Illini Everywhere: Romanian Illini, Since 1905

Since at least 1905, Romanian students have been attending the University of Illinois. Early Romanian Illini have included agronomists, architects, authors, editors, electrical engineers, medical doctors, multilingual scholars, musicians, and writers too. Read on to learn more about early Romanian Illini!

Illini Everywhere: Vietnamese Illini, Since 1952

Since at least 1952, Vietnamese students have been attending the University of Illinois. Early Vietnamese Illini have included agronomists, ceramics engineers, chemical engineers, chemists, civil engineers, computer scientists, educators, electrical and computer engineers, historians, industrial engineers, materials scientists, mechanical engineers, metallurgical engineers, nuclear engineers, physicists, psychologists, student leaders, and veterinarians... Read More

Illini Everywhere: Puerto Rican Illini, Since 1908

Since at least 1908, Puerto Rican students have been attending the University of Illinois. Some early Puerto Rican Illini have included actors, civil engineers, dancers, educators, lecturers, librarians, literary critics, mechanical engineers, medical doctors, municipal and sanitary engineers, musicians, student leaders, translators, university professors, and writers too. Read on to... Read More

Reflections on Opening Day 150 years Ago – 2 March 1868

Gregory Behle, Professor at The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, California, and kick-off presenter of the Archives Sesquicentennial Speakers Series, March 2, 2017, authored this post at the request of the Student Life and Culture Archives to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the first day of class.  Behle’s research focuses on... Read More