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Speech and Hearing Assessment Instruments

Speech and Hearing Science Assessment Instruments: Standardized Diagnostic Tests

Available from the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL)

Historical Speech and Hearing Assessment Instruments

Speech and Hearing Science Assessment Instruments are located in a storage area. To borrow, follow this procedure: fill out a beige SHS Test Request Form at the SSHEL Information Services Desk in Room 101, Main Library. Items will be retrieved as soon as possible for in-room use for a 2-hour loan period.

  • ABCD – Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia  (KIT 616.83076 B343a)
  • The Adolescent Word Test: A Test of Expressive Vocabulary and Semantics (KIT 428.0076 Ad72 v.1)
  • ADOS-2 – Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition: manual only (KIT 616.85882 Au8193 2012)
  • ADOS-2 – Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition: manual only (KIT 616.85882 Au8193 2012B)
  • ADI-R – Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (KIT 616.85882075 R938a2013)
  • ADP – Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles  (KIT 616.8552075 H369a)
  • AEPS – Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children, Second Edition (KIT RJ51.D48 B753 2002)
  • AIDS – Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthic Speech (RC424.7 .Y66 1984)
  • AIMS – Alberta Infant Motor Scale (KIT RJ134 .P57 2021)
  • ALA – Assessment for Living with Aphasia (KIT RC425 .K343 2013)
  • ALFA Assessment of Language-related Functional Activities  (KIT 418.0076 AL281)
  • APP-R – Assessment of Phonological Processes (KIT 618.92855075 H669a)
  • Aquatic Exercise Toolbox (KIT 613.716 Ad171a)
  • Arizona-4 – Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale, Fourth Revision (KIT RC424.7 .F83 2017)
  • ASHA FACS – Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults 1995 w/2004 addendum (KIT RC423 .F825 1995)
  • ASHA FACS – Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults, 2017 (KIT RC423 .F825 2017)
  • ASHA FACS – Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults, 2019 (KIT RC423 .F825 2019)
  • ASQ-3 – Ages & Stages Questionnaires : A Parent-completed Child Monitoring System, Third edition (KIT RJ151 .D48 B75 2009)
  • Assessing and Treating Narrative Language in Children with Language Impairments (KIT 618.92855075 G411a)
  • Assessing Children Who Speak Spanish: Milestones in Spanish Grammar Development (KIT 465 An243a)
  • ASSET – Assessing Semantic Skills through Everyday Themes  (KIT 401.43071 B275a)
  • Atlas of Dynamic Laryngeal Pathology (KIT 616.22 St289a)
  • BADS – Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (KIT 153.12 B144)
  • Basic Auditory Tests, Version V (KIT RF294 .B3753 2018)
  • BASA – Boston Assessment of Severe Aphasia  (KIT 616.8552075)
  • BASC-2 – Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (KIT 155.41828 R333b 2004)
  • BDAE – The Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (KIT 616.8552 B6571972)
  • BDAE – The Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Second Edition (KIT 616.8552 B6571983)
  • BDAE – The Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination  Third ed.  (KIT 616.8552 B6572001)
  • BESA – Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment (KIT P53.4 .P463 2015)
  • BINL – Basic Inventory of Natural Language (KIT LB1139.L3 H47 1979)
  • Brainwave—R Cognitive Strategies and Techniques for Brain Injury Rehabilitation (KIT 617.4810443 B73)
  • BRIEF – Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (KIT 616.8588075 G436b2015)
  • Burns Brief Inventory of Communication and Cognition  (KIT 616.8 B937b)
  • BTAIS-2 – Birth to Three Assessment and Intervention System   (618.920075 Am62b 2000)
  • BTHI – Brief Test of Head Injury  (KIT 617.51044 H369b)
  • CAAP-2 – Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology, Second Edition (KIT RJ496.S7 S43 2014)
