Guide to Sources in Psychology
Location of Materials | Call Numbers | Guides to Psychology Resources | Article & Journal Databases | Background Information: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, & Handbooks | Psychological & Medical Classification Manuals | Psychological Tests & Measurements | Research Methods & Writing Guides | Grants, Funding, & Career Resources
Location of Materials
All titles listed in this selective guide are located in the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library reference collection unless otherwise noted. The location SSHEL RCC indicates the item is held in the SSHEL Reference Circulating Collection.
Call Numbers
Call numbers are groups of numbers and/or letters that classify library items by subject. Items are arranged on bookshelves by call number. The Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL) uses both the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification systems.

Guides to Psychology Resources
Lists of information sources such as books, journals, websites, and databases about a specific subject, with corresponding brief descriptions.
301 Aℓ111
ALA Guide to Sociology & Psychology Reference. 2011. (Oak Street)
This work provides a comprehensive annotated bibliography of broadly focused sociology and psychology reference sources primarily for college and university libraries in North America. Resources are organized by topic and within each topic they are divided by resource type. Presents traditional resources such as encyclopedias and handbooks, but also provides information about websites and databases.
025.5602415 R251ℓ 2003
Library Use: Handbook for Psychology. 3rd ed. 2003.
A guidebook for using a variety of psychology resources. Covers everything from conducting research, including topic selection, to the mechanics of psychological information databases such as PsycInfo. There are also chapters on general library use, which address locating books and the process of interlibrary loan. Aside from its obvious utility to patrons, this volume will prove valuable to anyone conducting psychology research.
Article & Journal Databases
Databases are structured sets of information, stored in print or online. Often, databases are online collections of journal article citations and full-text. Find articles about a specific topic by using keywords, subject headings, authors, and more.
PsycINFO. 1927-. (online)
Provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines. The database includes almost 2,500 journals, as well as book chapters, books, reports, theses, and dissertations. Additionally, there are more than 57 million references in over 1,300,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters.
PsycARTICLES.1894-. (online)
Provides access to full-text articles from over 97 journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied publishers.
PubMed.1950-. (online)
Contains more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.
Annual Review of Psychology. 1950-. (online)
The major research review for the entire field. Provides worldwide coverage of current research in different aspects of psychology. Written by specialists, each essay includes a digest of past research and a bibliography. Includes author and subject indexes.
PsycTESTS.1861-. (online)
Provides access to over 20,000 psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments on a variety of subjects, as well as descriptive information about each test and its development and administration. Over 61 percent of entries are from 2000 and later.
Background Information: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, & Handbooks
Background information can be found in online or print reference sources, online or in print, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks. Dictionaries contain brief definitions, usually only a sentence or two in length. Encyclopedias provide a more in-depth description, usually a few paragraphs in length. Handbooks contain descriptions that can be multiple pages and describe the development and future of a subject.
BF31 .A65 2015
APA Dictionary of Psychology. 2nd ed. 2015. (online)
This volume serves as a comprehensive dictionary of terms used in the field of psychology. Terms are arranged alphabetically on a letter-by-letter basis. Biographical entries are placed in a separate section at the end of the book. Also includes three appendices for (1) institutions and organizations, (2) psychological tests and assessment instruments, and (3) psychotherapeutic techniques and biological treatments.
616.89003 H59p 2009
Campbell’s Psychiatric Dictionary. 9th ed. 2009. (Oak Street)
This work is intended to be a comprehensive dictionary of important terms in the field of psychiatry. It contains a brief preface explaining new research in psychiatry and a section of abbreviations and acronyms used in the dictionary. The entries are arranged alphabetically.
Q.150.3 En1933 2010
The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology. 4th ed. 4 vols. 2010. (online)
The new edition of this resource features over 1,500 entries, complete coverage of DSM disorders, and a bibliography of over 10,000 citations. New topics covered in the encyclopedia include “happiness,” “postpartum depression,” “bisexuality,” “ art therapy,” “recovered memories,” “premenstrual syndrome,” and “attribution theory.” Volume 4 contains thumbnail biographical sketches on 543 important contributors to psychology, and also includes author and subject indexes.
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. 2020. (online)
This encyclopedia examines the growing field of behavioral medicine, covering topics such as aging, nutrition and exercise, sexual and reproductive health, eating disorders, substance abuse, and much more. In analyzes the various subject matters and considers them with the contexts of psychosocial processes, sociocultural realities, and behavioral responses. The authors aim to inform and guide future health policies with their research and insights.
Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. 2014. (online)
Provides information on psychological topics from critical as well as international points of view. The encyclopedia is organized alphabetically by topic and provides commentary from expert critical psychologists from around the globe.
GN502 .E58 2013
Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 3 vols. 2013. (online)
This 3-volume encyclopedia presents the current state of knowledge relating to the fields of cross-cultural, cultural, and indigenous psychology. Entries cover a range of material derived from conceptual and empirical research around the world, and offer brief biographies of more than 130 important historical and contemporary figures in the field. Volume 1 includes a brief forward covering the history of the field as well as alphabetical and thematic lists of all entries. Volume 3 includes an index.
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. 2021. (online)
This comprehensive twelve-volume resource set pulls from a variety of fields to detail and analyze the history, the contributors, and theories of evolutionary psychology. The disciplines of biology, cognitive science, anthropology, psychology, economics, computer science, and paleoarchaeology are evaluated to offer a more complete and exhaustive understanding of behavioral adaptations within human beings.
Q.150.3 En194 2012
Encyclopedia of Human Behavior. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 2012. (online)
This three-volume set provides an overview of various topics within the field of psychology. Contents are arranged alphabetically by topic and each entry features a glossary to aid with comprehension. A list of contributors and a table of contents open the book, and the last volume contains an index for easy reference.
616.89003 K122e 2008
The Encyclopedia of Mental Health. 3rd ed. 2008. (Main Stacks)
This single volume work gives an overview of mental health topics currently affecting the population. Entries are brief and arranged alphabetically. A bibliography provides suggested reading by topic, while a resources section offers readers contact information for various organizations dealing with different aspects of mental health. An index allows for easy reference.
Q.155.82 En196
Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology. 2006. (online)
Explaining psychology through the experiences of racial and ethnic minorities, this book advocates the stance that culture rather than race is the best way to understand the differences between people. Spanning across the fields of social, cognitive, environmental, cross-cultural, and clinical psychology, several of this book’s key themes are indigenous concerns, treatment, measurement tools, and professional organizations. Each entry includes a further reading list. An index is included.
Q. 302.03 En197
Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. 2 vols. 2007. (SSHEL Ref, Oak Street, and online)
This two-volume work provides introductory articles on a vast number of concepts that make up the field of social psychology and is intended for students new to the field. Topics include entitativity, Ringelmann effect, the facial-feedback hypothesis, the illusion of transparency, emotion, persuasion, and narcissism. Articles are arranged alphabetically and cross-referenced. The encyclopedia provides a subject index, a list of entries, and a reader’s guide. Each article also provides a bibliography for further reading.
150.1 En192
Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories. 2 vols. 2012. (online)
This two-volume edited work provides researchers familiar with the field of psychology with an overview of the history of psychological theories from ancient to present times, covering historical backgrounds, key issues and concurrent trends, international perspectives, and future outlooks for each theory. Fifteen hundred alphabetically integrated entries include extensive explanations of significant theories, brief biographical descriptions of relevant theorists, and histories of institutional departments which contributed significantly to the psychological field. All entries include references, many include cross-references, and some contain relevant figures, diagrams, and notes. Work is not indexed.
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. 2nd ed. 2014.
This encyclopedia covers all areas of neurological sciences with over 1,000 entries focused on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, and other related areas of neuroscience. Entries are designed to be understandable without detailed background knowledge in the subject matter, and cross-referencing and suggested further reading lead the reader from a basic knowledge to more advanced understanding. Contains an index for quick reference.
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. 2015. (online)
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, offers a source of social and behavioral sciences reference material that is broader and deeper than any other. Comprises over 3,900 articles commissioned by 71 section editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.
BF121 .S234 2016
SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology. 2 vols.
Each volume of this encyclopedia begins with a complete listing of the entries. A Reader’s Guide follows the list of entries and groups entries for related topics together into one of twenty-one categories. Entries A through L are contained in volume one and M through W are listed in volume two. Three appendices and an index are included in volume 2 as well.
The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. 2020. (online)
This four-volume encyclopedia details the similarities and dissimilarities between people. Each volume delves into a specific area of personality psychology to further analyze the likenesses and differences among humans. The first volume inspects classic and current models and theories within personality psychology. The second volume details various types of assessment within personality and individuals differences. Volume three examines the structures and attributes of this field of study that influences researchers and studies. And the final volume, reviews clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations.
