Statistics on Women
International Statistics | U.S. General Statistics | Education | Family Issues/Marital Status | Health | Law and Criminal Justice | Politics | Poverty | Sports and Recreation | Work and Employment
International Statistics
- Population Reference Bureau: DataFinder
This hub for US and international data allows users to create tables by region, country, or US census boundaries. Additionally, browse by broad topics including education, family structure, and reproductive health to find comparative data for the United States or the world.
- United Nations: Gender Data Hub
This site provides current statistics by country for: population, health, women and men in families, education, work, and political decision making. All tables download in Excel.
- UN: The World’s Women Reports
These 100+ page reports, published every five years beginning in 1990, provide statistics covering a wide range of topics related to women. All reports can be downloaded as PDFs.
- UNDP Human Development Reports: Gender Inequality Index
This global index measures gender inequalities in three areas of human development: reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market.
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Gender Statistics.
The UNECE Statistics Division provides statistics and reports on the intersections between population, gender, and society.
- World Bank: Data on Gender
This is a gateway to global data on various topics affecting women and girls. Of particular note is the link to GenderStats which provides data at the country and regional level compiled from various international organizations including the ILO and WHO.
- Woman Stats Project
This project tracks the status of women in 174 countries on over 310 indicators. As a first-time user to this project, visit the ‘First Time Users’ tab to create a free account and to watch tutorials on how to use and view their data.
U.S. General Statistics
- U.S. Census Bureau: Age and Sex
This site highlights CENSUS publications which provide data on age and sex.
- Gender Policy Council (Archived version of website)
Provides access to several reports and serves as a gateway to statistical reports on women and girls from other US agencies.
- National Center for Education Statistics: Digest of Education Statistics
The digest offers statistics from 1995 to present on different levels of education, programs, and outcomes. Many tables show results by sex.
- Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering
This report from the National Science Foundation provides statistical information about the participation of these three groups in science and engineering education and employment. A formal report, now in the form of a digest, is issued every 2 years.
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics: Gender and Education
This page provides a gateway to reports, statistics, and maps related to global education patterns.
Family Issues / Marital Status
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Marriage and Divorces
CDC provides statistics on U.S. marriage, divorce, and co-habitation rates. Some statistics are national and others are available by state.
- United Nations Statistics Division: Marriage and Divorce
Includes statistics on marriage and divorce rates by region and country highlighted by year, urban or rural status, and age.
- National Center for Health Statistics: National Vital Statistics System
Presents vital statistics data on births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and divorces.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Women’s Health Data
This page includes statistics on a variety of topics, including the health status of women, percentage of females without health insurance, and leading causes of death by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin.
- Health Resources and Services Administration: Women’s Health
This site provides access to current and historical data on all aspects of women’s health throughout the lifespan.
- Kinsey Institute: FAQ and Statistics
Information on this page is compiled from various research reports. Data is provided on many topics including age of first intercourse, condom use, number of partners, prostitution/sex work, and teen sexuality.
- MEASURE DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys)
Funded by USAID, this site provides current data from over 260 surveys in over 90 countries. The site allows access to several data sets, reports, and online resources including STATcompiler, which allows users to create custom tables based on hundreds of demographic and health indicators.
- Statistics
A project of the US Office of Health and Human Services, this page lists links to several reports and organizations concerned with women’s health.
- World Health Organization: Women’s Health
WHO’s Women’s Health page includes their latest publications, news releases, infographics, and factsheets on topics related to women’s health.
- World Health Organization Global Health Observatory
Find WHO data by country, indicator, or theme. View charts and download datasets for each topic. Additionally, search for data within data portals, including the Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health and Ageing data portal, the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016-2030 data portal, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy portal.
Law and Criminal Justice Including Violence against Women
- Centers for Disease Control: Intimate Partner Violence Resources
Provides several sources of data including the National Violence Against Women Survey.
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service: Women & Girls in the Criminal Justice System
This site offers statistics on girls and women in the criminal system. Beyond statistics, one can view legislation and programs connected to women and girls.
- National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women Statistics and Trends
Created by a non-profit organization formed to address the unique needs of women in prison, this page provides statistics and trends related to women in prison.
- National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Census: Domestic Violence Counts
Domestic Violence Counts is an annual census of adults and children who seek services from U.S. domestic violence shelter programs during a single 24-hour survey period.
- Center for American Women and Politics
This center housed at Rutgers University is recognized as the leading source of scholarly research and current data about American women’s political participation. The Facts page provides information about numbers of women in elected offices; women’s voting behavior; facts on women of color; and state by state information.
- Inter-Parliamentary Union: Women in Politics
Provides data about women in parliaments around the world.
- Women in Congress: Historical Data
Created by the Office of the Clerk, US Capitol, this site provides data regarding women’s role in Congress since 1917.
- Center for American Progress: The Basic Facts on Women in Poverty
Statistics provided here focus on gender, race, and marital status.
- National Women’s Law Center: Poverty and Income Support
NWLC provides factsheets and reports based on many factors including general poverty statistics but also information on income inequality and unemployment.
- UN Women’s Facts and Figures on Women, Poverty & Economics
Provides some basic facts and figures, along with information on gender-responsive budgets, women migrant workers, women’s land and property rights, financing for gender equality, and result-based initiatives.
Sports and Recreation
- AAUW: Title IX Athletic Statistics
Provides a variety of statistics including participation of girls and women in sports; coaches and athletic directors at the collegiate level; and the benefits of physical activity.
- Women’s Sport Foundation: Articles and Reports
Find statistics through the Articles and Reports link, or through a keyword search from the main page.
Work and Employment
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: Statistics on Women and Labor
Users have access to data on women’s employment, unemployment, and earnings by industry, occupation, education, age, marital status, and other characteristics. Data are also available on how women use their time and on workplace injuries and illnesses experienced by women.
- National Committee on Pay Equity
Provides access to factsheets and other reports going back to 1999.