Illini Everywhere: Lithuanian Illini Since 1897

Since at least 1897, Lithuanian students have been a part of the University of Illinois. Lithuanian Illini have included baseball players, basketball players, electrical engineers, football players, journalists, liberal arts majors, library catalogers, mechanical engineers, military officers, swimmers, and teachers. Read on to learn more about early Lithuanian Illini!

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Illini Everywhere: Ukrainian Illini, Since 1907

Since at least 1907, Ukrainian students have been a part of the University of Illinois. Ukrainian Illini have included chemists, civil engineers, economists, electrical engineers, food scientists, historians, home economists, lawyers, librarians, literary critics, medical doctors, musicians, political scientists, professors, teachers, transfer students, and writers. Read on to learn more about early Ukrainian Illini!

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Illini Everywhere: Haitian Illini, Since 1914

Since at least 1914, Haitian students have been coming to the University of Illinois. Haitian Illini have included agriculturalists, engineers, food scientists, historians, language scholars, philosophers, and transfer students. Although many Haitian Illini have been graduate students who left few records behind, the first Illinois-Haiti connections are documented in agricultural education during the early twentieth century.

Read on to learn more about early Haitian Illini!

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Illini Everywhere: Panamanian Illini, Since 1914

Since at least 1914, Panamanian students have been coming to the University of Illinois. Panamanian Illini have included architects, architectural and mining engineers, business administrators, civil rights leaders, diplomats, fencers, Olympic athletes, politicians, a president, restaurant owners, serenaders, soccer players, sprinters, and transfer students. Read on to learn more about early Panamanian Illini!

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