Illini Everywhere: Japanese Illini, Since 1872

Since at least 1872, Japanese students have been attending the University of Illinois. Early Japanese Illini have included agriculturalists, architects, architectural engineers, artists, athletes, botanists, chemists, civil engineers, dentists, educators, electrical engineers, exhibit curators, exhibit docents, mathematicians, mechanical engineers, medical doctors, political scientists, and railway civil engineers too. Read on... Read More

Housing at Illinois Industrial University

Written by Alicia Hopkins When Illinois Industrial University first opened, the entirety of the University was located in one building. The building served every need of the university as classrooms and office space, as well as a dormitory for the students. Vincent P. Bunce attended the Illinois Industrial University from... Read More

Illini Everywhere: Sikh Illini, Since 1915

Since at least 1915, Sikh students have been attending the University of Illinois. Early Sikh Illini have included agricultural economists, agronomists, animal scientists, chemists, chemical engineers, civil engineers, dairy scientists, electrical engineers, entomologists, financial administrators, geneticists, mathematicians, mechanical engineers, mining engineers, physicists, plant pathologists, priests, and student leaders too. Read... Read More