Troy Middle School Band Tour Today

Today the Troy Middle School Band will visit the Center after they complete their performance for this year’s SuperState Concert Band Festival held at the University’s Krannert Center for the Performing Arts by our University Bands Department.  Unlike previous year’s visits we pulled out a series of historical instruments the students have never seen or heard of like a 1855 keyed bugle, a late 19th-century ophicleide (a keyed tuba), an Italian rothophone and octavin, a 19th century flute in the form of a walking stick, a 1860 butterfly cornet, and a 1947 F-mezzo soprano saxophone.  Of course we also have some original Sousa music for the students, but suspect the strange instruments will be the things they get most excited about.  So if you’re interested in checking some of the things from our wonderful music collections, why not stop by the Sousa Archives from noon to 1 today to join the Troy Middle School Band students in a fun visit.  For further information about the Sousa Archives’ collections and today’s noon time tour email or call 217-333-4577.  

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