Beta Phi Mu was founded in 1948 by a group of leading librarians and library educators to recognize and encourage scholastic achievement among library and information studies students. The name comes from the initials of the Greek words Bibliothekarios philax mathesis, meaning “librarians are the guardians of knowledge.” Eligibility for membership in Beta Phi Mu is by invitation of the faculty from institutions where the American Library Association, or other recognized accrediting agency approved by the Beta Phi Mu Executive Board, has accredited or recognized a professional degree program.
Beta Phi Mu in the Archives
The Beta Phi Mu Archives including individual chapter files, including the University of Illinois, as well as publications, initiation ceremonies and rituals, correspondence and materials relating to honorary memberships, constitution and by-laws, Advisory Assembly Meetings agendas and minutes, scholarships and awards, National Officers, income tax returns, Executive Council meetings minutes and planning, publicity, publications proofs, and Headquarters Location Committee materials relating to librarianship, library education, and graduate studies in librarianship and information science.
Please visit the Archives database for detailed information on the contents of the Beta Phi Mu Archives:
Beta Phi Mu UIUC Chapter Records (RS 41/67/43)
Beta Phi Mu National Publications (RS 41/67/430)
Beta Phi Mu National Records (RS 41/67/431)