Altgeld Chimes Joins Worldwide Ellacombe Chimes Bicentennial Celebration

The Sousa Archives’ recent article in the News-Gazette (June 13, 2021) on the completion of the archival finding aid to the newly acquired Altgeld Chimes Music and Records caught the attention of Laurie Alexander who is the caretaker of the St. John’s Church chimes in Darlinghurst, Sydney.  Excited to learn more about the University of Illinois’ Altgeld Chimes, she asked the Center and the University’s chime masters if we would be willing to join a worldwide bicentennial celebration of the Ellacombe Chimes on June 26th.  We agreed to produce a short video of our chimes playing Illinois Loyalty, and Laurie and her team from Sydney agreed to include our video in their celebration last Saturday.  Since most folks probably were unable to catch this special performance this past weekend, we thought we should post the video as a continuation of our efforts to preserve and document the legacy of the University’s most recognized music instrument.  For those who would like to check out the Ellacombe Chimes bicentennial celebration Facebook page,, you will have a chance to hear their lovely instrument as well as many others who participated in last Saturday’s event.  Hope you enjoy.