  • CADL-2 – Communication Activities of Daily Living  (KIT 616.855075 C7371999)
  • CADL-3 – Communication Activities of Daily Living, Third Edition (KIT 616.855075 C7372018)
  • CAPPA – Conversation Analysis Profile for People with Aphasia (KIT 616.8552075 W619c)
  • CAPPCI – Conversation Analysis Profile for People with Cognitive Impairment (KIT 616.8075 P419c)
  • CASL-2  Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition (KIT 428.0076 C237 2017)
  • CAT – Comprehensive Aphasia Test  (KIT 616.8552075 Sw62c)
  •  CDI – MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, Second Edition (KIT 401.93 M118 2007)
  • CEFI – Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory   (KIT RJ486.6 G89 2011)
  • CCC-2 – Children’s Communication Checklist 2  (KIT 616.855075 B541 c2006)
  • CELF-P2 – Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Preschool, Second Edition (KIT 616.855075 W64c 2004)
  • CELF-P3 – Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Preschool, Third Edition w/Screening Test (KIT 616.855075 W64c2020)
  • CELF-3 – Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (Spanish edition)  (KIT 468.4 Se521c)
  • Children’s Acquired Aphasia Screening Test, revised, (KIT 616.8552 W621c1998)
  • CELF-5 – Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fifth Edition (KIT 618.92855 W64c2013)
  • CELF-5 Screening – Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Fifth Edition, Screening Test (KIT 618.92855 W64c2013a)
  • CLQT+ – Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (KIT RC424.7 .H44 2017)
  • CogAT –Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 6 : norms booklet : all levels  (KIT 153.9 L832c)
  • Compton Screening Assessment of Foreign Accent  (KIT 414.08691 C739c)
  • CREVT-2 – Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test, 2nd ed.  (KIT 616.855075 C7382002)
  • CTOPP – Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing  (KIT 428.0076 W125c)
  • CTOPP-2  Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition (KIT 428.0076 W125c 2013)
  • CVLT-II – California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Adult Version (KIT LB 1131 .L35 2000)
  • DAYC-2 – Developmental Assessment of Young Children (KIT RJ51.D48 V67 2013)
  • DEAP – Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology   (KIT 618.92855075 D54)
  • Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (KIT 618.9280475 D379e)
  • DELV – Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation (KIT 372.6076 Se95d)
  • DEMSS – Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (RJ496.S7 S82 2019)
  • DIAL-3 – Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning  (KIT 305.231076 M334d 1998)
  • DTLA-4– Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude  (KIT 153.94 H183d 1998)
  • Dynamic Assessment and Intervention : improving children’s narrative abilities  (KIT 618.92855075 M6152d)
  • Dysphagia Screening: A Training Resource Pack (KIT 616.31 R618d)
  • Early Speech Perception Test for Profoundly Hearing-impaired Children  (KIT 618.9209789 M777e)
  • ECAT– Environment and Communication Assessment Toolkit for Dementia Care (KIT RC521 .B78 2012) – missing
  • EFA-3 – Examining for Aphasia kit : assessment of aphasia and related impairments  (KIT 616.855 Ei8e1994)
  • Elementary Word-R Test–A test of expressive vocabulary and semantics: examiner’s manual (428.0076 El26)
  • ELLCO Pre-K – Early Language & Literacy Classroom Observation Tool, Pre-K (KIT LB1139.5.L35 S552 2008)
  • ELM Scale-2 – Early Language Milestone Scale  (KIT 407.6 C791e 1993)
  • EOWPVT-2000 – Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test  (KIT 372.6076 Ex77)
  • EOWPVT–4 – Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test  (KIT 372.6076 Ex772011)
  • ESI -R – Early Screening Inventory, revised  (KIT 372.210287 M478e)
  • ESI-R – Early Screening Inventory–Training Package, revised (VIDREC 155.41393 Es38)
  • Evidence-Based Practice in Traumatic Brain Injury: Assessment and Intervention for Cognitive Communication Disorders (KIT 617.4810443 T847e)
