Urbana-Champaign Local Music Oral History with Rose Marshack and Rick Valentin About the Poster Children Band

During an interview with Rose Marshack and Rick Valentin by the Sousa Archives’ Katie Nichols on May 16, 2017, they talk about their early childhood music experiences, love of the game Dungeons and Dragons and punk music, student  life on the Illinois campus and Allen Hall during the 1980s, and the creation of their Poster Children band and its performances across the country.  Their interview provides a wonderfully casual and engaging snapshot of their unique music careers, the colorful venues that they played in, and the extraordinary musicians and bands that also got their start while living in our Urbana-Champaign community.

A complete transcript of their 2017 interview can be accessed at Rose Marshack and Rick Valentin oral history, and two audio samples of the interview can be listened to from the following links: