Work on the digitization and description of nearly all of the photographs, art work, and audio recordings that were donated to the Sousa Archives as part of the Nature’s Table Collection has been completed, and is now fully available from the collection finding aid. The colorful imagery and audio recordings provide a wonderful snapshot of the many nationally recognized and local musicians who spent time performing music in Urbana, Illinois’ tiny health food restaurant and jazz club that was run by Terry Masar between 1979 and 1991. While Nature’s Table was best know for having such nationally recognized artists as Von Freeman, Herb Ellis, Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes, Peter ‘Madcat’ Ruth, and Jon McNeil that played at this local venue, many of our local community’s jazz, blues, alternative rock, and bluegrass ensembles also performed frequently at the Table. We hope that those who remember listing to these performances years ago or new members of our community who only have heard stories about the musical life of Nature’s Table will take a couple of minutes to visit the Nature’s Table Collection finding aid to enjoy the wonderful musical and visual art that documents the story behind this very special performing arts venue. For more information about the collection please contact the Sousa Archives at 217-244-9309.