The Cambridge Handbook of Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis. 2020. (online)
This handbook presents modern and data-driven information key to clinical psychological assessment and diagnosis. Challenges and obstacles to psychological assessment are explored in detail. Each chapter provides factual and interpretive knowledge of clinical psychological assessment and diagnosis.
The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods in Clinical Psychology. 2020. (online)
This handbook offers a progressive understanding of clinical psychology practice by examining data collection techniques, the philosophy behind psychological care, and scrutinizing current practices in the field. The goal is to promote good, healthy, and thoughtful research practices within clinical psychology.
The Cambridge Handbook of Substance and Behavioral Addictions. 2020. (online)
This handbook explores a variety of addictions with global perspectives to offer the reader an extensive understanding the biological aspects of addiction, treatment options, legal issues, philosophical quandaries, and barriers to receiving care. It raises the reader and clinicians awareness about the multi-faceted approaches needed for addiction care and research. Addictions covered include alcohol, tobacco, novel drugs, food, gambling, sex, work, shopping, the internet, and several seldom-investigated behaviors.
Clinical Handbook of Fear and Anxiety: Maintenance Processes and Treatment Mechanisms. 2020. (online)
This handbook provides a new methodology for the treatment, diagnosis, and knowledge of clinical anxiety and its many expressions. The handbook is divided into two main parts, the exploration of maintenance process and the treatment of the different mechanisms.
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Consultation in Pediatric Medical Settings. 2020. (online)
Pediatric consultation-liaison psychology is investigated and detailed to give the readers an overview of the practice, barriers faced when conducting this type of healthcare, and frequently done evaluations, interventions, and treatments. Through case studies and thorough assessments the authors intend to provide readers a broad and accurate perspective on pediatric consultation-liaison psychology.
Cultural and Social Justice Counseling: Client-Specific Interventions. 2016. (online)
This timely volume gives readers a robust framework and innovative tools for incorporating clients’ unique cultural variables in counseling and therapy. Its chapters identify cultural, societal, and worldview-based contexts for understanding clients, from the relatively familiar (e.g., ethnicity, gender, age) to the less explored (e.g., migration status, social privilege, geographic environment). Diverse cases illustrate how cultural assessments contribute to building the therapeutic relationship and developing interventions that respect client individuality as well as group identity. In these pages, clinicians are offered effective strategies for conducting more relevant and meaningful therapy, resulting in better outcomes for client populations that have traditionally been marginalized and underserved.
BF 636.67 .B37 2015
Ethics Desk Reference for Counselors. 2nd ed. 2015. (Oak Street and online)
The Ethics Desk Reference for Counselors is intended to be an easy-to-use resource for both counselors and counselors-in-training. It begins by explaining each section of the ACA Code of Ethics and includes discussion about its application, potential problems associated with it, and strategies for prevention and positive practice. Part II of this volume provides guidance in areas of counseling that are likely to pose ethical dilemmas. Includes an appendix with additional resources and an index.
174.915 B264e
Ethics Desk Reference for Psychologists. 2008. (Oak Street)
This compact volume is intended to help psychologists understand and apply the APA Ethics Code. Each section of the code is reprinted with a brief review that emphasizes practical applications.
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science. 7th ed. 4 vols. 2015. (online)
With contributions from the major thought leaders in their respective specialties, this four-volume set provides comprehensive coverage of developmental science, including detailed explanations of major theories and methods. This new seventh edition has been completely revised to reflect significant advances in the field, including reconceptions of theory, cultural concerns, and applications in each succinct chapter, with information presented clearly enough to provide readers of all backgrounds with a quick education in the subfields of human development.
Handbook of Dual Diagnosis Assessment and Treatment in Persons with Intellectual Disorders. 2020. (online)
This handbook is an overview of dual diagnosis, for individuals with both intellectual disabilities and mental health disorders. It reviews the ethics, theories, and challenges to care for these individuals. Each chapter of the handbook evaluates different aspects of dual diagnosis practice and care with a patient-centered approach
Handbook of LGBT Communities, Crime, and Justice. 2014.
This handbook brings together a collection of scholarly works that represent a call to queer criminology. It brings a queer lens to many dimensions of the field of criminology, such as the causes and consequences of crime, violence, and victimization; criminal justice policy and practice; and law and human rights.
BF575.P9.H36 2016
Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination. 2nd ed. 2016. (SSHEL Stacks and online)
This volume serves not only as a valuable resource for students, instructors, and researchers in psychology, but also may prove useful for those in other related fields, such as sociology, nursing, and medicine. This second edition has new material on subjects such as minority stress, same-sex marriage laws, mental health stigma, and additional coverage of gender and race. A name index and subject index are also included for easy reference.
Handbook of Psychology. 2nd ed. 12 vols. 2012. (online)
This online guide provides psychology graduate students and professionals with a comprehensive overview of current psychological knowledge and anticipated advances in the field. In over 12 volumes, this handbook addresses: the history of psychology (vol. 1); research methods (vol. 2); content of knowledge in five areas of study (vols. 3-7); and application of knowledge in professional practice (vols. 8-12).
Handbook of Race-Ethnicity and Gender in Psychology. 2014. (online)
This handbook presents current theory and research that emphasize the nuances associated with the intersections of race-ethnicity and gender as they relate to the psychological needs of diverse individuals. Chapters are divided into four sections: Identity, Worldviews, and Cultural Belief Systems; Family, Group, and Community Systems; Career and Organizational Development; and Clinical Applications. Includes detailed index.
Handbook of Research on Applied Social Psychology in Multiculturalism. 2021. (online)
Social psychology, how individual’s thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and feelings are cultivated and influenced by other people and society, is explored in this text with the additional angle of multiculturalism. The authors delve into how cultural diversity within communities, of all sizes, affects people’s actions, attitudes, prejudices, and goals. This handbook focuses on how various cultures and peoples can exist together harmoniously.
Handbook of Social Psychology. 2nd ed. 2013. (online)
This handbook is a resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of social psychology, and is also intended to serve as a graduate-level textbook. The preface briefly outlines the field of social psychology. Chapters are organized into five parts: theoretical perspectives, development and socialization, personal processes, interpersonal processes, and the person in sociocultural context. Includes contributor bios and index.
International Handbook of Psychological Well-Being in Children and Adolescents: Bridging the Gaps Between Theory, Research, and Practice. 2015. (online)
This handbook addresses universal developmental and cultural factors contributing to child and adolescent mental health and well-being across the globe. It examines sociocultural contexts of development and identifies children’s and adolescents’ perspectives as critical to understanding and promoting their psychological well-being. It details the Promoting Psychological Well-Being Globally project’s methodology for data collection and analysis, provides cross-cultural analyses of its findings, and offers a practical model for clinicians and other professionals seeking to apply this knowledge to real-life settings.
International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching. 2020. (online)
This handbook intends to prepare and educate psychology professionals in recommended and thoughtful teaching methods within their field of study. The authors include techniques for culturally-competent instruction, methods for teaching basic and complex theories, as well, as offering best practices for educating students of psychology. Each chapter surveys a unique sub-field of psychology and provides instructional resources and guides to the educators.
RC467.2 .P78 2013
Psychologists’ Desk Reference. 3rd ed. 2013.
The Psychologists’ Desk Reference serves as an authoritative reference volume for mental health practitioners of all professional and theoretical orientations. The volume is divided into twelve parts. Part I examines assessment and diagnosis. Part II focuses on psychological testing. Parts III through V focus on treatment for adults, couples, families, children, and adolescents. Part VI contains chapters on biology and pharmacotherapy. Part VII looks at self-help resources. Ethical and legal issues are the focal points of Part VIII. Parts IX, X, and XI cover issues related to practice management. Part XII wraps up with chapters about aspects of prevention, consultation, and supervision. An extensive index is included.
The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology. 3rd ed. 2016. (online)
The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology is the seminal reference in the field of positive psychology, which in recent years has transcended academia to capture the imagination of the general public. The handbook provides a roadmap for the psychology needed by the majority of the population—those who don’t need treatment but want to achieve the lives to which they aspire.
HM1041.S24 2012
The Sage Handbook of Social Cognition. 2012. (SSHEL Stacks and online)
This broad volume explores the many facets of social cognition through the contributions of numerous experts in the field. With over 27 chapters, this handbook presents thoroughly researched discussions and arguments on a variety of subtopics (e.g., social cognition and aging, nonverbal perception) to encourage reflection and research among students and practitioners in the field of social psychology. Contains an index.
The Wiley Handbook of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Methods, Approaches, and New Directions for the Social Sciences. 2015. (online)
Presents a comprehensive exploration of the wide range of methodological approaches utilized in the contemporary field of theoretical and philosophical psychology. Chapters explore various philosophical and conceptual, historical, and narrative approaches to the nature of human conduct, as well as mixed-method studies of psychology and psychological inquiry and various theoretical bases of contemporary psychotherapeutic practices.
