Welcome to the New Sousa Archives and Center for American Music Website

After nearly ten years the Sousa Archives’ website was ready for a facelift, and this past spring we began work on this effort.  Like our previous site you will still be able to access information about the Center and our new exhibitions, public concerts and lectures, and educational programs.  You can also search our collections’ content, and schedule research appointments and guided tours of the collections by clicking on the “Collections” tab and selecting your search or appointment option.

Currently we are working on a new online exhibit feature and a fully functional events calendar which will help improve access to information about the Center’s public programs as well as provide our online visitors with new exciting exhibits.  In addition, a new blog feature has been incorporated into the Center’s updated website which will give the Sousa Archives’ staff more opportunities to engage our online visitors with new exciting stories that we uncover daily about our collections and the people who helped create them.

So stay tuned and visit the new Sousa Archives website often to either keep up with our new music programs or the wonderful new collections that are donated to the Center every year.