  • EVT – Expressive Vocabulary Test (KIT 372.6076 W673e)
  • EVT3 – Expressive Vocabulary Test, Third Edition (KIT 372.6076 W673e2019)
  • Everyday Routines in Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation (KIT 616.8046 Ev277)
  • FAVRES – Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies  (KIT 616.8 F279)
  • FDA-2 — Frenchay Dysarthria assessment (KIT RC424.7 .E53 2008)
  • Fitnessgram Test Kit (KIT 613.70287 F5581999)
  • First Signs Screening Kit for Pediatric Practitioners – (KIT 618.9289075 F519)
  • FLCI – Functional Linguistic Communication Inventory (KIT 616.8983 B343f)
  • Fluharty-2 – Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test, 2nd ed. (KIT 372.6 F6722001)
  • FrSBe – Frontal Systems Behavior Scale : professional manual  (KIT 616.89075 G753f)
  • GAPS – Grammar and Phonology Screening Test (KIT 616.855075 V282g)
  • Goldman Fristoe 2 Test of Articulation   (KIT 618.92855075 G569g2000)
  • GFTA-3 – Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (KIT 618.92855075 G569g 2015)
  • GORT-4 – Gray Oral Reading Tests (KIT 372.452 W635g)
  • GORT-5 – Gray Oral Reading Tests (KIT372.452 W635g2012)
  • GSRT – Gray Silent Reading Tests (KIT 372.45 W635gr)
  • HAPP-3 – Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns (KIT 618.92855075 H669a2004)
  • HFDS – Hines Functional Dysphagia Scale (KIT 616.323 H589)
  • Identifying Early Phonological Needs in Children with Hearing Impairment (KIT 362.42083 P132i)
  • ITPA-3 – Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, 2001 (KIT 372.6 It6)
  • Joliet 3-Minute Preschool Speech and Language Screen, 1992  (KIT 372.48 K62jo)
  • Joliet 3-Minute Speech and Language Screen , revised, 1992  (KIT 372.48 K62j)
  • K-BIT – Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test  (KIT 153.93 K162k c.1)
  • K-BIT-2 – Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test  (KIT 153.93 K162k 2004)
  • KLPA-2 – Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis  (KIT 618.92855075 G569g2000sup.)
  • KLPA-3  Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, 3rd Edition (KIT 618.92855075 G569g 2015 sup.)
  • KSPT – Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children (KIT RJ496.A63 K38 1995)
  • LAC-3 – Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test  (KIT 152.15 L64L 2004)
  • LAT – LinguiSystems Articulation Test (KIT 618.92855 B677l)
  • LCT-2 – Listening Comprehension Test 2 (KIT LB1065 .B69 2006)
  • LIV – L!V Cards: The Life Interests and Values Cards (KIT RC425 .H35 2010)
  • LSAT-3 – Language Sampling, Analysis, and Training  (KIT 136.7202 T95l 1999)
  • LUI – Language Use Inventory  (KIT 616.855075 On261)
  • MAVA – Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition (KIT 372.6 M766m)
  • MIRBI-2 – Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury  (KIT 617.481044 M6642000)
  • MIT – Melodic Intonation Therapy (KIT RC425 .M45 2000z) – missing
  • MSCEIT – Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test  (KIT 152.4 M452m 2002)
  • MSEL – Mullen Scales of Early Learning: AGS Edition (BF432.5.M83 M84 1995)
  • NAT – Northwestern Anagram Test  (KIT 616.8552075 T372no)
  • NAVS – Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences   (KIT 616.8552075 T372n) – missing
  • NNAT – Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (KIT 159.93 N137n)
  • NST – Edgerton-Danhauer Nonsense Syllable Test (KIT RF294 .D3643847 1988)
  • OASES – Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering (KIT RC 424 .Y37 2008)
  • OLAI – Oral Language Acquisition Inventory, Pre K-3, revised edition  (KIT 428.0076 G289o 2003)
  • OPUS – Oral Passage Understanding Scale (KIT 418.0076 C237 2017)
  • OWLS – Oral and Written Language Scales listening comprehension and oral expression  (KIT 407.6 C237ow c.1)
  • OWLS – Oral and Written Language Scales written expression scale  (KIT 407.6 C237o c.1)
  • OWLS II LC/OE – Oral and Written Language Scales, Second Edition: Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression (KIT 407.6 C237o 2011 vol. 1)