The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society. 2015. (online)
Edited by three of the world’s leading authorities on the psychology of technology, this new handbook provides a thoughtful and evidence-driven examination of contemporary technology’s impact on society and human behavior. This handbook features comprehensive coverage of hot button issues in the psychology of technology, including social networking, Internet addiction and dependency, Internet credibility, multitasking, impression management, and audience reactions to media.
The Wiley Handbook on the Psychology of Violence. 2016.
This handbook features original contributions from an interdisciplinary group of scholars. It includes the latest violence research, as well as its implications for practice and policy. Topics covered include: online violence and cybercriminal behavior, juvenile violence, sexual violence, family violence, and various violence issues relating to underserved and/or understudied populations.
Psychological & Medical Classification Manuals
Classification manuals are diagnostic and statistical manuals about mental health or medical symptoms and disorders.
618.92890012 D54 2005
DC:0-3R : Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood. Rev. ed. 2005. (Main Stacks)
The revised DC:0-3 “updates criteria for classifications, incorporates new knowledge from clinical experience, and attempts to clarify areas of persistent ambiguity.” The book is divided into five areas plus appendices covering prevention, diagnoses, and treatment of mental health problems at an early age by identifying and describing disorders and effective intervention approaches. References are available at the end of the book.
RC470 .D47 2013
Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5. 2013.
The Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-5 is a small and expedient manual designed to work in combination with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Prior to the two main sections of the work, the Desk Reference contains classification listings of all ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes, coding notes, and recording procedures present in the DSM-5. Section I focuses on describing proper use of the DSM-5. Section 2 provides over three hundred pages of diagnostic criteria sets. Also contains an index.
RC455.2.C4 A48 2022
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5-TR. 5th ed. 2020. (SSHEL RCC and online)
This comprehensive manual defines and classifies mental disorders and enumerates the criteria by which diagnoses are determined. This most recent edition eschews the 5-axial system of past versions and offers readers greater orientation to its contents. Organized according to a lifespan approach, this volume first considers disorders diagnosed in childhood before moving on to those whose onset occurs during adolescence and adulthood, with consideration for symptoms that span multiple diagnostic categories. Contains the latest findings in subfields such as neuroimaging and genetics, and streamlines criteria for diagnoses in keeping with current clinical practice.
RJ503.5 .T63 2016
DSM-5 Diagnosis in the Schools. 2016.
Thousands of practitioners using prior editions of the DSM have relied on this key resource to optimize their diagnostic practices in PreK-12 settings. Now significantly revised for DSM-5, the book cuts through the overwhelming length and complexity of the diagnostic manual by focusing thematically on the most common child and adolescent concerns. Tips are provided for diagnostic decision making and coding and technical terms are demystified. Emphasis is given to using diagnosis as a foundation for effective intervention. The book highlights links to special education eligibility under IDEA and discusses ethical and professional issues in school-based assessment.
RC455.2.c4 D55 2014
DSM-5 Guidebook: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. 2014.
The DSM-5 Guidebook is a companion work to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). This guidebook serves as user-friendly manual to the DSM-5 for mental health professionals. The introduction presents a brief history of psychiatric diagnostic classification. Chapter 1 examines the evolution to the DSM-5. Chapter 2 focuses on displaying the major changes from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5. Chapters 3 to 19 review diagnostic categories and specific diagnoses and their criteria to provide clarity in assessment. Chapter 20 discusses assessment measures. Alternative models for personality disorders are presented in the Chapter 21. Chapter 22 reviews proposed disorders under examination. Contains a listing of references, an appendix of DSM-5 classification tables, and an index.
Psychological Tests & Measurements
Information about tests and assessment tools that measure achievement, intelligence, character and personality, vocational aptitude, and many other subjects. Also see the Guide to Sources of Information on Tests and Measurements.
Q. BF176 .A63 2013
APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology. 3 vols. 2013. (SSHEL Stacks)
Over three volumes, this comprehensive work examines the theory and use of testing and assessment in various environments and related fields and subfields of psychology: industrial and organizational psychology, clinical and counseling psychology, and school psychology and education. Each chapter is written by an expert or group of experts in the field and focuses on a particular use of assessment. An index appears at the end of Volume 3 to aid searching. Practical, thorough, and informed, this handbook is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners looking to understand and use psychological testing.
