Sousa Archives Celebrates International Jazz Day 2023

Join the Sousa Archives and the Champaign-Urbana community’s celebration of UNESCO’s International Jazz Day on April 16 (2:00-6:00pm) and listen to the ways trumpet players have fallen in love with both the instrument and its jazz repertoire.  Three featured performers — Tito Carrillo, Jeff Helgesen, and Saori Kataoka, each accompanied by a rhythm section — will talk about one of their first jazz crushes and how that musical love affair grew into a serious, long-term relationship.  After each player talks and performs individually, they’ll all come together in a jazz jam that’ll blow us out of the hall . . . and over to the Rose Bowl Tavern for an afterglow performance.

For further information email Sousa Archives and Center for American Music or call 217-333-4577.