics, glossary, references, and further readings are also featured in each entry.
E184.S75 O97 2005 (Main Stacks, online)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. 4 vols. 2005.
This work draws together the diverse historical and contemporary experiences in the United States of Latinos and Latinas from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Over 900 articles written by academics, scholars, writers, artists, and journalists, address such broad topics as identity, art, politics, religion, education, health, and history. Subject index is provided. Articles within encyclopedia also provide bibliography.
339.46097303 P869 (Oak Street)
Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, and Policy. 2004.
This encyclopedia provides a view of poverty in the U.S. through the lenses of history and politics. The first portion of the encyclopedia contains articles, ordered chronologically, written by historians regarding the perception and changes in poverty throughout the history of the United States. The following entries, which are ordered alphabetically, contain topical information about various political and social poverty movements as well as other terminology used in regards to poverty throughout history. Evidence from primary documents and photos are included. Each volume contains a complete encyclopedia table of contents and volume two contains a detailed index.
365.03 R742p (Oak Street, online)
Prisons and Prison Systems: A Global Encyclopedia. 2006.
This comprehensive encyclopedia provides a historical overview and current research on all prison systems in the word. Entries cover important institutions, penal theories, prisoner culture and life. Notable prisoners and personnel and are extensively cross-referenced. Includes an alphabetical and topical list of entries. There is a chronology at the beginning and a bibliography and index at the end. Includes various appendices on prison writing, prison museums, histories of prison and their prisoners, and much more.
Q.HV6779 .S63 2012
The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia. 5 vols. 2012.
This encyclopedia covers comprehensively the field of crime and punishment in the United States from the colonial era to the present day, including crime, policing, courts and law, imprisonment, theoretical and philosophical issues. Special features include history of crime and criminal justice of individual states and treatment of crime and criminal justice under different presidential administrations. Each volume contains a list of articles/entries. Volume 1 also contains a reader’s guide, which organizes entries by type or subject heading, and a brief chronology of major historical events. Volume 5 contains facsimiles of primary documents, introductory headnotes, and background chronological essays; a glossary, resource guide, and index.
Q.LC191 .S63 2013 (SSHEL Reference, online)
Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide. 2 vols. 2013.
This encyclopedia provides information on the broad range of issues included in sociology of education, an increasingly popular sub-discipline of sociology. Coverage is both domestic and global, and tackles issues in general sociology as well as related education topics. Includes general chronology of the field, appendixes on global and U.S. education statistics, a glossary, and an index.
Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia. 2013. (online)
Entries seek to answer questions about why we work and why the act of working is so foundational in all societies. Looks at work from the perspectives of many different disciplines, including business management, anthropology, sociology, social history, psychology, politics, economics, and health. Includes references and an index.
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. 2014. (online)
Features over 400 entries concerning social and political movements all throughout history. Recommended for students and scholars interested in the impact of such movements. Articles searchable by topic or by title. Features a Timeline, Notes on Editors, and Notes on Contributors.
Q. 301 T918 (Oak Street, online)
21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook. 2007.
This two-volume handbook contains 106 essays that serve as a comprehensive survey and assessment of the many specialty areas of sociology. Each chapter addresses a different topic of sociology in depth focusing on new knowledge and developments during the past three decades. At the end of each volume there is an extensive list of references; volume two also contains an index.
The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology. 2 vols. 2020. (online)
This source is a go-to resource for cutting-edge research in the field. The two-volume work covers the rich theoretic foundations of the sub-discipline, as well as novel approaches and emerging areas of research that add vitality and momentum to the discipline. This book explores the broad scope of crucial disciplinary ideas and areas of research, extending its investigation to the trajectories of thought that led to their unfolding.
303.372 C362 (Oak Street)
Changing Human Beliefs and Values, 1981-2007: A Cross-Cultural Sourcebook Based on the World Values Surveys and European Values Studies. 2010.
This book details the varied and changing values and attitudes held by people in 100 countries from 1981 to 2007. The survey covers a wide variety of topics including religion, sexuality, happiness, work, family, and technology. The results are divided into chapters, Globalization and Major Trends; Generational Differences in Support for Democracy and Free Market Economics; and Youth, Values and Democracy. The questionnaire that was used is included as well as a list of tables, information about how the data used, and links to download the raw data.
306.85 F212222006 (Oak Street)
Families in Global and Multicultural Perspective. 2nd ed. 2006.
Intended for use in an undergraduate and graduate comparative family course, the book travels across geographic, cultural, and historical boundaries to explore the diversity of the world’s families. It examines a full range of topics including family origin and universality, family functions, marital structure, kinship rules, comparative research methods, family development, marriage adjustment, parenting, divorce, and aging. Includes author and subject indexes.
The Handbook of Criminological Theory . 2016. (online)
This resource provides in-depth summaries of important theories in criminology, also covering related research, policies, and practices. Each essay covers a different criminological theory and includes a summary and recommendations for further reading. An index is included.
306 H193 (Oak Street)
Handbook of Cultural Sociology. 2010.
This handbook contains 65 essays exploring the mutually constitutive relationships between culture and social institutions. Articles are divided into ten thematic sections covering topics such as theories, ethics, and specific sociological issues within particular cultural spheres, among others. Each essay is signed and contains a list of references. Includes index and contributor bibliographies.
306.3 H191 2005 (Oak Street, online)
Handbook of Economic Sociology. 2nd ed. 2005.
Intended for undergraduate and graduate students, this handbook is a compilation of current research in the field of economic sociology. The 31 essays included provide general surveys of the field as well as explore specific areas of inquiry. Issues addressed include religion and economic life, gender and the economy, economy and the environment, welfare states, coordination and conflict among corporations, the informal economy, ethnic economics, cross-national economic comparisons, and socialist economies.
The Handbook of Law and Society. 2015. (online)
In this handbook, 28 thematic chapters examine various facets of law in society, including law as a social phenomenon, law as an institutional process, domains of legal policy, and how law has shaped history. The evolving nature of topics is explored, as well as their current status and future directions. This interdisciplinary resource will be useful for students examining the social impact of law. An index is included.
Handbook of Neurosociology. 2013. (online)
This volume is designed to collect foundational research in the emerging field of the study of interactions between the human brain, behavior, and society, including topics such as “identity, rationality, interaction, sociality, prejudice, stereotyping, status, emotions, health, attachment, conformity, and the mind.” In addition to the first chapter, which provides An Introduction: Summaries and Contents, the remaining 24 topical chapters in this volume are arranged into the following sections: Large Issues; Neurology, Self, Interaction, and Sociality; Evolution of the Brain; and The Neurology of Social Issues and Problems. Includes references in each chapter and an index.
Handbook of Research on Social Inequality and Education. 2020. (online)
This book examines existing social inequalities affecting educational settings today. It also explores practical applications and best practices follow by practitioners to minimize the effects of inequalities in education.
Handbook of Social Resource Theory: Theoretical Extensions, Empirical Insights, and Social Applications. 2012. (online)
Classical sociological theory has often addressed implications of the roles within community of “material and nonmaterial social resources that people in their interactions give and withhold or take away, receive and are deprived of or lose, exchange and distribute, produce and destroy.” This volume seeks to provide an overview of the history and current trends within social resource theory, representing scholarship from both U.S. and international researchers, addressing both micro and macro contexts and both basic and applied research. The 26 chapters of this work fall into six parts: Basic Framework; Conceptual and Theoretical Developments; Theoretical Integrations; Organizational, Institutional, Societal, and Inter-cultural Issues; Justice Conceptions and Processes in Resource Exchange; and Envoi. Introduction, author, and subject indexes included.
305.3 C346h (Oak Street, online)
Handbook of the Sociology of Gender. 2006.
Divided into four sections. “Basic Issues” examines gender theory, feminist epistemology, and gender differences and similarities. “Macro-structures and Processes” covers comparative gender stratification, gender and migration, poverty, gender movements, gender organizations and gender in cultures. “Micro-structures and Processes” addresses gender socialization, gender and social roles, gender and interaction and gender violence and harassment. “Institutions” looks at the relationship between gender and social institutions. Includes index.
302 H1915 (SSHEL Stacks, online)
Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions. 2 vols. 2014.
Broken up into two sections, this handbook has multiple essays written by experts in the field. The first section “Theoretical Perspectives on Emotions” covers personal, social, cultural and scientific theories of emotions. The second section “Social Arenas of Emotions” covers different situations of work, family, gender, class, crime, sports and more. Chapters are in depth and provide references.
Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities. 2015. (online)
This handbook provides an overview of sexual attraction, sexual relationships, and sexual expression in sociology. Broad sections examine sexuality in terms of important theories, methods used for research, bodies, social context, and institution context. Each chapter explores a more detailed aspect of a broad section. An index is included.
306.85 H1913 (Oak Street, online)
Handbook of World Families. 2005.
Comparative study of family life in 25 nations covering family formation, fertility and socialization, gender, marriage, stresses and violence, divorce and remarriage, kinship, aging and death, and family and other institutions. Each chapter was written by a scholar brought up in the culture. Countries are organized by world region and then alphabetized. Includes an author and subject index.
304.609 H24h (Oak Street)
The History of Human Populations. 2 vols. 2001.
The main focus of this set is “to explore the relevance of the types of universal trends that are found in population growth and decline for demographic changes in migrations and in the population receiving them.” Both volumes have many graphs and tables and include a bibliography and index.
International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Social (In)justice. 2014. (online)
Organized by important issues on social justice and leadership, this handbook is composed of essays written by experts in the field. Topics definitions, leadership, advocacy, socio-cultural representations, and global policy in social justice. Chapters are brief and include references.
