Resources found on this page include works about the Ukrainian language and linguistics regardless of the language of publication and works about linguistics in general that are published in Ukrainian. Resources about Slavic linguistics or other Slavic languages that are published in Ukrainian will appear on the pages devoted to the individual languages or the General Resources for Slavic Linguistics page. Cross references are provided for works that could be listed under multiple categories, but keep in mind that the sources listed on the page for Russian linguistics also may be pertinent for the study of Ukrainian linguistics, since in pre-revolutionary Russia Ukrainian was sometimes treated as a dialect of Russian. A good example of a source devoted to Russian that has material on Ukrainian is Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ literatury po russkomu iazykoznaniiu s 1825 po 1880 god. Vypusk 7 of this set is devoted to Ukrainian and Belorussian. As is true for all of the pages in this course, clicking on either portraits or names of bibliographers and authors will lead to their biographical data. Sources about Ukrainian personal and geographic names are not included in the linguistics sections of this course, but many of the bibliographies described below will present material of interest in the field of onomastics.
Keep in mind some of the general bibliographic resources for Ukrainian that are annotated in other sections of this course, for they often provide the most comprehensive and most current lists of citations of Ukrainian publications, including those in the field of linguistics. For example, Litopys knyh, which has been published since 1924 and is still being published, has a section in every issue on Ukrainian monographs about linguistics.
Ukrains’ka mova. Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk (1918-1961 rr.).
Hol’denberg, L.I.; Korolevych, N.F. Kyiv: Vyd. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, 1963. 299 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.491791 H711u
Although this work is not a guide in the strict sense since it does not provide search strategies, it is more than a bibliography on the topic of Ukrainian linguistics, for it covers types of references materials in the discipline as well as subjects related to the topic. For example, there is a section for different types of Ukrainian dictionaries and for biobibliographical materials on Ukrainian linguists as well as citations for articles, books, and reviews on all other topics of Ukrainian linguistics. The work is divided by topic with a name index and a table of contents to aid access. See the entry below for a French-Ukrainian dictionary.
Bibliographies for Ukrainian Linguistics
Filolohichni nauky na Ukraini : pokazhchyk literatury za … rik.
Kyiv: TSentral’na naukova biblioteka AN URSR, 1978-1989.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.49179 F487 1982-1985, 1987. Main Stacks 016.49179 F487 1978-1981 [U of I lacks 1986]
The linguistics section of this bibliography of philology in Ukrainian encompasses about a third of each issue. There are citations for books, dissertations, and articles in Ukrainian on all topics of linguistics. Unfortunately, this title only covers a few years, from 1978-1987. The citations are arranged by topics such as applied linguistics, personalia, and languages of the world which includes sections for all of the Slavic languages, among others. There are also sections for literature and folklore. At the back of every issue is a name index and a table of contents. See the image below for a few citations that appear under the heading “Ukrainian dialectology” in the volume for 1987.
Pokazhchyk z ukrains’koi movy. Materiialy po 1929 rik.
Chervins’ka, L.F.; Dykyi, A.T. Kharkiv: Kharkivs’ka derzhavna biblioteka im. Korolenka, 1929-1930. Reprinted by Verlag Otto Sagner, 1985. 290 p. (Specimina Philologiae Slavicae; Band 58).
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 016.49179 C424p 1985
With more than 2600 citations for books, reviews, and articles, this bibliography covers Ukrainian linguistic research published before 1929. Many of the works are in Ukrainian, but there are also citations for works in Russian. The citations are arranged by subject such as syntax, morphology, phonetics, etc. There are also sections for dictionaries, grammars, and bibliographies. An author index and a table of contents are printed at the back. See the entry below which appears in the section for bibliographies.
Ukrains’kyi pravopys (bibliohrafiia, materialy na dopomohu naukovii ta uchbovii roboti).
Moskalenko, A.A. ; Terlets’ka, V.M. Odesa: MVSSO URSR, 1971. 73 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.49179 M85u
Ukrainian orthography is the subject of this bibliography. The volume is divided into 2 sections: a thematic bibliography which organizes citations by theme such as alphabet, punctuation, and orthography of names; a section on the history of Old Russian and Old Ukrainian orthography. There is an author index for the first section, but not the second. Citations are for both books and articles. The second section combines annotated citations with discussions of various issues on the topic. See the image below for a few entries that appear in the section on the orthography of names.