Handbook of Clinical Rating Scales and Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2010. (online)
Provides reviews of rating scales and questionnaires for the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric conditions as well as the full-text of scales and assessments. Each chapter presents a review of measurement issues related to specific conditions in addition to recommendations on when and what dimensions to measure. Examples of conditions represented include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, alcohol and nicotine addictions, eating disorders, and ADHD.
BF176 .G76 2016
Handbook of Psychological Assessment. 6th ed. 2016. (Main Stacks and Oak Street)
This work is intended to help psychologists and clinicians choose psychological assessments for patients and interpret the results. It provides psychology students with a foundation for learning to conduct psychological assessments. It is organized to mirror the sequence a practitioner follows when evaluating a patient: beginning the therapeutic relationship, ethical issues and roles, specific psychological tests, choosing treatment methods, and writing reports. Contains an appendix with information on how to purchase selected tests and statistical information about the tests, an extensive bibliography, and author and subject indexes.
016.153 M528
Mental Measurements Yearbook. 1938-. (Oak Street and online)
In twenty volumes to date, the yearbooks provide descriptive information on tests published in English speaking countries. References to the tests and reviews are included as well as information on availability, scoring and validity. The MMY also reviews major books on tests and testing and provides a bibliography of periodicals on testing. The yearbooks are indexed by test title, personal name and subject area. Volumes 9 and beyond also contain a score index. Since publication of the 9th MMY, supplements to the Mental Measurement Yearbooks are published in an attempt to provide up-to-date information on tests that are new or which have been significantly revised. Tests in Print, a master index to texts in the MMY, is included in the online edition.
153.93 P9594
Psychological Assessment. 4 vols. 2012.
Psychological Assessment is a four-volume set in the Sage Benchmarks in Psychology series, and presents influential classical and contemporary articles about psychological assessment. The articles are from leading journals in the field and are written by prominent scholars and academics from around the world. The first volume covers intelligence assessment, the second deals with personality and clinical assessment, the third contains articles about clinical assessment and the fourth covers applied psychological assessment. The first volume contains an appendix of sources and each volume provides an introductory essay.
Research Methods & Writing Guides
Research guides provide suggestions for finding and using information. Writing guides can help with managing and creating citations, developing research plans, and writing specific types of articles or papers.
BF76.5 .A7263 2014
APA Dictionary of Statistics and Research Methods. 2014.
Provides definitions for important and useful terms in psychological research and the gathering and use of data. The book is intended to be a reference tool for psychology professionals, but also seeks to be applicable to professionals from the related fields of social, behavioral, and health sciences.
150.72 C756d 2006
Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish: Psychology and Related Fields. 2nd ed. 2006. (SSHEL RCC)
An accessible, friendly guide for graduate students in psychology and related fields on the best practices for writing dissertations and/or theses. Each chapter focuses on a different stage/topic of dissertation writing (from time management, finding topics and faculty collaborators, and research methodology to presenting and discussing results and managing proposal and oral defense meetings) and includes additional readings and checklists. An appendix reviews selected ethical standards relevant to the field. A list of references and an index are provided.
BF76.5 .P795 2024
The Psychology Research Handbook: A Guide for Graduate Students and Research Assistants. 3rd ed. 2024. (SSHEL Stacks)
A reference text for graduate students and researchers on the research methods and procedures in psychology. The text is divided into six sections: research planning, instrument selection or development, data collection, data analysis, research writing, and special topics in the field, such as applying for research grants and cross-cultural research methodology. Each chapter includes recommended readings, references, and exercises. An index is provided.
BF76.7 .P83 2020
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: the Official Guide to APA Style. 7th ed. 2020. (SSHEL Ref and SSHEL RCC)
The authoritative source for the style and format to be used in preparation of manuscripts in psychology, social work, and other select social science disciplines.
Grants, Funding, & Career Resources
Resources with information about applying for grants, scholarships, fellowships, and other types of funding as well as resources about finding a job in a specific field.
American Psychology Association Awards
150.7 G751 ed. 49 (2019)
Graduate Study in Psychology. 25th ed. 2019.
Provides information for approximately 600 graduate programs in North America. All listed programs meet a set of standards set by the APA, including accreditation criteria. Entries are listed by state and alphabetically. They include contact information, emphasis of department, degrees offered, accreditation status, opportunities for internships, admissions statistics and requirements, demographics, financial information, information on employment of graduates, and other relevant materials.