The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity. 2015. (online)
This book examines populations worldwide in terms of race and ethnicity, exploring historical changes as well as contemporary matters. Organized by continent/region, each chapter presents a profile, analysis, and discussion of race and ethnicity in a specific country. An index is included.
300.1 B568 2009 (Oak Street, online)
The New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory. 2009.
This work provides a guide to sociological tradition and attempts to show how sociology can address fundamental social and political issues. The volume is divided into five parts starting with the foundations of social theory and ending with new developments in the field. Each part is divided into chapters, which contain comprehensive bibliographies. Index included.
301 Ox22 (Main Stacks, online)
The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology. 2009.
This handbook provides an overview of analytical sociology and focuses on explaining important social facts such as network structures, patterns of residential segregation, typical beliefs, cultural tastes, common ways of acting, and others. Its stated intention is to move sociology in a more analytic direction. The work is arranged into chapters by subject and each has a list of references. Includes both a name and subject index.
Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration. 2014. (online)
The first two parts of this extensive handbook cover race, ethnicity and crime in the United States and other developed countries. The second two parts cover ethnicity, crime, and immigration in the United States and other developed countries. Each part is further broken down by broad chapters as well as case studies. Chapters include references.
306 Ox22 (SSHEL Stacks)
The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies. 2010.
This volume contains 28 essays exploring the relationship between people, culture, and things. While most of the contributors are professors of anthropology and archaeology, the approach is interdisciplinary and embraces fields such as sociology, history, and environmental studies, among others. The contents are divided by theme into five sections: Disciplinary Perspectives, Material Practices, Objects and Humans, Landscapes and the Built Environment, and Studying Particular Things. Though each essay is signed, all references are compiled in one comprehensive list. Contains a list of citations for illustrations and an index.
HM881 .O94 2015 (SSHEL Stacks, online)
The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. 2015.
This handbook presents a series of topical essays on the study of social movements. Core theoretical perspectives are represented as well as recent developments to the field. This handbook takes an interdisciplinary approach, exploring how social movements relate to sociology, political science, history, and a variety of other disciplines and topics. Resource includes an author index and general index.
306.6 Ox26 (SSHEL Stacks, online)
The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. 2009.
This handbook seeks to provide scholars with critical reflection on the sociology of religion, introducing them to relevant but seldom researched issues and emergent issues in the discipline. The book is divided into 10 parts which are organized by subject matter. Also includes an index.
361.65 Ox22 (Oak Street, online)
The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. 2010.
This handbook traces the development of the welfare state during the twentieth century with an international, interdisciplinary perspective. The 48 articles are signed and arranged by topics such as philosophy, history, and policy. All references are compiled in a comprehensive bibliography. Contains lists of abbreviations, figures, and tables, as well as subject and name indexes.
The Palgrave Handbook of African Education and Indigenous Knowledge. 1st ed. 2020. (online)
This handbook explores the evolution of African education in historical perspectives as well as the development within its three systems–Indigenous, Islamic, and Western education models—and how African societies have maintained and changed their approaches to education within and across these systems. Issues and themes raised acknowledge the contemporary development and positioning of indigenous education within African societies and provide understanding of how indigenous education works within individual societies and national frameworks as an essential part of African contemporary society.
Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies. 2nd ed. 2020. (online)
This fully revised and expanded second edition of the Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies takes a multidisciplinary approach to disability and provides an authoritative and up-to-date overview of the main issues in the field around the world today. Adopting an international perspective and arranged thematically, it surveys the state of the discipline, examining emerging and cutting-edge areas as well as core areas of contention.
Routledge International Handbook of Race, Class, and Gender. 2015. (online)
This resource explores topics in race, class, and gender studies. Organized as a series of essays, each essay provides a basic history of a topic, along with key themes and future directions. Topics include migration, sexuality, education, work, cultural context, and contemporary trends. This handbook offers a clear overview of these topics as well as references for more in-depth research. An index is included.
306.44 Sa184 (SSHEL Reference, online)
The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics. 2011.
This handbook contains 39 essays that explore the relationship between social context and linguistics. Articles are organized by topic into six sections, including history, multilingualism, and applications, among others. Each essay is signed and contains an extensive list of references. Contains list of contributors. Indexed by name and subject.
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Sociology. 2nd ed. 2020. (online)
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Sociology presents chapters on sociological topics and emerging issues divided into three broad sections: introduction (philosophy, history, theory, and methods), basic topics in sociology, and cutting edge issues in sociology. Among the many concepts explored are consumer studies, the Internet, gender and sexuality, medical sociology, and urbanization. The chapters are authored by established and up-and-coming scholars and researchers in the sociology field. Each chapter includes an extensive bibliography
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. 2014. (online)
Examines contemporary family relationships, partnering, and parenting in terms of today’s rapid social, economic, cultural, and technological change. Experts write on topics from an international perspective including European, North American, and Asian experiences, as well as those of immigrants, transnational families, and gays and lesbians. Each chapter includes a summary and references.