Istoriia ta etymolohiia ukrains’koi frazeolohii. Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk (1864-1998).
Ivchenko, Anatolii. Kharkiv: Khark. ist.-filol. t-vo, 1998. 159 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 016.491792 Iv2i
This small bibliography contains close to 700 citations for articles and books on the topic of Ukrainian phraseology. The citations are divided into two sections: works about Ukrainian phraseology in general and definitions of specific phrases or idioms. The first section is arranged by surname of the author and the second alphabetically by the main word in the phrase. The phrase citations provide a definition of the idiom or phrase and then a citation to a work listed in the first section that discusses the phrase in question. See the entry below for the entry on “dno.”
Periodical Indexes
The primary source for finding articles printed in Ukrainian journals is Litopys zhurnal’nykh statei which has been published since 1936. It has a section for lingvistyka, movoznavstvo, movy. Most of the bibliographies listed in the other sections on this page also include citations for periodical articles. For 19th century periodicals Galitsko-ruskaia bibliografiia XIX-go stolietiia provides the contents of many philological periodicals. The access is by author, journal title, or date, so you cannot simply scan everything related to language or linguistics.
We use this term to cover works about Ukrainian language and literature (philology) in keeping with similar terms used in the other sections on Slavic linguistics, e.g. Slavistika, Bohemistika, Russistika. However, the Ukrainian reference literature in this field often uses the term Ucrainica instead. This term also means works published in Ukraine or in Ukrainian. Regardless, bibliographies of works about the Ukrainian language by Ukrainians or by scholars of other nationalities may be located by using subject headings such as Ukrainian philology and Ukrainian language. Philological bibliographies usually contain sections for linguistics and are thus very useful for locating materials on the topic. General works on Ukrainoznavstvo or Ukrainian Studies usually will contain sections on linguistics, but also on topics beyond the realm of philology such as economics or religion, etc. Below are listed just a few of the works that are held by the University of Illinois Library that fall into this category.
Ukrainoznavstvo: referatyvno-bibliohrafichnyi biuleten’.
Kyiv: Instytut ukrainoznavstva, 1993-
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.94771 Uk72 1993
Although only one volume of this title has been published so far, linguistics is given good coverage in this volume. Under the section called “Movoznavstvo” the citations for both books, reviews, and articles are divided into numerous categories such as bibliography, general works on linguistics, dialectology, and onomastics, etc. Works cited are in various languages, but all citations have annotations in Ukrainian and all were published in 1992 or 1993. There are indexes for authors, names and geographic names. See the entries below which appear under the heading bibliography.
Ucrainica. Ausgewahlte Bibliographie uber die Ukraine in West-Europaischen Sprachen.
Pelens’kyi, Evhen. Munchen: Bystrycia-Verlag, 1948. 100 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.91477 P36u
Citations for books and articles written in West European languages on Ukraine are the subject of this bibliography. Although this bibliography covers all subjects, there are a number of pages devoted to linguistics. Linguistics sub-topics include bibliography, grammar, etymology, lexicography, etc. Works cited are from the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. Some reviews and contents notes are provided in a smaller typeface. See the image on the right for some entries that appear in the grammar category.
There are literally hundreds of dictionaries for Ukrainian, from dictionaries of the standard language and slang to dictionaries of special subject vocabulary and bi- or multi-lingual ones. For this reason you should consider using one of the bibliographies of Ukrainian or Slavic dictionaries to help you wade through the morass. Information about dictionaries and bibliographies of Slavic dictionaries is given on the general Dictionaries page and the page entitled Sources for Dictionaries and Language Resources. Another source that can be useful for locating Ukrainian dictionaries is Ukrains’ka mova. Entsyklopediia, because it has articles on various types of dictionaries with the major Ukrainian ones briefly discussed in the articles. We make no attempt to include here the wealth of bilingual, specialized terminological or grammatical dictionaries for Ukrainian. Only a few Ukrainian dictionaries that are considered classic reference sources are listed in the section below. Note that the first item glossed below is a bibliography of Ukrainian dictionaries.
Ukrains’ka leksykohrafiia XIII-XX st. Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk.
