Willie T. Summerville and Summerville Family Papers Now Fully Processed


Willie T. Summerville (1944-2017) spent over thirty years working as a music educator, gospel musician, and choir director for Urbana’s and Champaign’s public schools and churches. His service and work with students, fellow instructors, musicians, and church congregations often were recognized for their effect on our community. In early January, the Sousa Archives took responsibility for the long-term preservation of the Willie T. Summerville and Summerville Family Papers, and after eight months of archival processing done by the Center’s tireless staff, the collection is now available to researchers.  The collection provides a vivid portrait of one of Urbana-Champaign’s and the University of Illinois’ most recognized gospel musicians and educators through his personal writings, sound recordings, photographs, gospel workbooks and workshops, awards, and music.  The completed Summerville collection finding aid is available through this link.

Any questions about this new collection or requests to conduct research can be emailed to sousa@illinois.edu.