  • OWLS II RC/WE – Oral and Written Language Scales, Second Edition: Reading Comprehension and Written Expression (KIT 407.6 C237o 2011 vol. 2)
  • PALPA – Psycholinguistic assessments of language processing in aphasia  (KIT 616.8552075 K18p)
  • PAT-3– Photo Articulation Test  (KIT 410.76 P566 1997)
  • Pay Attention!: A Children’s Attention Process Training Program  (KIT 618.928589 P292005)
  • PDDBI-SV  – PDD Behavior Inventory Screening Version (KIT HV 1570 C643 2011)
  • PLS-4 – Preschool language scale: screening test (KIT 372.6 Z65pr2005)
  • PLS-4 – Preschool Language Scale (Spanish edition)  (KIT 372.6 Z65p 2002)
  • PLS-5 – Preschool Language Scale, 5th ed. (KIT LB1576 .Z55 2011)
  • PPVT-III – Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III (versions A & B)  (KIT 371.26 D922p1997)
  • PPVT5 – Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fifth Edition (KIT 371.26 D922p2019)
  • PTBI – Pediatric Test of Brain Injury  (KIT 618.9280475 P34)
  • PTONI – Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence  (KIT 153.93083 Eh88p)
  • Quality of Communication Life Scale (KIT RC428.8 .Q35 2004)
  • QuickSIN: Speech-in-Noise Test (KIT RF294 .Q535 2001)
  • RBANS Update – Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (KIT 617.481044 R159r2012)
  • RBMT–C – Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test for Children (KIT 153.12 W691r 2003)
  • RCBA-2 – Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia  (KIT 616.8552075 R219 1998)
  • Recreation Behavior Inventory (KIT 790.72 B459r1984)
  • REEL-2 – Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test   (KIT 408.32 B999r)
  • RIPA-2 – Ross Information Processing Assessment, Second Edition (KIT RD521 .R68 1996)
  • RIPA-G:2 – Ross Information Processing Assessment-Geriatric, Second Edition (KIT RD521 .R69 2012)
  • RICE-3 – RIC Evaluation of Communication Problems in Right Hemisphere Dysfunction-3 (KIT 616.855075 H231r2010)
  • Right Hemisphere Language Battery   (KIT 616.855075 B84r1994)
  • Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale   (KIT 401.93 R735r)
  • ROWPVT – Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test(KIT 372.6076 R243 c.1)
  • ROWPVT-4 – Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test  (KIT 372.6076 R2432011)
  • SAC – Standardized Assessment of Concussion  (KIT 617.481044 M173s)
  • SCAN-3:A – Scan-3 for Adolescents & Adults: Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders (KIT RF294.5 .K452 2009)
  • SCAN-3:C – Scan-3 for Children: Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders (KIT RF294.5 .K45 2009)
  • SCATBI – Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury (KIT 616.80475 Ad66s)
  • SCCAN  – Scales of Cognitive and Communicate Ability for Neurorehabilitation (KIT RC423.A2 M55 2012)
  • SCOLP – The Speed and Capacity of Language-Processing test (KIT 616.8075 B14s)
  • Sensory Profile   (KIT BF723.S35 W56 1999) – missing
  • SLS – Student Language Scale Screener for Language & Literacy Disorders (KIT RC423 .N3534 2018)
  • Smooth Talking Stuttering Therapy Program Clinician Manual (KIT 618.92855406 R118s manual / KIT 618.92855406 R118s CDROM / KIT 618.92855406 R118s video recording)
  • Social Language Development Test – Adolescent    (KIT 407.120287 B677s)
  • Social Language Development Test – Elementary   (KIT 372.6220287 B677s)
  • SPAT-D 3 – Structured Photographic Articulation Test: Articulation and Phonological Assessment, Third Edition featuring Dudsberry (KIT RJ496.S7 T38 2016)
  • SPELT-3 – Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test  (KIT 418.0076 D325s 2003)
  • SPM – Sensory Processing Measure (KIT QP454 .P37 2007)
  • SPM-P – Sensory Processing Measure – Preschool (KIT QP454 .S467 2010)
  • Stroop Color and Word Test (KIT 150.287 G565s 2002)
  • Story Friends: An Early Literacy Intervention for Improving Oral Language (KIT LB1140.5 L3 .G65 2016)