Kul’chyts’ka, T. L’viv: Natsional’na Akademiia Nauk Ukrainy, 1999. 359 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.49177014 K958u
Ukrainian lexicography is the subject of this specialized bibliography. The first half of the book is a bibliography of various kinds of Ukrainian dictionaries such as etymological or bilingual ones. It includes citations for both monographic works and articles. There is a small section on rukopysni slovnyky which is followed by a section that covers citations for materials on the history and practice of Ukrainian lexicography. There are indexes for names and places of publication as well as a chronological listing of all the dictionaries presented in the work. See the entry below for a dictionary of Shevchenko.
Slovnyk ukrains’koi movy.
Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1970-1980. 11 vols.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 491.79 Sl582 v.1-11
The Academy of Sciences produced this eleven volume dictionary which covers the lexicon of the modern Ukrainian language beginning in the 18th century. Entries include part of speech, grammatical information, definitions, and passages from Ukrainian texts with exact citations for their sources including page numbers. Passages are printed in italics. The list of sources appears at the beginning of Volume One and additions to the list appear in several subsequent volumes. Note the image on the right with the entry for the word “vvid.”
Slovnyk staroukrains’koi movy XIV-XVst.
Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1977-78. 2 vols.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 491.793 Sl587 v.1-2
This is another Academy of Sciences publication. It covers the Ukrainian language from the 14th to the 15th centuries. Entries include grammatical information, glossess in Modern Ukrainian, sometimes equivalents from other Slavic languages or Greek, as well as passages from texts with exact references to the sources including page numbers. At the end of many entries is a section “Formy” which shows variant spellings and forms of the word. The list of sources appears at the beginning of Volume One. See the image on the right for the entry for the word “pylnost.”
Slovnyk ukrains’koi movy XVI-pershoi polovyny XVII st.
L’viv: Natsional’na Akademiia Nauk Ukrainy, 1994- .
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 491.793 Sl583 v.1-9
Slovnyk ukrains’koi movy XVI-pershoi polovyny XVII st. Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel.
L’viv: Akademiia Nauk Ukrainy, 1994. 328 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 016.49179 Sl58
Produced by scholars at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, this multi-volume dictionary covers the Ukrainian language of the 16th and 17th centuries. So far only 9 volumes have come out covering letters A-Za. Entries include part of speech, equivalents in various other languages such as Latin, Greek, or other Slavic, a definition in modern Ukrainian, and passages with dates and references to show usage and textual sources. Some entries are quite brief, while others extend over several pages. Please note that the bibliography of sources appears at the beginning of the first volume and there is also a more extensive volume of sources published separately. See the entry above left for the word “delfyn.”
Ukrains’kyi zvorotnyi slovnyk.
Nin’ovs’kyi, Vasyl’. Munich-Edmonton: Ukrainian Institute of Technology and Economics, 1969. 482 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 491.79 N62u
This is a reverse dictionary for Ukrainian. Reverse dictionaries are intended to aid the study of the morphology of a language by presenting words in reverse alphabetical order. This enables the user to locate words formed by the same derivational suffixes. Poets also like reverse dictionaries for finding rhyming words. This dictionary contains approximately 60,000 entries. See the image below for some entries with the suffix “-atsiia.”
Etymolohichnyi slovnyk ukr
ains’koi movy. V semi tomakh.
Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1982-
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref [non-circulating] 491.792 Et94 v.1-3
With three out of the seven planned volumes published, this etymological dictionary of Ukrainian currently covers the alphabet from A-M. Entries furnish cognates in other Slavic languages, definitions in Ukrainian, etymologies, and references to linguistic sources that discuss the word in question. Dialectal words appear in brackets. The lists of sources appears at the beginning of the first and the third volumes. This dictionary is produced by scholars at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. See the entry on the left for the word “demon.”
Etymolohichno-semantychnyi slovnyk ukrains’koi movy.
Metropolitan Ilarion; Mulyk-Lutsyk, IU. ed. Winnipeg: Society of Volyn, 1979-
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref 491.792 Il1e v.1-3 [U of I lacks v.4]
With 4 volumes published so far, this etymological dictionary of Ukrainian was compiled by Metropolitan Ilarion who is known in scholarly circles as Professor Ivan Ohienka. He produced a number of Ukrainian dictionaries before this one. See the introduction in the first volume for a list of some of his publications. Entries, which range from one paragraph to several pages, provide a definition in Ukrainian, a statement about the origin of the word, often with related forms from Old Slavic, Latin or other languages, and passages with citations to their sources which show the words in context. The list of sources appears at the beginning of the first volume. See the entry below for the word “ida.”
