
- Controversy occurred over whether University should recognize American Youth for Democracy, an affiliate of the Communist Party. President Stoddard ordered that recognition for group be given.
- Mechanical Engineering Building opened.
- Student Community Interracial Committee surveyed students’ opinions on desegregated housing.
- First women cheerleaders appointed.
- Mildred Fogel crowned Homecoming Queen. As “Barbara Bain,” Fogel later would star in the TV series “Mission Impossible.”
- Student Community Interracial Committee dissolved. The Student Community Human Relations Council–a new anti-discrimination group- organized.
- Committee on Student Discipline demanded immediate resignation or removal of Sigma Delta Chi officers following publication of Tumor issue deemed offensive.
- The first African-American homecoming queen at Illinois, Clarice Davis, crowned.
- Men’s basketball team won Big Ten, finished in third place in the NCAA Tournament.

- Illinois defeated Stanford in the Rose Bowl, 40-7.
- Men’s basketball team won Big Ten, advanced to the first-ever officially recognized Final Four.
- The Alumni Association honored Illini student athletes with the first George Huff awards.
- “Panty-raid” fad swept campus.
- Campus ban on automobiles suspended for trial period of one year.
- Board of Trustees forced President Stoddard’s resignation. Some 1,000 students marched from Auditorium to President’s house in support of Stoddard. Lloyd Morey named acting president.
- The Student Community Human Relations Council began campaign to end discrimination by local barber shops.

- Committee on Student Affairs ruled that any student working on a publication like Shaft faced possible disciplinary action.
- Vice President Richard Nixon delivered speech from steps of YMCA.
- David Dodds Henry appointed University president.
- Dutch elm disease killed 48 of the 117 elms on the Quad.
- Student registration held in the Armory for the first time.
- Korean native Duck Choo Oh named Homecoming Queen.
- The Law Building dedicated.
- Ban on “political speakers” was temporarily lifted. Vice-Presidential candidate Estes Kefauver became first authorized political speaker on campus in more than 60 years.

- Senator John F. Kennedy addressed 1,200 graduates at the midyear convocation held in the Auditorium.
- Bevier Hall and Child Development Laboratory dedicated.
- Students conducted “water riots” on Memorial Day.
- The School of Journalism and Communications and the School of Physical Education became colleges.
- Allen Hall opened to accommodate 669 women.
- Board of Trustees modified ban on “political speakers” to permit on-campus addresses by presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
- Digital Computer Laboratory completed.
- Gregory Drive Residence Halls opened.
- Burrill Hall opened, serving as headquarters for new School of Life Sciences.
- All elms on the Quad were gone.
- Art and Architecture Building (now Art and Design) completed.
- Orchard Place Apartments opened.
- University recognition withheld for student organizations restricting membership on the basis of race or religion.
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