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Directory of Education Collections in Illinois

The Directory of Education Collections in Illinois was created in July 2002 by the Illinois Education Bibliographers’ Initiative. It was funded through a grant from the Illinois Cooperative Collection Management Program, which subsequently became the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) in 2005. The Bibliographers’ Initiative identified two goals:

  • To identify Illinois librarians who are interested in the field of education and to establish a listserv for them. If you wish to join the listserv, please contact Matt Paris.
  • To create a web directory of pockets of excellence and other niche collections that have been identified by education bibliographers in Illinois.

Pockets of excellence and niche collections are defined as small, esoteric collections that might not be catalogued. Examples could include vocal pedagogy books from the 1920s or instructional materials for blind education. This directory was compiled from responses to a survey created by the IEBI.

This site was developed originally in 2002 by Matt Paris and hosted by Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. In 2005, the site location was moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.



Organization of the Directory

This directory was developed to identify collections of education materials in Illinois that contain unique items or are of particular strength. These collections are listed under the following categories. Click a category to see which schools identified themselves as having collections in that area. You can also view an alphabetical list of institutions allowing you to see all the collection strengths of a particular school.