Grammars often appear in library catalogs with subject headings such as Grammar–Ukrainian language. Specialized grammars sometimes further delineate this subject headings with additional terms such as “History” or “Comparative.” Try some of these headings in WorldCat or in your online catalog to find other Ukrainian grammars. For an annotated bibliography of Slavic grammars and dictionaries published before 1850, see Stankiewicz which is described in the Sources for Dictionaries and Language Resources section of this course. Some Ukrainian titles are included in this work. Below we cite only one standard reference grammar and one recent grammar in English out of the many grammars that exist for Ukrainian. Also included in this category are orthographic manuals and we describe a fairly recent one for Ukrainian to give you an idea of what they contain.
Suchasna ukrains’ka literaturna mova.
Bilodid, K. ed. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1969-1973. 5 vols.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 491.79 Su18 v.1-5
With five volumes each devoted to a different topic, this set covers the whole grammar of the modern Ukrainian literary language. It was produced and published by the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The first volume covers phonetics, the second is morphology, the third is syntax, the fourth covers the lexicon and phraseology, and the fifth is on stylistics. Each volume has its own table of contents and bibliographic references are provided either at the end of the volume or at the end of each chapter. Examples provided to illustrate various grammatical points are printed in italics. Presentation of the material is enhanced by many illustrations, charts, and tables.
Ukrainian. A comprehensive grammar.
Pugh, Stefan M.; Press, Ian. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. 315 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref 491.795 P963u
This recent grammar of modern Ukrainian opens with introductory materials that discuss certain features of Ukrainian today. It then is divided the way most reference grammars are, into sections such as Sounds and spelling, The noun, The adjective, The pronoun, The numeral, The verb, The adverb and adverbial constructions, The conjunction. The material is presented clearly with tables and bold face examples to enhance readability. At the end there are an index and a brief bibliography.
Ukrains’kyi pravopys.
Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1993. 4-te vyd., vyp. i dopov. 235 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 491.79 Uk72 1993
An orthographic manual elucidates the rules of orthography (pravopys in Ukrainian) for a particular language. These include spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, for example. There have been a number of these published for Ukrainian. The one annotated here is the most recent one held by our library that was produced by scholars at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The first part of the book contains the rules and the second part is a dictionary or lexicon of words that commonly cause difficulties. There is a detailed table of contents to help locate specific topics.
There are also orthographic dictionaries for Ukrainian which list thousands of words, but usually do not remark on the rules. To find some of these try using the subject heading Ukrainian language–Orthography and spelling–Dictionaries.
Ukrains’ka mova. Entsyklopediia.
Kyiv: Ukrains’ka entsyklopediia, 2000. 750 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ukrainian/Belorussian Ref 491.7903 Uk7
Online version:
This recent volume is a scholarly encyclopedia of the Ukrainian language. It has entries on various linguistics topics such as biographies of famous linguists and lexicographers (many include portraits), linguistic terminology and topics such as “amplification” and “morphology”, famous dictionaries and other language publications, and broader topics such as the “Ukrainian language in Kazakhstan.” All articles are signed and many have bibliographic references. Some entries are quite detailed, extending to several pages in length. Many, but not all, of the articles in the encyclopedia (including the references) are available in the online version. See the entry on “okannia” which is shown on the left.
Biographical Resources for Ukrainian Linguistics
For this category see the page of this guide entitled Biographical Resources for Ukrainian Academics and Scholars. Some of the resources listed in there contain information about linguists. Please note that the encyclopedia glossed above contains articles on famous linguists. For East Slavic linguists including Ukrainians there is a source entitled Vostochnoslavianskie iazykovedy.
Most subject guides and bibliographies have sections entitled “Personalia” that list materials about the life and works of important individuals for a particular discipline. These citations often cover bio-bibliographies. In addition to using guides and bibliographies to find bio-bibliographies, try searching WorldCat using the surname of the individual and the word bibliography as keywords in the subject field.