  • SSI-4 – Stuttering Severity Instrument, Fourth Edition  (KIT RC424 .R553 2009)
  • TAPS-3 – Test of Auditory Processing Skills  (KIT 152.150287 M364t)
  • TAPS-4 – Test of Auditory Processing Skills (KIT 152.150287 M364t2018)
  • TASIT – The Awareness of Social Inference Test (KIT 302.120287 M145a)
  • TEA – The Test of Everyday Attention (KIT RC 394 .A85 R63 1994)
  • TELD-3 – Test of Early Language Development (KIT 372.6076 H857t 1999)
  • TELD-4 – Test of Early Language Development, Fourth Edition (KIT 372.6076 H857 T2018)
  • TERA-3 – Test of Early Reading Ability, 2001 (KIT 372.48 T27)
  • TEWL-2 – Test of Early Written Language (KIT 372.623076 T286 1996)
  • TGMD-2 – Test of Gross Motor Development (KIT 370.155076 T286 2000)
  • TILLS – Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (KIT RC423 .N354 2016)
  • TNL – Test of Narrative Language (KIT LB 1042.G525 2004)
  • TNL2 – Test of Narrative Language, Second Edition (KIT LB1042 .G525 2017)
  • TOAL-3 – Test of Adolescent and Adult Language   (KIT 428.0076 T286 1994)
  • TOCL – Test of Children’s Language (KIT 428.0076 B237t)
  • TOLD-I:3 – Test of Language Development (Intermediate) (KIT 407.6 H183t 1997)
  • TOLD-I:4 – Test of Language Development (Intermediate), Fourth Edition (KIT 407.6 H183t 2008)
  • TOLD-I:5 – Test of Language Development, Intermediate, Fifth Edition (KIT 407.6 H183t2020)
  • TOLD-P:3 – Test of Language Development (Primary) (KIT 372.6 N439t 1997)
  • TOLD-P:4 – Test of Language Development (Primary), Fourth Edition (KIT 372.6 N439t 2008)
  • TOLD-P:5 – Test of Language Development, Primary, Fifth Edition (KIT 372.6 N439t2019)
  • TONI-3 – Test of Nonverbal Intelligence : A language free measure of cognitive ability (KIT 153.93 B813t 1997)
  • TOPA – Test of Phonological Awareness (KIT 428.0076 T632t)
  • TOPA-2+ – Test of Phonological Awareness, 2nd ed.: plus (KIT 428.0076 T632t2004)
  • TOPL-2 – Test of Pragmatic Language  (KIT 618.92855075 P517t 2007)
  • TOPS – Test of Problem Solving – Adolescent (KIT 370.1524 T629)
  • TOPS-3E: NU – Test of Problem Solving – Elementary, Third Edition, Normative Update (KIT 370.1524 T6292018)
  • Tower of London Drexel University (TOL DX) 2nd edition (KIT 618.928589075 C897t2005)
  • TROG-2 – Test for Reception of Grammar, version 2 (KIT. RC423 .B57467 2003)
  • TWF-2 – Test of Word Finding, 2000 (KIT 372.6 T286)
  • TWF3 – Test of Word Finding, Third Edition (KIT 372.6 T2862015)
  • TWS-4 – Test of Written Spelling (KIT 372.6076 L329t 1999)
  • TWS-5 – Test of Written Spelling (KIT 372.6076L329t 2013)
  • VAST – Verb and Sentence Test (KIT 616.855075 B295v)
  • Vineland II  (KIT BF723.S62 V56 2008)
  • Vineland-3 – Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition (KIT LB 3060.33 V55 S63 2016)
  • Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales : Classroom ed., manual (KIT 151 D69v1985)
  • Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales: Interview ed., expanded form manual   (KIT 151D69v1984a)
  • Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales: Interview ed., survey form manual  (KIT 151 D69v1984)
  • Vineland SEEC – Social Emotional Early Childhood Scales (372.21 V75)
  • WAB – Western Aphasia Battery (KIT 616.8552075 K476w)
  • WAB-R – Western Aphasia Battery-Revised (KIT 616.8552075 K476w2007)
  • WCST –  Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (KIT RC 386.6 N48 W57 1993)
  • WIPI – Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification (KIT RF294 .R67 2015)
  • WIPI – Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification, Second Edition (KIT RF294 .R67 2016)
  • WISC-III – Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (KIT 155.413933 W41w1991)
  • WISC-V – Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (KIT 155.413933 W41w2014)
  • WMS-IV – Wechsler Memory Scale, Fourth Edition (KIT BF 375.5 .W43 W434 2009)
  • Woodcock-Johnson III Diagnostic Reading Battery (KIT 372.48 W853w)
  • WRAT3 – Wide Range Achievement Test (KIT 371.26 W633 1993)