Selected Social Work Websites
Websites may provide statistics, data, articles, documents, and other information about a specific field of study or employment. Associations, societies, institutions, and government websites are particularly useful.
Professional Organizations and Scholarly Societies
- Alzheimers Association
- American Public Human Services Association (formerly American Public Welfare Association)
- Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Children’s Defense Fund
- Clinical Social Work Association (formerly Clinical Social Work Federation)
- Council on Social Work Education
- Family Caregiver Alliance
- Family Service of Champaign County
- International Federation of Social Workers
- Latino Social Workers Organization (LSWO)
- National Adoption Center
- National Association for Social Workers (NASW)
- National Head Start Association
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- School Social Work Association of America
- Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care
- Urban Institute
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Organizational Websites with Searchable Features
- Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- NASW Register of Clinical Social Workers
Statistical Sources
- America’s Children Reports – Statistics in an annual series prepared by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics.
- Kids Count – a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the United States
- State Data Tools (Child Care & Early Education Research Connections) – This site includes data tools developed by the National Center for Children in Poverty which allow you to create customized tables of childcare policies and demographics at the state level. There is also a link to additional 50-state databases and child care fact sheets from other government, non-profit and university-sponsored organizations.
Educational and Career Resources
- Association of State Social Work Boards (Formerly the American Association of State Social Work Boards (AASSWB))
- Council on Social Work Education (Includes a list of accredited programs in Social Work in the Directory of Accredited Programs)
- New Social Worker Online
- Social Work Examination Services Inc.
- Social Work and Social Services Jobs Online
- School of Social Work – University of Illlinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (
Special Topics
- Assessing the New Federalism (Urban Institute project)
- Chapin Hall Center for Children (University of Chicago)
- SeniorLiving (formerly ElderWeb)
- Family Diversity Project (Urban Institute project)
- Free Resources for Social Workers
- Influencing State Policy
- Institute of Government and Public Affairs (Social policy publications organized by subject)
- International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs
- NASW Standards for Social Work Practice
- National Survey of America’s Families
- University of Michigan’s ongoing study on American youth